London 1746 Rocques map

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Bell, 74 Aldersgate Street, Aldersgate

Aldersgate pubs history index

The Bell Inn is latterly a wine merchants but is marked on London maps as the Bell Inn, as early as 1682, 1708, and again in 1746.

Morgans map of London in 1682 lists 296 Bell Inne ; 247 Green Dragon Inne ; 248 White horse Inn & alley ; 237 Three Cupps Inne and 238 Red Lion Inne

Morgans map of London in 1682 lists 296 Bell Inne ; 247 Green Dragon Inne ; 248 White horse Inn & alley ; 237 Three Cupps Inne and 238 Red Lion Inne

The John Rocques map of London in 1746 marks the Bell Inn, Aldersgate street ; the Cross Keys Inn, Barbican ; Cock Inn, Pickax street ; Red Lyon Inn, Pickax street amd the Three Cups Inn, Pickax street.

The John Rocques map of London in 1746 marks the Bell Inn, Aldersgate street ; the Cross Keys Inn, Barbican ; Cock Inn, Pickax street ; Red Lyon Inn, Pickax street amd the Three Cups Inn, Pickax street.

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address.

Morgans map of London in 1682 lists the Bell as '296 Bell Inne'

In 1708 : A New View of London by Edward Hatton lists Bell Inn, on the East side of Aldersgate street, near the Barbican.

The John Rocques map of London in 1746 marks the Bell Inn, Aldersgate street

1825, Messrs. Burbidge and Cooper, Distillers, 74 Aldersgate street, LIST of SUBSCRIBERS to Licensed Victuallers Association in 1825
1825, Mrs Burbidge, 74 Aldersgate street, LIST of SUBSCRIBERS to Licensed Victuallers Association in 1825

1842,Frederick E Lestourgeon, wine merchant, 74 Aldersgate Street/../../Robsons Directory

1843, Frederick Edw. Lestourgeon, wine & spirit merchant, 74 Aldersgate street/../../Kellys Directory

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:30:23 BST