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Feathers, 1 & 3 Deptford Green, Deptford SE8

Listed in Church Street in 1856 & 1869, alongside Deptford Green. The Ploom & Feathers in the 1911 census.

George Horton Harrild and his wife Maria outside the Plume of Feathers some time between 1910 and 1915

George Horton Harrild and his wife Maria outside the Plume of Feathers some time between 1910 and 1915

Kindly provided by Malcolm Harrild

Deptford Index

A listing of London historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Deptford, Kent in the parishes of St Pauls or St Nicholas - now partially in London.

Residents at this address.

1823-24/Rebc Pritchard, Feathers, Church Street/../../Pigots Directory

1826/Chas Pritchard/../../../Pigots Directory

1832-34/Charles Pritchard, Feathers, Church Street/../../Pigots Directory

1836/Henry Smith Webb, Plume of feathers, Deptford green/../../Pigot's Directory

1840/Joseph Kinnipple/Plume of Feathers/../../Pigot's Directory *

1847/James Stitchbury/Plume of Feathers/../../Bagshaw's Directory *

1851/James Stickbury/Victualler/60/Stepney, Middlesex/Census *
1851/Daniel Stickbury/Son, Waiter/29/Bethnal Green, Middlesex/Census
1851/Lucretia Stickbury/Wife/26/Bethnal Green, Middlesex/Census
1851/Lucretia Stickbury/Daughter/15/Deptford, Kent/Census
1851/Catharine Stickbury/Daughter, Waiter/15/Bethnal Green, Middlesex/Census
1851/Daniel Tirington/Lodger, Stoker/24/Derby, Derbyshire/Census

1856/J Stichbury/../../../Post Office Directory

March 1857/James Stichbury/Outgoing Licensee/../../Morning Advertiser

March 1857/John Lightfoot/Incoming Licensee/../../Morning Advertiser

Orrs Kentish Journal- 18 May 1861
Plume of Feathers, The Green, John Lightfoot

Kentish Independent. 25 August 1866 Annual Licensing Day
Plume of Feathers, The Green, St Nicholas, Deptford, John Lightfoot

1869/Jn Lightfoot/../../../../Post Office Directory

I'm interested in The Feathers, Deptford.  I have a photo which appears to have been taken about 1880 during an election. It has HAWKINS above the door and The Feathers at the top of the building. This is a strange photo on Glass which was broken. I have a birth certificate that says the father - my great grandfather - Charles Alfred Hawkins was the Licensed Victualler at The Feathers in 1879. He was previously the Pot Boy at the Lancaster Arms in 1871. **

1879/Charles Hawkins/../../../../Birth Certficate ***

Woolwich Gazette 28 August 1880
Plume of Feathers, Deptford, from Charles Alfred Hawkins to Thomas John Sewell

1881/Thomas John Sewell/Licensed Victualler/33/Brighton/Census
1881/Emily Duck/House Keeper/28/Plaistow, Essex/Census
1881/Henry Faim/Potman/27/Millwall, Essex/Census
1881/Eliza Allday/General Servant/25/Canning Town, Essex/Census

1882/Thomas John Sewell/../../../Post Office Directory

1884/John Carney/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Spencer Chaplin/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/William John Marler/Licensed Victualler/59/St Georges, Surrey/Census
1891/Alice Marler/Wife/30/Sutton, Staffordshire/Census
1891/Joseph Piggott Marler/Son, Assistant/24/Bermondsey/Census
1891/Rose Elizabeth Marler/Daughter, Assistant/20/Bermondsey/Census
1891/Henry G Marler/Son, Assistant/18/Bermondsey/Census
1891/Mary Ann Marler/Servant/22/Nottingham/Census

1895/Hy Geo Marler/../../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Wm Hy Stevenson/../../../Post Office Directory

George Horton Harrild and his wife Maria outside their pub some time between 1910 and 1915 – maybe a little later – GHH died in 1917. **

I expect the pub was bombed in WWII.

1910/Geo Horton Harrild/../../../Post Office Directory

1911/George Horton Harrild/Publican/59/Deptford, Kent/Census
1911/Maria Harrild/Wife/60/Deptford, Kent/Census

1915/George Horton Harrild/../../../Post Office Directory *

1917/George Horton Harrild of the Plume of Feather public house 1 Deptford Green Deptford Kent died 1 January 1917 Probate London 25 January to Arthur George Harrild musician. Effects £853 4s 1d.

1921/George Land/../../../Post Office Directory

In 1921 census at Plume of Feasher, Deptford, St Nicholas Deptford
George Land, Licensed Victualler, aged 55 years 5 months, and born in Norwich, Norfolk, the Employer
Laura Kate Land, Wife, aged 37 years 4 months, and born in London
Laura Land, Daughter, aged 13 years 2 months, and born in London
Ivy Land, Daughter, aged 11 years 5 months, and born in London
Winifred Land, Daughter, aged 9 years 7 months, and born in London
Nelson Land, Son, aged 6 years 8 months, and born in London
Mary Land, Daughter, aged 5 years 1 month, and born in London
Jack Land, Son, aged 2 years 6 months, and born in London

1927/Ernest Charles Barclay/Plume of Feathers/../../Post Office Directory

** Provided By Malcolm Harrild

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:39:51 BST