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The Two Black Boys, 171 Well Street, Hackney E9

Hackney pub history Index

Known around the 1990s as Claddagh and then the Thirty Nine Steps. Closed and demolished in 2004. *+

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address.

1732/James Matchin/../../../Hackney Petty Sessions Book **

1734/James Matchin/../../../Hackney Petty Sessions Book **

1734/Thomas Kirke/../../../Hackney Petty Sessions Book **

1752/Robert Gardiner/../../../Hackney Petty Sessions Book **

1805/Isaac Cox, the Two Black Boys, Well street, Hackney/../../Holdens Directory

1823-24/Isaac Cox, Two Black Boys/../../Pigot's Directory

1826/Isaac Cox/../../../Pigot's Directory

1836/Benj Napthine, Two Black Boys, Wells street/../../Pigot's Directory

1839/Sarah Napthine/../../../Pigot’s Directory **

1851/Edward Hill/../../../Kellys Directory

1861/Edward Hill/Licensed Victualler/49/Clerkenwell/Census
1861/Martha Hill/Wife/41/Hackney, Middlesex/Census
1861/Martha Hill/Daughter/18/Hackney, Middlesex/Census
1861/Edward Hill/Son, Butcher/17/Hackney, Middlesex/Census
1861/Charles Hill/Son/14/Hackney, Middlesex/Census
1861/Emily Hill/Daughter/7/Hackney, Middlesex/Census
1861/Alfred Hill/Son/5/Hackney, Middlesex/Census
1861/Clara Hill/Daughter/1 month/Hackney, Middlesex/Census
1861/Sarah Laroche/Nurse, Widow/69/Maidstone, Kent/Census
1861/John Lee/Potman/46/Hackney, Middlesex/Census
1861/John Hanson/Potman/21/Maidstone, Kent/Census

1 March 1864 The Will of Edward Hill late of the "Two Black Boys" Public House Well street Hackney in the County of Middlesex deceased who died 3 January 1864 at the "Two Black Boys" aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oath of Martha Hannah Hill of the "Two Black Boys" Public House aforesaid Widow the Relict the sole executrix. Effects under £1000.

March 1864/Edward Hill/Outgoing Licensee/../../East London Observer

March 1864/Martha Hannah Hill, his executrix/Incoming Licensee/../../East London Observer

1866/Mrs Martha Hannah Hill/../../../Middlesex Post Office Directory

September 1870/Martha Hannah Hill/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

September 1870/Thomas Lageu/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

Thomas Lageu was at the Cheshire Cheese, Surrey Street, St Clements Danes in 1861 & the Alscot Arms, Bermondsey in 1866 ***

1871/Thomas Lageu/Licensed Victualler, Widow/38/Berkshire, Reading/Census ***
1871/Thomas Lageu/Son/9/Strand, Middlesex/Census
1871/William Lageu/Son/4/Bermondsey, Surrey/Census
1871/Eliza Simmonds/Housekeeper/22/Buckland, Dorsetshire/Census
1871/Richard Dewding/Servant/11/Hackney, Middlesex/Census
1871/Charles Maggeu/Inn Servan/24/Hackney, Middlesex/Census

1872/T Lageu/../../../Brabner’s Hackney Directory **

22 March 1873 The Will of Thomas Lageu late of the "Two Black Boys" Inn Well street Hackney in the County of Middlesex Licensed Victualler who died 30 January 1873 at the "Two Black Boys" was proved at the Principal Registry by Alfred Hudson of 9 Willow walk Grange road Bermondsey in the County of Surrey Gentleman and Charles lageu of 50 Exmouth street Clerkenwell in the County of Middlesex Ironmonger the Brother the Executors. Effects under £1000.

May 1873/Alfred Hudson and Charles Lague/Outgoing Licensee/../../East London Observer

May 1873/James King/Incoming Licensee/../../East London Observer

1874/Thomas King/../../../Middlesex Post Office Directory

1878/Thomas King/../../../Middlesex Post Office Directory

I have been researching my great great grandfather, John William King born Suffolk, who owned the 'White Horse' in Shenley Herts. All of his sons, but one owned pubs around London and his daughters (but one) all married husbands who also owned pubs, see the King Family, Shenley. *

1881/John King/Licensed Victualler/33/Shenley, Hertford/Census
1881/Elizabeth King/Wife/31/Wheathamstead, Hertford/Census
1881/James A King/Son/4/Hackney, Middlesex/Census
1881/Eliza King/Daughter/7/Hackney, Middlesex/Census
1881/Maria King/Sister/22/Phenly, Hertford/Census
1881/Mary A Groom/EWifes sister/21/Wheathamstead, Hertford/Census
1881/Martha Groom/Wifes sister/17/Hackney, Middlesex/Census
1881/Arthur Norris/Nephew/16/Hackney, Middlesex/Census
1881/Mary Agomtal/General Servant/17/Stratford, Essex/Census

1888/James King/../../../Records of Watney, Combe, Reid Brewery, held at City of Westminster Archives Centre **

1891/James King/Licensed Victualler/43/Shenley, Hertfordshire/Census
1891/Elizabeth King/Wife/41/Wheathamstead, Hertfordshire/Census
1891/Arthur C King/Son/5/Hackney, London/Census
1891/Mary A Groom/Sister, Assistant/51/Wheathamstead, Hertfordshire/Census
1891/Elizabeth Norris/Niece, Assistant/24/Wheathamstead, Hertfordshire/Census
1891/Annie Norris/Niece, Assistant/21/Wheathamstead, Hertfordshire/Census

1896/James King/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/James King/../../../Post Office Directory

1900/James King/../../../Post Office Directory **

1901/Clement Catt/Manager, Licensed Victualler/31/Hastings, Sussex/Census
1901/Marie Catt/Wife/31/Northfleet, Kent/Census
1901/Norah Catt/Daughter/4/Chelsea, London/Census
1901/Phillip Catt/Son/2/Hackney, London/Census
1901/Reginald Catt/Son/1/Hackney, London/Census
1901/Mary Slater/Barmaid/26Crowland, Lincolnshire//Census
1901/Florence Capps/Servant/21/Camberwell, London/Census

1910/James King/../../../Post Office Directory

1915/James King/../../../Post Office Directory

1921/James King/../../../Post Office Directory

1934/Leonard Rogers/../../../Kelly's

1938/Leonard Rogers/../../../Post Office Directory

1944/Rt J Hiller/../../../Post Office Directory

1971/../Two Black Boys, 171 Well Street/../../Pub Directory

1983/../Two Black Boys, 171 Well Street - Watneys/../../Pub Directory

1991/../Claddagh, 171 Well Street - Grand Met, Watneys/../../Pub Directory

* Provided By Thelma McMurchy

*+ Provided By Tris

** Provided By Stephen Harris

*** Provided by Tim Lageu


And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:43:23 BST