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Kings Arms & Hand, 204 Bermondsey street, Bermondsey SE1

Bermondsey pub history index

Existed from at least 1587. Bermondsey Street gets renumbered quite a few times. The address is at 159 Bermondsey Street until about 1851, then 124 Bermondsey Street from about 1856. The numbering alters again about 1910 to 204 Bermondsey Street.

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address.

1587/Francis Wylmer/innholder, sign of the Hand/../../Records of the Exchequer held at the National Archives *

In the 1802 Holden Drectory for London, page 144, one Benjamin Gould was the livery stable keeper at Hand Inn, Bermondsey street. **

1808/Cornelius Cartwright/stablekeeper, Hand and Kings Arms/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1810/William Davis/victualler, Kings Arms/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1816/Thomas Edwards/victualler, Kings Arms/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1822/Price Morris/Kings Arms & Hand Inn, Bermondsey street/../../Licensed Victualler Recognizances

1825/Price Morris/Kings Arms & Hand Inn, Bermondsey street/../../Licensed Victualler Recognizances

1826/Price Morris/Kings Arms & Hand Inn, Bermondsey street/../../Licensed Victualler Recognizances

1826/Price Morris/victualler, Hand Inn/../../Prerogative Court of Canterbury wills and probate records held at the National Archives *

1827/Hannah Morris, Kings Arms, 161 Bermondsey street/../../Pigots Directory

1833-34/Benjamin Watts, Kings Arms & Hand Inn, 155 Bermondsey street/../../Pigots Directory

1841/W. C. Hudd/../../../Post Office Directory *

1842/W. C. Hudd/../../../Robsons Directory

1848/William Sanderson/../../../Post Office Directory

1851/Mark Sanderson/../../../Post Office Directory

1851/Edwin Porter/Licensed Victualler, Widow/36/Moor Critchell, Dorset/Census
1851/Edward Porter/Son/10/Blandford, Dorset/Census
1851/Emma Smith/Housekeeper/23/Canterbury, Kent/Census

August 1852/Edwin Porter/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

August 1852/Joseph William Chatley/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

July 1853/Joseph William Chatley/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

July 1853/John Read and John Kitchenham/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1856/Reed & Kitchenham/../../../Post Office Directory

1861/Edward Benjamin/Victualler/45/Stepney, Middlesex/Census
1861/Sophia Benjamin/Wife/36/Stepney, Middlesex/Census
1861/Michael Benjamin/Son/2/Bermondsey, Surrey/Census
1861/Frances J York/House Servant/18/Middlesex/Census
1861/James Martin/Barman/17/Beverley, Yorkshire/Census

September 1864/John Housley/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

September 1864/Thomas Black/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1866/Thomas Black/../../../Post Office Directory

December 1866/Thomas Black/Outgoing Licensee/../../Morning Advertiser

December 1866/Nicholas Geary/Incoming Licensee/../../Morning Advertiser

South London Press 18 January 1868 - Transfers 0f Licenses
Kings Arms, and Hand, Bermondsey street, T Eke to C Pratt

1869/Charles Pratt/../../../Post Office Directory

1871/Robert Billington/Licensed Victualler/31/Flitwick Bedfordshire/Census ***
1871/Ellen Billington/Wife/40/Hertford/Census
1871/Robert L Billington/Son/1/Bermondsey Surrey/Census
1871/Henry Ross/Boarder Woolstapler/21/Buckingham/Census

1881/Frederick James/Licensed Victualler/46/Wandsworth, Surrey/Census
1881/Sarah James/Wife/47/Clapham, Surrey/Census
1881/Walter H James/Son, Merchants Clerk/18/Clapham, Surrey/Census
1881/Sidney James/Son/16/Clapham, Surrey/Census
1881/Charles James/Son/15/Clapham, Surrey/Census
1881/Ada L James/Daughter/11/Clapham, Surrey/Census

1882/F James/../../../Post Office Directory

1884/John M Wells/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/John Mitchell Wells/../../../Post Office Directory

1895/Harry Charles Stanley Bishop/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/William Irish/../../../Post Office Directory

1910/William Irish/../../../Post Office Directory

1915/Frank Salter/../../../Post Office Directory

1921/Francis Joseph Hassett/../../../Post Office Directory

1923/Harry Thomas Preston/Kings Arms & Hand/../../Electoral Register
1923/Kate Preston/../../../Electoral Register
1923/Harry Austin/../../../Electoral Register

1934/Alfred F Godfrey/../../../Kellys Directory

1938/Alfred F. Godfrey/../../../Post Office Directory *

* Provided By Ewan

** Provided By Chris Kilgour

*** Provided By Bev Howlett

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:32:28 BST