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Hackney pub history Index
At Sandringham Road in the 1871 census, being at this junction. This pub closed and was demolished in 2002; it is interesting to note that the pub lost its third storey at some time between 1910 and 1993, probably during the Second World War. **
Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.
Mitford Tavern, 133 Amhurst Road, E8 - postcard circa 1910
Mitford Tavern, 133 Amhurst Road, E8 - in 1993
Both Kindly provided by Stephen Harris
Residents at this address.
1872/W F Stevenson/../../../Brabner�s Hackney Directory **
1871/Wm Francis Stevenson/Licensed Victualler/45/London, Middlesex/Census
1871/Mahalah Stevenson/Wife/44/Southwark, Surrey/Census
1871/Kate Waters/General Servant/23/Cornwall/Census
1871/Georgina Parks/Barmaid/16/Paddington, Middlesex/Census
1873/William Francis Stevenson/../../../Post Office Directory **
1874/W F Stevenson/../../../H.D. Miles London & Suburban Licensed
Victuallers' Directory **
1875/William Francis Stevenson/../../../Post Office Directory **
1878/William Francis Stevenson/../../../Middlesex Post Office Directory
1881/William Francis Stevenson / Landlord /../../Proceedings of the Old
Bailey **
1881/Lottie Machel / Barmaid /../../Proceedings of the Old Bailey
1881/William F Stevenson/Licensed Victualler/55/City, Middlesex/Census
1881/Mahalah Stevenson/Wife/54/Southwark, Surrey/Census
1881/Elizabeth Ritchie/Cook/27/Clerkenwell/Census
1881/Annie Gardner/Barmaid/20/Norfolk/Census
1881/Annie Butter/Barmaid/21/Dunstable, Bedford/Census
1881/John Burgess/Potman/20/Dunstable, Bedford/Census
1881/Arthur Burgess/Billiards Marker/16/Dunstable, Bedford/Census
1891/Elisha F Greenslade/Licensed Victualler, Widow/39/Creech St Michael,
1891/Lillian R Greenslade/Daughter/14/Steeple, Essex/Census
1891/Robert H Greenslade/Son/12/Charlinch, Somerset/Census
1891/Violet S Greenslade/Daughter/9/Charlinch, Somerset/Census
1891/Henry F Greenslade/Son/7/Charlinch, Somerset/Census
1896/Elisha Francis Greenslade/../../../Post Office Directory
1901/Charles Neyland/Publican, Widow/51/Highbury, London/Census
1901/Frank Clarke/Boarder, On Own Account/43/Clerkenwell, London/Census
1901/Sophia Clarke/Visitor/50/Warbleton, Sussex/Census
1901/Elizth S Dewbury/Barmaid/22/Broxbourne, Sussex/Census
1902/Chas Neyland/../../../Kelly's
1904/Charles Neyland/../../../London Trade Directory
1905/Charles Neyland/../../../London Trade Directory
1911/Arthur Billingshurst/../../../County Suburbs Directory
1914/Thomas Gordon Lashmar/../../../Post Office Directory *
1919/Thomas Gordon Lashmar/../../../London Trade Directory
1934/Thomas H Anderson/../../../Post Office Directory
1935/Thomas H Anderson/../../../Post Office Directory **
1938/Alec Thomas Excell/../../../Post Office Directory *
1944/Alec Thomas Excell/../../../Post Office Directory *
1946/Alec Thos Excell/../../../Post Office Directory **
* Provided By Ewan
** Provided By Stephen Harris