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Black Raven, 185 & 187 Bishopsgate Street, Bishopsgate EC2M

Bishopsgate index

Existed from at least 1808, at 136 Bishopsgate Street without in 1851 and up to 1915, before the road was renumbered; At 185 & 187 Bishopsgate Street by 1938; This pub was named the Black Raven until 1975 when it was renamed the Pump. In 1982 it was further renamed the Handpump. The pub was closed and demolished in 1987. This pub was rebuilt in the form shown in the photograph in 1912 as it was in 1986, shortly before demolition. **

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Black Raven, 185 - 187 Bishopsgate - in 1986

Black Raven, 185 - 187 Bishopsgate - in 1986

Permission from the archives of East London & City CAMRA**

Residents at this address

1808/William Waller, wine and brandy merchant, 136 Bishopsgate street Without/../../Holdens Directory

Research on the Hollyman family can be found here as I add to the detail which I can find, and substantiate.

A marriage exists between a Thomas Hollyman and a Jane Carter in 1825 at St Botolph. This Thomas Hollyman was born in Bierton, Buckinghamshire about 1797, the older brother of Richard Hollyman, at the Princess Royal. A family tree exists of the Hollymans.

April 1827/Thomas Hollyman/../../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1827/Thomas Hollyman, wine & brandy merchant, 136 Bishopsgate street/../../Pigots Directory

1828/Thomas Hollyman/Licensed Victualler/../../Baptism of son Richard
1828/Jane Hollyman/Wife/../../Baptism of son Richard

1832/Thomas Hollyman/../../../Robsons Directory

1833/Thomas Hollyman/Licensed Victualler/../../Baptism of daughter Emma
1833/Jane Hollyman/Wife/../../Baptism of daughter Emma

29th Jan 1835/Thomas Hollyman/victualler and wine and spirit merchant/../../Sun Fire Insurance Records

1837/Thomas Hollyman/Publican/../../Baptism of daughter Elizabeth
1837/Jane Hollyman/Wife/../../Baptism of daughter Elizabeth

1838/Thomas Hollyman, wine &c vaults, 136 Bishopsgate street without/../../Pigots Directory

By 1839 Thomas Hollyman is a Publican at Mountfield Place, Kennington at the baptism of his son, George. The 1841 census lists Jane as a laundress, with little sign of Thomas. By 1847, daughter Elizabeth, and their sons George and Henry are to be found at the Licensed Victuallers school.

[I sometimes wonder about this, as the three children are placed into the Licensed Victuallers school to be brought up.
The subscribers to this school and institution choose to vote for those children who have been recommended for a place at the school where they will learn a trade etc.
These three children of Thomas Hollyman receive places at the school, but at the same time their uncles are running respectable public houses, and one of the family eventually becomes a governor at the Institution.

1839/Morton Simpson/../../../Pigots Directory

1841/S Morton/../../../Post Office Directory

1841/George Field/Victualler/21/../Census
1841/William Perkins/Male Servant/15/../Census
1841/Henry Tompkin/Independant/45/../Census
1841/Catherine Tompkin/Independant/33/../Census

1842/William Burvill/../../../Robsons Directory

1843/Charles Field/../../../Post Office Directory

February 1847/James Clarke/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

February 1847/John Dowling/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1848/John Ward William/../../../Post Office Directory

February 1849/Henry William Porter/ Outgoing Licensee /../../The Era

February 1849/Jas Hudson Walker/ Incoming Licensee /../../The Era

September 1849/James Hudson Walker/ Outgoing Licensee /../../The Era

September 1849/Thomas Barber/ Incoming Licensee /../../The Era

1851/Thomas Barber/../../../Post Office

1851/Thomas Barber / Head / 32 / Victualler / Shefford, Bedfordshire//1851 census **
1851/Martha Barber / Wife / 35 / Birmingham/1851 census
1851/Ann Fitzgerald / General Servant/ 28 /Ireland/1851 census

1855/Thomas Barber/../../../P.O. Directory **

1856/Thomas Barber/../../../Post Office Directory

October 1862/Thomas Barber/Outgoing Licensee/../../Morning Post

October 1862/Abraham Shelley/Incoming Licensee/../../Morning Post

1869/P Jupp/../../../Post Office Directory

1871/Peter Jupp/Licensed Victualler/57/Horsham, Sussex/Census
1871/Amelia Jupp/Wife/48/Bow, Middlesex/Census
1871/Alfred Jupp/Son, Vellum Binder/23/London Town/Census
1871/Stephen Jupp/Son, Pianoforte Tuner/18/London Town/Census
1871/Ambrose Jupp/Son, Barman/17/London Town/Census
1871/Alice Jupp/Daughter/11/Bishopsgate, Middlesex/Census
1871/Agnes Jupp/Daughter/7/Tower, Middlesex/Census
1871/Anna Jupp/Daughter/5/Bishopsgate, Middlesex/Census
1871/Ellen Jupp/Niece/6/Colchester, Essex/Census
1871/Priscilla Allen/Servant/18/Bishopsgate, Middlesex/Census

1874/P Jupp/../../../Licensed Victualler & Hoteliers Directory

1881/Thomas Lilly/Publican/33/Shoreditch, Middlesex/Census
1881/Louisa E Lilly/Wife/21/Shoreditch, Middlesex/Census

1882/Thomas Lilly/../../../Post Office Directory

1884/Thomas Lilly/../../../Post Office Directory

1886/Albert E Cowell/../../../Business Directory of London **

1891/Augustus Cavers/../../../Post Office Directory

1893/Alfred Love/../../../P.O. Directory **

1895/Alfred Love/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Samuel Mossman/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/Samuel Mossman/Licensed Victualler/39/Bermondsey, London/Census
1901/Mary E Mossman/Wife/21/Hackney, London/Census
1901/Mary Mossman/Daughter/2/City, London/Census
1901/Emily A Lee/Barmaid/24/Chelsea, London/Census
1901/Matrtha E Keys/Barmaid/29/Woolwich, London/Census
1901/Edward F Buckland/Barman/24/Highbury, London/Census

1902/Samuel Mossman/../../../P.O. Directory **

1906/S T Mossman/../../../Morris’ Business Directory of London **

1908/Samuel Mossman/../../../P.O. Directory **

1910/Samuel Mossman/../../../Post Office Directory

In the 1901 census, Louis Marks and family were at the Mitre, St Martins ***

1911/Louis Marks/Public House Manager, Married 22 years/50/Whitechapel, London/Census ***
1911/Hannah Marks/Wife, Assisting in Business/41/Hackney, London/Census
1911/Ferdinand Marks/Son, Cutter (Tailor)/21/Kilburn, London/Census
1911/Phoebe Marks/Daughter/18/Bermondsey, London/Census
1911/Rachael Marks/Daughter/1/City of London, London/Census

1912/Louis Edward Marks/../../../P.O. Directory **

1934/Improved Public House Co Ltd/../../../Kellys Directory

1938/Improved Public House Co Ltd/../../../Post Office Directory

1983/HANDPUMP: 185 / 7 Bishopsgate EC2. Whitbread. Formerly the Black Raven, more recently The Pump./../../Pub Directory

1991/The Hand Pump: 185 / 187 Bishopsgate EC2. Whitbreads. Pub demolished./../../Pub Directory

** Provided By Stephen Harris

*** Provided By Janet Robinson

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:34:36 BST