London 1746 Rocques map

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Dolphin, West Smithfield, St Sepulchre EC1

St Sepulchre index

West Smithfield in 1682

West Smithfield in 1682

Listed are : 170 Castle Inne ; 172 Ram Inne ; 173 Rose Inne ; 191 Kings head Inne ; 192 Grayhound Inne ; 193 George Inne ; 194 Antelope Inne ; 195 Dolphin Inne ; 197 Hartshorn Inne.

West Smithfield directory for 1832 and 1842

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address.

The Morgans map of 1682 lists a reference in its key as - '195 Dolphin Inne'. Looking at this map, it is just to the west side of West Smithfield.

The LONDON TRADERS, TAVERN, AND COFFEE-HOUSE TOKENS, CURRENT 1649-1672 lists two probable tokens for the Dolphin, i.e.
A halfpenny token of the Dolphin of West Smithfield, to James March:
B2866. Obverse. JAMES . MARCH . HIS . HALF . PENY = A dolphin.
R. at . the . in . west . smithfeild = A negro’s head.

A farthing with the Dolphin of West Smithfield - to Tymothey Newbey :
B2869. Obverse. Tymothy . Newbey = A dolphin.
R. IN . WEST . SMITHFEILD = T . A . N. 1/4

Maitland records the names of yards existing in 1732, recording them in his survey of 1756, and includes Dolphin yard, West Smithfield.

The Rocques map of 1746 clearly marks the Dolphin Inn, at the south west side of West Smithfield, and with a probable entry to Cock lane to the south.

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:08:14 BST