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Agricultural Hotel, 13 Liverpool road, Clerkenwell N1

The address is 1 Mount Row, Liverpool Road in 1869, prior to street renumbering.  Now known as Round Midnight Jazz & Blues Bar. *

Clerkenwell pub history index

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Agricultural Hotel, 13 Liverpool Road, N1 - in May 2007s

Agricultural Hotel, 13 Liverpool Road, N1 - in May 2007

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Agricultural Hotel, 13 Liverpool Road, N1 - in May 2010

Agricultural Hotel, 13 Liverpool Road, N1 - in May 2010

Kindly provided by Tris

Residents at this address.

Clerkenwell Dial and Finsbury Advertiser. 01 August 1863
Agricultural Hotel, Liverpool road, Clerkenwell from Richard Rouse to Elizabeth Bee. The chairman remarked that Mr Rouse had not kept the house long, and had he tired of it. Mr Rouse was understood to have said he had been here for a year.

February 1865/William Collins/Outgoing Licensee/../../Islington Gazette

February 1865/Charles Comfort/Incoming Licensee/../../Islington Gazette

March 1866/P John Connolly/License renewal/../Clerkenwell News

1869/Patrick John Connelly/../../../Post Office Directory

January 1869/P J Connelly/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

January 1869/Benjamin Benwell/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1874/E. Shears/../../../Licensed Victuallers and Hotel Keepers Directory *

1876/George Penn/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1876/Arthur Thomas Groom/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1877/Harriet Price/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1878/George Samuel Pummell/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1879/George Samuel Pummell/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1880/Thomas Paice/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1881/Thomas Paice/Licenced Victualler, Widow/47/Aldermaston, Berkshire/Census
1881/Harriet E Paice/Daughter, Barmaid/22/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Charles T Paice/Son, Barman/21/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Mary Ann Flooney/Sister In Law, Barmaid/52/Henbey/Census
1881/Elizabeth Figgins/Barmaid/20/Cambridge/Census
1881/Emily Carley/General Servant/19/Kent/Census

1881/Thomas Paice/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1882/Thomas Paice/../../../Post Office Directory

1882/Thomas Paice/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1883/Thomas Paice/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1884/Thomas Paice/../../../Post Office Directory

1884/Charles Miller/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1885/Charles Miller/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1886/Charles Miller/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1887/Charles Miller/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1888/Charles Miller/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1889/Geo Lucas/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1890/Frederick Palmer/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1891/Frederick Palmer/Licenced Victualler/35/Stratford, Essex/Census 
1891/Mary A Palmer/Wife/31/Yarmouth/Census
1891/Mildred Palmer/Daughter/9/Tottenham, London/Census
1891/Gracie Palmer/Daughter/7/Tottenham, London/Census
1891/Ada Palmer/Daughter/6/Tottenham, London/Census
1891/Walter Palmer/Son/4/Hammersmith/Census
1891/Nellie Palmer/Daughter/3/Hammersmith/Census
1891/Charlie Palmer/Son/7 months/Clerkenwell/Census
1891/Charlie Coombs/Barman/21/Fordingbridge, Hants/Census
1891/Arthur Hopkins/Brman/21/Birmingham/Census
1891/Lena Mancy/Barmaid/21/Stepney/Census
1891/Eliza Rigg/Nurse/17/Yarmouth/Census
1891/Susan Davis/Cook/21/Bethnal Green/Census

1891/Frederick Palmer/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1892/Wm Henry Short/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1893/Wm Henry Short/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1894/Wm Henry Short/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1895/Wm Henry Short/../../../Finsbury Petty Sessions

1899/John Frost White/../../../Post Office Directory

The 1911 census at 13 Liverpool Road N, St James and St John Clerkenwell
Augustus Fish, Licensed victualler, Widow, aged 35 years, and born in Woolsery N Devon
Frederick William Thomas, Barman, aged 38 years, and born in St Johns Wood London
George Hogg, Barman, aged 28 years, and born in Elshaw Kent
Francis Duffy, Barman, aged 44 years, and born in Marylebone London
Alice Mary Adams, Cook housekeeper, aged 56 years, and born in Hackney London

1914/Augustus Hamlyn Fish/../../../Post Office Directory

1915/Augustus Hamlyn Fish/../../../Post Office Directory *

1921/Augustus Hamlyn Fish/../../../Post Office Directory

1934/Edward Hardiman/../../../Post Office Directory

1938/Geo Ives/../../../Post Office Directory

1944/Wm Leonard Wall/../../../Post Office Directory

* Provided By Ewan

And Last updated on: Monday, 02-Dec-2024 23:59:27 GMT