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Cock Tavern, 360 North End Road, Fulham SW6
Fulham pub history index
Currently a Young's pub (2015 & 2017). It was first licensed in 1713 and rebuilt in 1813, leased to Meux's; rebuilt again in 1895. Known as The Cock & Hen by 2007 and renamed as Cock Tavern by September 2014. It has been randomly called the Cock Tavern or the Cock Hotel since 1805. *
A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Fulham, London.

The Cock, 360 North End Road, Fulham - in 1974
Residents at this address
1805, _ Moores, the Cock, Walham green/../../Holdens Directory
1811, J Champness, Cock, Walham green./../../Holdens Directory
Morning Post. 22 December 1818
Inquest. Yesterday an Inquest was held at the house of Mr J Hardwick, the sign of the Cock, on Walham Green before T Sterling Esq, Coroner of the County of Middlesex, on the body of Capt William Rawlins, of the Royal Navy, who distinguished himself in the ever memorable battle of Trafalgar, and in many other engagements at Sea, whose untimely death was caused by apoplexy. Verdict, Died by the Visitation of God.
1826/John Price, Cock, Walham Green/../../Middlesex Directory
Morning Advertiser. 11 February 1834
Died, On Thursday, the 6th of February, Rachel, the wife of John Price, of the Cock, Walham green, much regretted, by her husband and a numerous circle of friends.
September 1834, Mr John Price, Cock, Walham green - Licensed Victuallers Association subscriber of one guinea
1836/Edward Sadler, Cock, Walham Green/../../Pigot's Directory
Cleave's Weekly Police Gazette. 23 April 1836
Assault Upon a Publican. George Morgan, a notorious character, residing at Fulham, was charged by Mr Sadler, the landlord of the Cock, Walham green, with having committed a most violent and unprovoked assault upon him in his own house.
![Looks like a sherd of a Reform Flask, named C Mayl[ard], The Cock, St Johns Terrace, Walham , crediting Germander for the image, and Rusty.](CockMaylardFlask.jpg)
Looks like a sherd of a Reform Flask, named C Mayl[ard], The Cock, St Johns Terrace, Walham , crediting Germander for the image, and Rusty.
Charles Maylard is previously in business with Thomas Grason at the
Vintners Arms, Fetter Lane.
1844, Mr Charles Maylard, Walham green - Licensed Victuallers Association subscriber of ten guineas
The Burial record for Charles Maylard lists him as aged 44 years old and buried on May 22nd 1850.
Morning Advertiser. 18 May 1850
Died. Of Consumption, on the 15th instance, at Walham green, aged 46, Mr Charles Maylard, late of the Cock, Walham green, member and life subscriber to the Licensed Victuallers School and Society, much regretted by his beloved wife, relatives and friends.
1855, C AGAR, Cock, Walham green, Fulham
West London Observer. 16 January 1858 - Transfer of Licenses
Cock, Walham Green, to Margaret Agar, widow and executrix of J Agar, the late proprietor
1861/Margaret Agar/Victualler, Widow/58/York, Yorkshire/Census
1861/Albert Agar/Son, Barman/21/Westminster, Middlesex/Census
1861/Marian Agar/Daughter/19/Westminster, Middlesex/Census
West London Observer. 07 November 1863 - Kensington Petty Sessions Transfers
Henry Collins and George Finch, Executors of the late Margares Agar, of the Cock, Walham Green, to Frederiock William Agar, the son.
1871/Frederick W Agar/Wine Merchant, widow/43/Walworth, Surrey/Census
1871/Frederick Agar/Son/11/Fulham/Census
1871/Charles Agar/Son/9/Fulham/Census
1871/Parisina F de Martina/Visitor/36/Bilbao, spain/Census
West London Observer. 01 April 1871
Fulham Board of Guardians appointemnets include Frederick William Agar, the Cock Tavern, Walham Green
1872/Frederick William Agar, Cock Tavern, St Johns terrace, Walham green, Fulham/../../Post Office Directory
Morning Advertiser. 15 October 1872
Assault- George Ward, a labourer, was convicted of being drunk, disorderly and assaulting Mr F W Agar, the landlord of the Cock Tavern, Walham Green, Fulham.
He fined the prisoner 10 shillings or seven days.
West London Observer. 28 February 1885
The Alleged Assault - Michael Mahoney, a labourer, living in Dawes road, Fulham, was re-examined on the charge of assaulting John Berry, potman at the Cock Tavern, Walham Green. Mr Sheil heard Mr Alexander, the barman, and fined the prisoner 10 shillings, or seven days.
