London 1746 Rocques map

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Red Lion Inn, Bishopsgate Street, Bishopsgate EC2

Bishopsgate index

Bishopsgate street in 1682 Morgans Map records 853 Red Lion Inne and 863 Catherine wheel Inne. It also records 855 Soapers alley ; 862 Crown yard ; 856 Horshoe alley ; 857 White hind Court ; 858 Three Tunn alley ; 859 Half moon alley ; 862 Crown yard ; 864 Swan yard ; 867 Bottle alley plus 865 Rose alley and 866 Vine Court.

Bishopsgate street in 1682 Morgans Map records 853 Red Lion Inne and 863 Catherine wheel Inne. It also records 855 Soapers alley ; 862 Crown yard ; 856 Horshoe alley ; 857 White hind Court ; 858 Three Tunn alley ; 859 Half moon alley ; 862 Crown yard ; 864 Swan yard ; 867 Bottle alley plus 865 Rose alley and 866 Vine Court.

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address

The 1682 Morgans Map records a '853 Red Lion Inne' in its index, which is in Bishopsgate street

John Strype Survey of London in 1720 - Bishopsgate Ward lists '57 Red Lyon Brewhouse'.

The 1746 Rocques Map records a Red Lyon Inn, which is in Bishopsgate street just north of Artillery lane.

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:34:42 BST