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Angel, 61 - 62 St Giles High street WC2H 8LE

St Giles pub history index

telephone: 020 72402876; The Angel Inn, Broad street, St Giles in 1834

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in St Giles in Fields, London.

Angel, 61-62 St Giles High Street, WC2 - in November 2008

Angel, 61-62 St Giles High Street, WC2 - in November 2008

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address

Morgans map of London in 1682 lists '88 Angell Inne'

In 1708 : A New View of London by Edward Hatton lists Angel Inn on the South side of St Giles street near the Church.

In 1721, Tyrian Lodge is listed at the Angel Inn, at St. Giles's Church according to Masonic lists

John Strype Survey of London in 1720 lists '4 Angel Inn'.

In 1741, the Old Bailey trial of Thomas Ruby, for breaking and entering the dwelling house of John Tucker. John Tucker states 'I keep the Angel Inn at St Giles'. *

In October 1787/Titus Sutclif (or Sutcliffe) is the innholder at the Angel Inn, High street, St Giles where he is paying Sun Fire Insurance, see Access to Archives

In 1796, George Walker is listed as a victualler at the Angel Inn, High street, Bloomsbury according to Sun Fire Insurance records

In 1798, 1812, 1814, 1823 and 1825, John Ramsay is an occupier in High street, St Giles paying £45 annual rent according to Land Tax records.

1805/William Pendergast, Angel Inn, 3 High street, St Giles/../../Holdens Directory

In both 1806 and 1808, a Walker is listed as the inn keeper at the Angel Inn, High street, St Giles and a Bignell is the stable keeper according to Sun Fire Insurance records

In 1809, John Ramsay is a victualler at the Angel Inn, High street, Bloomsbury where he is paying Sun Fire Insurance

1825/Mr Ramsay/ Angel Inn, High street, St Giles/../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1829/J Ramsay, Angel, 61 High Street, Bloomsbury/../../Robsons Directory

1832/John Ramsay, Angel, 61 High Street, St Giles/../../Robsons Directory

1833-34/John Ramsay, Angel, 61 High Street, St Giles/../../Pigots Directory

1834/Mr John Ramsay/../../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1839/John Ramsay/../../../Pigots

1840/John Ramsay/../../../Pigots

1841/John Ramsay/../../../Post Office Directory

1841/John Ramsay/Publican/51/Scotland/Census
1841/John Marshall/Male Servant/12/Middlesex/Census
1841/Eliza Penn/Female Servant/20/Middlesex/Census

1842/John Ramsay, Angel, 61 High Street, St Giles/../../Robsons Directory

In November 1841 is the last will and testament of John Ramsay, of the Angel Inn St Giles where he wills profits to his wife Mary Ramsay

1846/William Frame/../../../Post Office Directory

1848/William Frame/../../../Post Office Directory

1851/William Frame/../../../Kellys Directory

Morning Advertiser 23 April 1851 - Licence transfers ***
Angel, High street, William Frame to George William Howse

1851/George William Howse/Licensed Victualler/../../Census ***
1851/Jane Howse/Wife/26/../Census
1851/Mary Chapman/Barmaid/35/../Census
1851/Elizabeth Hellings/Housemaid/18/../Census
1851/Dennis Dadley/Potman/22/Ireland/Census
1851/William Bowles/Lodger, Fruit Salesman/39/Berkshire/Census

Morning Advertiser 03 August 1853 - licence transfers ***
Angel, High street, George William Howse to Jonathan Holden

1856/Jonathan Holden/../../../Post Office Directory

1861/Jonathan Holden/Licensed Victualler/44/County of York/Census
1861/Mary Holden/Wife/38/Somerset/Census
1861/Jonathan Holden/Son/6/St Giles, London/Census
1861/Alfred Holden/Son/4/St Giles, London/Census
1861/Caroline Nance/General Servant/24/High Street, Matylebone/Census
1861/Ann Cook/General Servant, Widow/25/Poplar, London/Census
1861/Fanny M A Holden/Daughter/3/St Giles, London/Census
1861/Alice J Holden/Daughter/2/St Giles, London/Census
1861/_ Holden/Son/1 month/St Giles, London/Census
1861/James Bent/General Servant/31/Gloucester/Census
1861/Eliza Paggden/General Servant/23/St Georges, London/Census
1861/Fanny Ketner/Barmaid/33/Somerset/Census
1861/Ann Thompson/Barmaid/52/Ashford, Kent/Census

1862/Jonathan Holden/../../../Post Office Directory

1869/William Gouldstone/../../../Post Office Directory

1871/Edward Noble/Licensed Victualler/53/Whitechapel, Middlesex/Census 
1871/Kate Noble/Wife/32/Bedford, Bedfordshire/Census
1871/Harriet Franklin/Sister, Barmaid/22/Bedford, Bedfordshire/Census
1871/Polly Franklin/Sister, Visitor/10/Heyes, Middlesex/Census

1873/Edward Noble/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1874/William Thomas Purkiss/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1875/George Thomas Plumb/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1876/George Thomas Plumb/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1877/Walter Charles Townsend/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1878/William Henry Munday/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1879/William Henry Munday/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1880/William Henry Munday/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1881/William H Munday/Licensed Victualler/42/Rickmansworth, Hertford/Census
1881/Martha Munday/Wife/30/Sheerness, Kent/Census
1881/James Flondell/Barman/26/Little Walsingham, Norfolk/Census
1881/Walter Hood/Potman/23/Islington, Middlesex/Census
1881/Maria Burford/Barmaid/20/Southwark, Surrey/Census

1881/William Henry Munday/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1882/William Henry Munday/../../../Post Office Directory

1882/William Henry Munday/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1884/William H Munday/../../../Post Office Directory

1885/William H Munday/../../../Post Office Directory **

1891/Charles Cook/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Charles Cook/../../../Post Office Directory

1900/Charles Cook/../../../Post Office Directory **

1901/Charles Cook/Publican/42/Kennington, London/Census
1901/Harriett Cook/Wife/38/Battersea, London/Census
1901/Hetty Cook/Daughter/14/St Giles, London/Census
1901/Emma/ Cook/Daughter/12/St Giles, London/Census
1901/Idy Cook/Daughter/10/St Giles, London/Census
1901/Charles Cook/Son/8/St Georges Hanover Square, London/Census
1901/Bessie Cook/Daughter/5/St Georges Hanover Square, London/Census
1901/Jane Roberts/Sister in Law, Bonnet Machinist/48/Battersea, London/Census
1901/Annie M Roberts/Barmaid/40/Battersea, London/Census
1901/William Miler/Barman/42/Cheverill, Wiltshire/Census
1901/Walter A Turnbull/Potman/36/St James Westminster, London/Census
1901/Louisa Cordery/Barmaid/19/Chelsea, London/Census

1910/Edwin Bear/../../../Post Office Directory

1921/Edwin Bear/../../../Hughes Directory

1938/Mrs Beatrice Mary Bear/../../../Post Office Directory

1940/Mrs Beatrice Mary Bear/../../../Post Office Directory

1944/Mrs Beatrice Mary Bear/../../../Post Office Directory

* Provided By Nikki Brown

** Provided By Stephen Harris

*** Provided By Paul Howes - Howes one name study

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:02:30 BST