West London Observer. 25 April 1885
Assaultiing a Public House Manager - At the Hammersmith Pokice Court, on Tuesday, James Downs appeared to answer for violently sassaulting Henry Alexander, manager to Mr Fagan, landlord of the Cock Tavern, Walham Green.
West London Observer, 23 January 1886
The Peterboro Benevolent Society - Letters of condolence to the widow and family of the late Mr H H Alexander, recently manager of the Cock Tavern, Walham Green, and Mr Charles Smith, were directed to be forwarded.
London Evening Standard. 17 December 1887
James Hare, a Baker, and Thomas Harry Hare were summoned for assaulting Charles Agar, manager to his father, landlord of the Cock Tavern, Walham Green.
Kensington News and West London Times. 15 June 1889
Frederick Roberts, Frederick Musgrave and Elizabeth Deane were charged with assaulting Charles Agar, manager of the Cock Tavern, Walham Green.
West London Observer. 24 December 1892
Oldest House in Fulham. The Cock Tavern, Walham Green
Proprietor, Charles Agar
The well known Hostelrie is now under the personal supervision of the Proprietor. All articles of the Finest Quality in the market.
Disher's Famous Bitter Ale. Courahge's Stout and Porter.
John Dewar's Famous Old Highland Whisky
Only House in Neighbourhood for Famous Welsh Ale, 4d per quart, in your own jug.
Fulham Chronicle. 06 February 1903
Cock Hotel, Walham Green S.W.
E T Pimm, Proprietor, Late of the Crown Hotel, Harlesden N W
Everything is of the Very Best at this Establishment. First Class Luncheons served daily from 1 till 3
1911/Edward Thomas Pimm/Licensed Victualler/49/Eynsham, Oxfordshire/Census
1911/Fernis Daisy Pimm/Wife/29/Cheapside EC/Census
1911/Ethel Laura Pimm/Daughter, Warehouse Assistant/20/Whitefriars, London/Census
1911/Constance Jessie Annie Granger/Niece/18/Ryde, Isle of Wight/Census
1911/Patyricia Fernie Pimm/Daughter/6/Bedfont, Middlesex/Census
1911/Gwendoline Daisy Pimm/Daughter/5/Walham Green/Census
1911/Rachel Hunter/Barmaid/33/Ramsbury, wiltshire/Census
1911/William Morris/Barman/35/Deptford SE/Census
1911/Thomas Andrew Mitchell/Barman/22/Norwich, Norfolk/Census
1911/Ethel Kirby/Cook/35/../Census
1911/Mary Eunice Pimm/Daughter/8/Bedfont, Middlesex/Census
1911/Edith Pearce/Hospital Nurse/35/Clapham/Census
1911/Emily Ada Mannel/Housemaid/29/Southwark/Census
1921/Albert E Evans/Cock Hotel/../../../Post Office Directory
In 1921 census at 360, North End Road, Fulham
Albert Edward Evans, Licensed Victualler, aged 46 years 6 months, and born in Wales Employer
Harriet Louisa Evans, Wife, aged 38 years 8 months, and born in London
Harry Tucker, Licensed Victuallers Manager, Evans, Cock Tavern, Walham SW6, aged 42 years 1 month, and born in London
Edward Blackford, Barman, Evans, Cock Tavern, Walham SW6, aged 24 years 1 month, and born in Reigate, Surrey
Patrick Maloney, Barman, Evans, Cock Tavern, Walham SW6, aged 31 years 2 months, and born in Galway, Ireland
Frank Smith, Barman, Evans, Cock Tavern, Walham SW6, aged 20 years 8 months, and born in London
Ethel Bertram, Barman, Evans, Cock Tavern, Walham SW6, aged 27 years 2 months, and born in London
Annie Robinson, Barman, Evans, Cock Tavern, Walham SW6, aged 30 years, and born in Northampton, Northamptonshire
Mary Garrett, Cook, Evans, Cock Tavern, Walham SW6, aged 54 years, and born in Berwick on Tweed
Annie Elizabeth Ashington, Housemaid, Evans, Cock Tavern, Walham SW6, aged 53 years 1 month, and born in London
1934/Mrs Harriet Louisa Evans/Cock Hotel/../../../Post Office Directory
1938/Mrs Harriet Louisa Evans/Cock Hotel/../../../Post Office Directory
1942/Ernest S Longman & C A Cross/Cock Hotel/../../../Post Office Directory
1944/William Button & C A Cross/Cock Hotel/../../../Post Office Directory
1971/Thomas Jarrett/../../../../Bt Telephone Directory
* Provided By Tris