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Aldgate pub history index
Residents at this address.
1792/Thomas King Thompson / Victualler /../../Sun Fire Office records held at Guildhall Library **
1805, T Love, the Bell, Church row, Houndsditch/../../Holdens Directory
1809, Thomas Love, the Bell, Church row, Houndsditch/../../Holdens Directory
1829/Burrows Becket, Bell, 3 Church Row, Houndsditch/../../Robsons Directory
1833-34/Burrows Becket, Bell, 3 Church Row, Houndsditch/../../Pigots Directory
1836/James Howe / Victualler /../../Sun Fire Office records held at Guildhall Library **
1839/James House/../../../Pigots Directory
1841/James Howe/../../../Post Office Directory
My Great Great Great Grandfather William Wilson was the licensee here from late 1841 until 1843 (when he went out of business). Then, about six years later, William Wilson's son-in-law (my Great Great Grandfather James Jaques) had taken over the Licence by March 1851 and remained there until he in turn went out of business in 1853! *+
My aforementioned Great Great Grandfather James Jaques was also, the licencee of the Vine, at 25 Minories, from at least 16th November 1847 (his daughter Frances Margaret Jaques was born there) until 17th September 1848 when his licence is recorded as being transferred to William Weston.
James Jaques (1823-1894) was briefly the Licensee of The White Swan in Vauxhall Bridge Road from at least 20th December 1849 (His second daughter Louisa Elizabeth Jaques was born there) until 1850 or perhaps 1851. *+
1842/William Wilson/../../../Robsons Directory **
1846, Aaron Jones, Bell, 3 Church Row, Houndsditch/../../Post Office Directory
1851/John King jun./../../../Kellys Directory **
1851/James Jaques/Licensed Victualler/28/Aldgate, Middlesex/Census
1851/Frances M Jaques/Wife/28/Aldgate, Middlesex/Census
1851/Frances M Jaques/Daughter/3/Aldgate, Middlesex/Census
1851/Louisa Jaques/Daughter/1/Westminster, Middlesex/Census
1851/Mary Beet/House Servant/24/Gravesend, Kent/Census
1851/Jane Hughes/House Servant/18/Westminster, Middlesex/Census
1851/Isaac Harris/Lodger, Gentleman/26/Aldgate, Middlesex/Census
1851/Anne Harris/Lodger/28/Aldgate, Middlesex/Census
1851/Daniel Labowitzky/Lodger, Cigar Dealer/38/Warsaw, Poland/Census
1851/John Lyons/Lodger, Fruit Dealer, Widow/Above 20/Aldgate,
1851/Alexander Louis/Lodger, Sponge Merchant/31/Prussia/Census
1853/James Jaques / Formerly Licensed Victualler, now Out-of-Business /../../London Gazette, 11 February 1853 **
December1853/Alexander Cummming Reed/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era
December 1853/Charles Maryon Cook/Incoming Licensee/../../Era
1856/Jas Dean/../../../Post Office Directory
1860/Christopher Cayley/../../../The Draper & Clothier, Travellers Hand-Book **
1861/Christopher Cayley/Licensed Victualler/49/Maresfield, Sussex/Census
1861/Jane H Cayley/Wife/56/Scotland/Census
1861/Emma Oxford/Barmaid/17/Poole, Dorset/Census
1861/Sarah Stilman/House Servant/17/Billericay, Essex/Census
1861/Henry Mears/Potman/22/Stepney, Middlesex/Census
1862/Christopher Cayley/../../../Post Office Directory
July 1864/Christopher Cayley, deceased/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era
July 1864/Jane Hay Cayley, widow and executrix of Christopher Cayley, late
occupier/Incoming Licensee/../../Era
April 1868/Robert Fletcher/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era
April 1868/Robert John Fletcher/Incoming Licensee/../../Era
1869/Robert John Fletcher/../../../Post Office Directory
1871/William Foster Orgar/Licensed Victualler/23/Lambeth/Census
1871/Jesse Sarah Orgar/Wife/23/East Rd N/Census
1871/Robert Henry Orgar/Brother, Jewellers Assistant/22/Kennington/Census
1871/George Albert Orgar/Brother, Jewellers Assistan/19/Kennington/Census
1871/George Stoken/Potman/22/Clerkenwell/Census
1871/Elizabeth Cowens/General Servant/30/Scotland/Census
1871/Edward Evans/Lodger, Annuitant/50/Montgomery NW/Census
1871/John Macgill/Boarder, Doctor/47/Glasgow/Census
1872/William Forster Orgar/../../../P.O. Directory **
1874/T B Warwick/../../../H.D. Miles London & Suburban Licensed Victuallers' Directory **
1881/Elizabeth Warrick/Licensed Victualler, Widow/70/London,
1881/Harry Warrick/Son, Cooper/40/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/George Warrick/Son, Cooper/35/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Thomas Warrick/Grand Son/12/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Caroline Brain/Servant/36/Camberwell/Census
1882/Mrs Elizabeth Warwick/../../../Post Office Directory *
1884/Warwick Brothers/../../../Business Directory of London **
1891/Hy Soper/../../../Post Office Directory
1895/Carl Godfred Antonie Langenscheid/../../../Post Office Directory *
1899/Mrs. Clara Annie Langenscheid/../../../Post Office Directory
1906/Mary M Wilson/../../../Morris Business Directory of London **
1910/Geo Gordon/../../../Post Office Directory
1915/Geo Gordon/../../../Post Office Directory
1921/George Frederick Saunders/../../../Post Office Directory
In 1921 census at 3 Church Row, Hounsditch, City of London, are
George Saunders, Licensed Victualler, aged 42 years 7 months and born in Arborfield, Berkshire, the Employer
Mari Saunders, Wife, Licensed Victualler Assistant, Husband (George Saunders), aged 39 years 8 months and born in Aldgate, London
George Saunders, Son, aged 6 years 8 months and born in Houndsditch, London
Amelia Saunders, Daughter, aged 3 years 4 months and born in Reading, Berkshire
Annie Saunders, Daughter, aged 10 months and born in Houndsditch, London
Kate Adolph, Cook, aged 50 years 2 months and born in Kensington, Middlesex
Louisa Butterfield, Servant, aged 23 years and born in Mile End, London
May Dean, Nurse, aged 19 years and born in Ilford, Essex
1923/George Frederick Saunders/../../../Post Office Directory
Bell Tavern in Hounsditch was run by my grandfather, William Lewis until it was destroyed in the Blitz.
He also ran the Red Lion in Fleet Street and his brother, Phineas, ran the Golden Lion in Kings Cross.
My mother worked in all these pubs and had many a tale to tell. ***
1924/William Lewis/../../../Post Office Directory
1927/William Lewis/../../../Post Office Directory
1938/William Lewis/../../../Post Office Directory
William Lewis, Licensed Victualler, widow, born 29 May 1878/../electoral register
Sandie Lewis (Harris), Manageress To Licensed Victualler, widow, born 15 Jul 1894/../electoral register
Sylvia Cohen (Harris), Assistant To Licensed Victualler, born 24 Feb 1917/../electoral register
* Provided By Ewan
*+ Provided By Graham Hoadly
** Provided By Stephen Harris
*** Provided By Stephanie Lyle