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Chelsea Pub history index
At 14 Adams Place, King Road (South Side) in 1856; This pub is now called Henry J Beans. ** This Grade II-listed pub was established by at least 1722 - licensee John Westerbone - and was rebuilt in mock Tudor style in 1898 by G.R. Crickmay and Son. Around the early 1970s, it was converted to designs of the German architect Thomas Gehrig into a Bavarian-themed Watney's Bird's Nest disco pub which closed on 1st January 1983. Reportedly briefly renamed Musique, then long as Henry J. Beans until around the early 2010s. *
Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.
Six Bells, 195-197 Kings Road, SW3 - in March 2009
Kindly provided by Stephen Harris
Residents at this address.
December 1796/Margaret Deschlein, the Six Bells, Kings Road Chelsea, victualler../../Sun Fire Insurance records at the LMA
1805/Mrs Deshlinl, Six Bells, Kings road, Chelsea/../../Holdens Directory
St Lukes Lodge meets at the Six Bells, Kings road, Chelsea, London in 1817
1823-24/Bray & Son, Six Bells, Kings road/../../Pigots Directory
1826/John Bray & Son, Six Bells, Kings road/../../Pigots Directory
1831/J Bray, Six Bells, Adams place, Kings road, Chelsea, 1 guinea/../../Licensed Victuallers Association
1833/J Bray/../../../Licensed Victuallers Association
1851/John William Bray/../../../Kellys Directory
1851/John Bray/Publican/47/Chelsea, Middlesex/Census
1851/William Bray/Brother, Publican/45/Chelsea, Middlesex/Census
1851/Emily Muckley/General Servant/28/Colshill, Hertfordshire/Census
1851/Richard Thrush/Pot Boy/16/Chelsea, Middlesex/Census
1856/J & W Bray/../../../Post Office Directory
1866/William Bray/../../../Post Office Directory **
1881/Christopher J Aston/Manager Public House/27/Paddington,
1881/Eliza Povey/Housekeeper/36/Richmond, Surrey/Census
1881/Rosina Kenward/Barmaid/25/Westminster, Middlesex/Census
1881/Harriet Smith/General Servant/19/St Georges, Middlesex/Census
1882/John Lonsdale/../../../Post Office Directory
1884/John Lonsdale/../../../Post Office Directory
1885/John Lonsdale/../../../Post Office Directory **
1891/John Lonsdale/../../../Post Office Directory
1891/James H Rogers/Public House Manager/33/Marylebone, Middlesex/Census
1891/Mary Sampson/Housekeeper, Widow/52/Australia/Census
1891/Benjamin Francis/Barman/18/Chelsea, London/Census
1891/Dolores Andrew/Barmaid/21/Spain, British Subject/Census
1891/Harriet Salter/Domestic Servant/20/Fulham, London/Census
1892/John Lonsdale/../../../Kelly’s Chelsea Directory **
1895/John Lonsdale/../../../Post Office Directory
1899/Hy Wm Douglas/../../../Post Office Directory
1915/Henry Wiliiam Douglas/../../../Post Office Directory
1921/John Osborn Baker/../../../Post Office Directory
1950/Albert W R Spong/../../../BT Telephone Directory
1956/Albert W R Spong/../../../BT Telephone Directory
Chelsea News and General Advertiser - 29 July 1966
William Gary Nicholl, licensee of thw Six Bells public house, Kings Road, Chelsea as fined £20 with seven guinea costs, and banned from driving for a year, charged with driving a car while unfit through drink.
* Provided by Tris
** Provided By Stephen Harris