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Ipswich Arms, 22 Lower Thames Street, St Mary At Hill EC3R

St Mary at Hill pub history index

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in St Mary at Hill parish, City of London.

28 July 1788/Insured: John King, the Ipswich Arms Lower Thames Street, victualler/../../Records held at the LMA

Lodge of Tranquility, named in 1816 meets at the Ipswich Arms, Lower Thames street, London in 1790

Lodge of Tranquility, named in 1816 meets at the Ipswich Arms, Lower Thames street, London in 1799

1805/J Roche, Ipswich Arms, Lower Thames street/../../Holdens Directory

Morning Advertiser 10 February 1807
To be sold by Private Contract, by Messrs Ventom and Sons, the Lease of a substantial built Public House and Liquor Shop, in perfect repair, conveniently fitted up for carrying on an extensive business; held at a moderate rent, more than which might be made by inmates; the business in the different branches will prove satisfactory, and may be much improved - coming in for Lease and Goods about 600 pounds, part of which any person of good character may be accommodated with. For directions apply at the Ipswich Arms, Lower Thames Street, or at the Auctioneers, No 182 Brick lane, Spitalfields.

John Lockie - a descriptive London Street Directory in 1810/Ipswich Arms, Lower Thames Street, at 22, about of a mile on the Right from London bridge.

Morning Advertiser 18 August 1810
To Publicans and Others - By Ventom and Sons, on Monday, August the 20th, at Eleven o'Clock, on the premises, the sign of the Ipswich Arms, Lower Thames Street,
The Household Furniture, Fixtures in fittings of bar and tap room, beer machine, two eight day dials etc; comprising 4 post bedsteads and furnitures, featherbeds and bedding, mahogany and other tables, ditto chairs, pier glasses, tap room grate, two eight day dials, 4 motion beer machine, beer and wine measures, Bath range, two large coppers, a very large sink, and kitchen requisites. May be viewd the morning of the sale, when catalogues may be had; and of the Auctioneers, Whitechapel road, and Brick lane, Spitalfields.

Globe 13 May 1811 - Bankrupts
William Cabburn, late of the Ipswich Arms, Lower Thames Street, London, victualler, to surrender, May 14, 25 and June 2, at ten at Guildhall.

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 23-Oct-2024 13:49:34 BST