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The address is 27 Old Street in 1856 and earlier, prior to street renumbering. * More recently a variety of names including Golden Hinde, Vertical Refreshment Company and Central Bar. It is now called Play (2007). *** In 2010 this pub was renamed Nomad, primarily a night club. ***
St Luke pub history index
A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in St Luke.
Cock, 58 Old Street, EC1 - in 1986
"From the Archives of East London & City CAMRA".
Cock, 58 Old Street, EC1 - in November 2007
Kindly Provided by Stephen Harris
Cock, 58 Old Street, EC1 - in June 2013
Kindly provided by Tris
Residents at this address
1802/Thomas Elderidge / Victualler /../../Sun Fire Office records held at Guildhall Library **
Morning Advertiser 20 November 1809 - Licensed Victuallers Association
The following are additional subscribers since the last advertisement of one pound, one shilling, i.e. one guinea:
Mr Slade, Cock, Old street, St Lukes
1816/John Hubbard / Victualler /../../Sun Fire Office records held at Guildhall Library **
1825/Mr. Cutmore, Cock, Old street/../../Licensed Victuallers Association
1833-34/Edward Jones, Cock, 27 Old street, St Lukes/../../Pigots Directory
1839/John Jones/../../../Pigots Directory **
1841/Henry Scott/../../../Post Office Directory
1842/H Scott/../../../Robson’s Directory **
1844/Hy Scott/../../../Thompsons Directory **
1848/William Dickens Eves/../../../Post Office Directory *
1851/William Dickens Eves/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions
1851/William D Eves/Licensed Victualler, Widow/35/St Marylebone,
1851/William Jennings/Barman/25/Thom Falcon, Somerset/Census
1851/James Challis/Barman/23/Donyatt, Somerset/Census
1851/Jane Hiscock/House Servant/28/St Giles in the Fields, Middlesex/Census
1856/William Dickens Eves/../../../Post Office Directory
1860/James Keirs / Licensed Victualler, Dealer & Chapman /../../London Gazette, 13 January 1860 **
March 1866/James Roynon and Richard Roynon/License renewal/../Clerkenwell News
November 1866/James Roynon and Richard Roynon/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era
November 1866/Richard Roynon/Incoming Licensee/../../Era
1869/Richard Roynon/../../../Post Office Directory
1871/Richard Roynon/Licensed Victualler/29/Melksham, Wiltshire/Census
1871/Mary Ann Roynon/Wife/29/Calne, Wiltshire/Census
1871/Frederick Pontin Roynon/Son/3/London/Census
1871/William Roynon/Son/13 months/London/Census
1871/Richard Arthur Roynon/Son/2 monthsLondon//Census
1871/Annie Young/General Servant/18/Sheerness/Census
1871/Lucy Roy/Nurse/26/Charlgrove, Bedfordshire/Census
1871/Charles McKenley/Barman/21/London/Census
1871/Benjamin Whitaker/Potman/22/Claverton, Somerset/Census
1876/William Glanfield/../../../Post Office Directory **
1881/Richard H Green/Licensed Victualler/38/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Selina E Clark/Barmaid/21/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Alfred Merryfield/Potman/30/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Alice Hayes/Domestic Servant/38/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/John Palmer/Barman/23/London, Middlesex/Census
1882/Richard Green/../../../Post Office Directory
1883/William Brown/../../../Post Office Directory **
1885/William Brown/../../../Post Office Directory **
1891/William Steel/../../../Post Office Directory
1895/James Sands/../../../Post Office Directory
1899/James Sands/../../../Post Office Directory
1901/Fred Levett/Manager Public House/41/England/Census
1901/Gertrude Levett/Wife/28/England/Census
1901/Eliza Levett/Daughter/16/England/Census
1901/Ellen Levett/Daughter/3/England/Census
1901/George Neville/Barman/19/England/Census
1901/C J Clifford/Barman/30/Ireland/Census
1906/E Martin/../../../Morris’ Business Directory of London **
1910/Miss Edith Emily Martin/../../../Post Office Directory
1915/Miss Edith Emily Martin/../../../Post Office Directory *
1921/Miss Edith Emily Martin/../../../Post Office Directory
In 1921 at 58, Old Street, London, Finsbury
Edith E Martin, Licensed Victualler, aged 49 years 9 months and born in Barking, Essex
Rosina Dearlove, Cook, Mrs Martin, 58 Old Street, aged 56 years 6 months and born in Torquay, Devon
Alice Lilian Watson, Barmaid, Mrs Martin, 58 Old Street, aged 25 years 9 months and born in Dover, Kent
Muriel Thompson, Barmaid, Mrs Martin, 58 Old Street, aged 19 years 2 months and born in Willesden, Middlesex
1931/Miss Edith Emily Martin/../../../Post Office Directory ***
1934/Mrs Mabel Albert Ozmond/../../../Kellys Directory
Holloway Press. 14 April 1934 Transfers;
Cock, 58 Old street, Mabel Albert Ozmond to Maurice Alexander Charles Ozmond
1938/Reginald Douglas Richards/../../../Post Office Directory
1946/Herbt & Mrs Mary Warman/../../../Post Office Directory **
1971/Cock, 58 Old street EC1/../../Pub Listing
1981/Golden Hind, 58 Old street, EC1V 9AJ/../../Pub Listing
1983/GOLDEN HINDE: 58 Old Street EC1. Whitbreads/../../Pub Listing
1991/GOLDEN HIND: 58 Old Street EC1. Whitbreads. . Formerly the Vertical Refreshment Co. and Golden Cock./../../Pub Listing
* Provided By Ewan
** Provided By Stephen Harris
*** Provided by Tris