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Half Moon Hotel, 183 Borough High Street, Southwark St George Martyr, Surrey

Southwark St George Martyr index

At 131 Borough High Street in 1869 and earlier

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Southwark St George Martyr, London.

Half Moon Hotel, Borough High Street, licensees J Lavallee & L Turian

Half Moon Hotel, Borough High Street, licensees J Lavallee & L Turian

Kindly provided by John Carnaby

Residents at this address.

1788/Thomas Tickner/innholder, Half Moon Inn/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1801/Robert Atkinson & Co./inn holders, Half Moon Inn/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1805/J Green, Half Moon Inn, Borough High street/../../Holdens Directory

1816/Richard Staining/innkeeper, Half Moon Inn/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1817/Robert Stanning/ Wine & brandy merchant/../../Johnstones London Directory

1818/Richard Staining/innkeeper, Half Moon Inn/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1822/Thomas Staning/../../../Victuallers Recognizance

1823/Thomas Staning/../../../Victuallers Recognizance

1825/Thomas Staning/../../../Victuallers Recognizance

1826/Thomas Stanning/../../../Victuallers Recognizance

1832/William Cope, Half Moon Inn, 132 High street, Borough/../../Robsons Directory

1833-34/William Cope, Half Moon Inn, 133 High street, Borough/../../Pigots Directory

1836/William Prentice, Half Moon Inn, 132 High street, Borough/../Pigots Directory

1841/James Sparkes/[Half Moon Inn]/../../Post Office Directory *

1842/James Sparks/../../../Robsons Directory

1843/Mrs Tamzen Schriever/../../../Kellys Directory

1851/David Whibley/../../../Kellys Directory

1851/Frances Whibley/Victualler/30/Horsemonden, Kent/Census
1851/Jane Wicking/Sister, Barmaid/44/Horsemonden, Kent/Census
1851/Elizabeth Gilham/Tap Woman/54/Bishopsgate, London/Census
1851/Mary Farman/Chambermaid/28/Wye, Kent/Census
1851/Ellen Allen/Cook/32/Deptford, Kent/Census
1851/George Davin/Visitor/34/../Census
1851/Charles Lyons/Visitor/30/../Census
1851/William Ford/Visitor/26/../Census
1851/John Flin/Visitor/32/../Census
1851/Thomas Horsman/Visitor, Stomemason/49/../Census
1851/John Gravely/Visitor/57/../Census
1851/Charles Thomas/Waiter/35/Barham, Derbyshire/Census
1851/William Wolfan/Ostler/38/Godstone, Surrey/Census

August 1852/David Whilley/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

August 1852/Anthony Fisher/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

1856/Anthony L Fisher/../../../Post Office Directory

Era 2 October 1859 - Transfer of Licenses
Halfmoon Inn, High street, Anthony Fisher to Louis Turian

1869/Louis Turian/../../../Post Office Directory

1881/Jules Lavallee/Licensed Victualler/30/France/Census
1881/Romarno Lavallee/Wife/25/France/Census
1881/Emile Bear/Waiter/25/Switzerland/Census
1881/William Smith/Waiter/21/Soho, Middlesex/Census
1881/Charles Bull/Hotel Porter/17/Spitalfield/Census
1881/Elizabeth Brown/Barmaid/29/Devon/Census
1881/Elizabeth Bollingsbrook/Barmaid, Widow/35/Switzerland/Census
1881/Amelia Johnson/Cook/28/Bermondsey/Census
1881/Johanna Keefe/Scullery Maid, Widow/45/Cork, Ireland/Census
1881/Alice Neale/Veg Maid/19/Camberwell, Surrey/Census
1881/Margaret Evans/Chambermaid/31/Wales/Census
1881/Mary King/Chambermaid/23/Westminster/Census
1881/Charles Janet/Boarder, Hanging Paper Merchant/45/France/Census
1881/Dubourg Chart/Boarder, Wine Merchant/44/France/Census
1881/George Vital/Boarder, Wine Merchant/24/France/Census
1881/V Taillefer/Boarder, Solicitor/29/France/Census
1881/T Hielbricht/Boarder, Traveller/29/Austria/Census
1881/Desmet/Boarder, Horse Dealer/37/Belgium/Census
1881/Louis A Stonard/Boarder, Traveller/23/London/Census

1882/Pierre & Jules Lavallee/../../../Post Office Directory

1884/Jules Lavallee/../../../Post Office Directory

1895/Henry F Abel/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Carlo Federicco Rimoldi/../../../Post Office Directory *

1915/Bernard Cohen/../../../Post Office Directory *

* Provided By Ewan

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:58:30 BST