London 1746 Rocques map

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Spur Inn, Borough High Street, Southwark St Saviour, Surrey, London

The Morgans map of 1682 cofirms the existence of the Spur Inne at that time.

Southwark St Saviour pub history index

Borough High Street in the Morgans map of 1682. On east side are 113 Kings Head Inne, 112 White Hart Inne, 111 Three Crown court, George Inne, 110 Talbot Inne, 109 Queens head Inne, 108 Cock & hoop alley, 107 Windmill alley, 106 Christopher alley , 105 Spurr Inne. On west side  are 62 Malings yard, 63 Saints alley, 64 Great yard, 65 Fishmongerv alley, 66 Bell yard, 67 Windmill alley, 68 Whitehorse Inne, 69 Greyhound Inne, 70 Maypole alley.

Borough High Street in the Morgans map of 1682. On east side are 113 Kings Head Inne, 112 White Hart Inne, 111 Three Crown court, George Inne, 110 Talbot Inne, 109 Queens head Inne, 108 Cock & hoop alley, 107 Windmill alley, 106 Christopher alley , 105 Spurr Inne. On west side are 62 Malings yard, 63 Saints alley, 64 Great yard, 65 Fishmongerv alley, 66 Bell yard, 67 Windmill alley, 68 Whitehorse Inne, 69 Greyhound Inne, 70 Maypole alley.

Borough High Street in 1746. On east side are Kings Head Inn, White Hart Inn, Three Crown court, George Inn, Talbot Inn, Queens Head Inn, Windmill alley, Christopher alley, Spur Inn, Nags Head alley. On west side  are Boars Head Inn, Brewhouse, Fishmongers alley, Bell Yard, White Horse stables, Greyhound Inn, Red Lyon Inn, Maypole alley.

Borough High Street in 1746. On east side are Kings Head Inn, White Hart Inn, Three Crane court, George Inn, Talbot Inn, Queens Head Inn, Windmill alley, Christopher alley, Spur Inn, Nags Head alley. On west side are Boars Head Inn, Brewhouse, Fishmongers alley, Bell Yard, White Horse stables, Greyhound Inn, Red Lyon Inn, Maypole alley.

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Southwark St Saviour, Surrey, London.

Residents at this address.

1783/Barnard Ellis & Peter & Andrew Spence/innholders/../../Land Tax Records

1789/Michael Ellis & Ann Ellis/innholders/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1802/Barnard Ellis/innholder/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1805/_ Ellis, Spur Inn, Borough High street/../../Holdens Directory

1807/Mary Ellis/innholder/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1817/Stephen Field/innholder and tavern keeper/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1820/Stephen Field/innholder and tavern keeper/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1822/Aaron Bellingham/../../../Victuallers Recognizance

1823/Aaron Bellingham/../../../Victuallers Recognizance

1825/Richard Charles Mullett/../../../Victuallers Recognizance

August 1826/Thomas Martin Phillips/../../../Victuallers Recognizance

October 1826/Thomas Martin Phillips/../../../Victuallers Recognizance

1832/John Coffield, Spur Inn, 98 Borough High street, Southwark/../../Robsons Directory

1841/John Brelsford/../../../Post Office Directory *

1842/Jno Brelsford/../../../Robsons Directory

The Era 25 July 1847 - Transfers :
Spur Inn, High street, Henry Buckton to Elizabeth Fleckney

1851/Sarah Brelsford/Licensed Victualler, Widow/64/Rootham, Kent/Census
1851/Theodoria Lee/Lodger, Independant/50/Collington/Census
1851/Ann Lawrence/Cook, Widow/45/Rootham, Kent/Census
1851/William Richardson/Porter/50/Guildford, Surrey/Census
1851/Charles Dubbs/Porter/29/Burwash, Sussex/Census
1851/George Townsend/Porter/24/Mayfield, Sussex/Census
1851/Edward Woolven/Porter/25/../Census
1851/Solomon Rolph/Servant, Labourer/25/../Census
1851/Robert Robertson/Lodger, Labourer/22/Scotland/Census
1851/Edward Quennall/Lodger, Plumber/20/,,/Census
1851/John Jucom/Lodger, Carver in wood/20/Scotland/Census

1856/Thomas Howland/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory

1861/Richard Woodward/Inn Keeper/48/Milton, Oxfordshire/Census
1861/Frances Woodward/Wife/53/Sidmouth, Devon/Census
1861/Emma Woodward/Daughter, Needlewoman/22/Wandsworth, Surrey/Census
1861/Mary Ann Woodward/Daughter, Needlewoman/19/Deptford, Kent/Census
+ Lodgers

1869/John Dent/beer retailer/../../Post Office Directory *

* Provided By Ewan

*** Provided By Bev Howlett

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:59:25 BST