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The Woodman, 20 Woodland Street, Hackney

Hackney pub history Index

At about 10 Forest Road in the 1881 census. Woodland Street is on the next page of the census, and is the address in 1878 & earlier, e.g  20 Woodland Street in the 1871 census. By the 1891 census, the Hope at 89 Holly Street is listed as the Woodman.

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

'The Woodman, Forest Road, Dalston', inscribed on the back was written 'owned by Alfred Ford Ramplee 'The Woodman' Forest Road Dalton London E photo taken in the 1890's Brewers Truman Hanberry and Buxton'.

'The Woodman, Forest Road, Dalston', inscribed on the back was written 'owned by Alfred Ford Ramplee 'The Woodman' Forest Road Dalton London E photo taken in the 1890's Brewers Truman Hanberry and Buxton'.

Kindly provided by Ann Owen

Residents at this address.

1826/Thomas Heap/../../../Pigot's Directory *

1828/William Stevenson Perrin / Public House Keeper /../../Proceedings of the Old Bailey **

1830/Robert Sharpe / Public House Keeper /../../Proceedings of the Old Bailey **

1848/William Stone/../../../Post Office Directory *

1851/George Hoskins/../../../Middlesex Directory

1856/George Hoskins/../../../Post Office Directory *

May 1858/Thomas Goodman/Outgoing Licensee/../../East London Observer

May 1858/Elizabeth White/Incoming Licensee/../../East London Observer

1861/Elizabeth White/Licensed Victualler, Widow/45/Old Kent Road, Surrey/Census
1861/Hanah Mills/Barmaid/19/Southwark, Surrey/Census
1861/Sarah Mills/Barmaid/17/Southwark, Surrey/Census
1861/Emma Neville/General Servant/26/Southwark, Surrey/Census

March 1865/Elizabeth White/Outgoing Licensee/../../East London Observer +

March 1865/John Baker/Incoming Licensee/../../East London Observer +

August 1866/John Baker/ Outgoing Licensee /../../Morning Advertiser

August 1866/Jonathan Lupton/ Incoming Licensee /../../Morning Advertiser

1866/J Lupton/../../../Middlesex Post Office Directory

1871/Robert Berry/Licensed Victualler/37/Marylebone, Middlesex/Census
1871/Harriet Berry/Wife/34/Weldon, Northampton/Census
1871/George Berry/Son/9/Weldon, Northampton/Census
1871/Thomas Berry/Son/7/Weldon, Northampton/Census
1871/Arthur Berry/Son/5/St Georges, Middlesex/Census
1871/Herbert Berry/Son/3/Hackney/Census
1871/Harriet Berry/Daughter/2/Hackney/Census
1871/Alice Clarke/General Servant/22/Middlesex/Census

1874/Robert Berry/../../../Middlesex Post Office Directory

22nd January 1876/Robert Berry/Outgoing Licensee/../../East London Observer +

22nd January 1876/John Tebby/Incoming Licensee/../../East London Observer +

July 1877/John Tebby/Outgoing Licensee/../../East London Observer

July 1877/Thomas William Pealling/Incoming Licensee/../../East London Observer

1878/Thomas William Pealling/../../../Middlesex Post Office Directory

1881/Thomas W Pealling/Licensed Victualler/41/Shoreditch/Census
1881/Mary A Pealling/Wife/39/Shoreditch/Census
1881/Thomas W. Pealing/Son, Attends To Bar/15/Shoreditch/Census
1881/Mary A Pealling/Daughter/13/Shoreditch/Census
1881/Edgar Pealling/Son/11/Shoreditch/Census
1881/Florence Pealling/Daughter/7/Shoreditch/Census
1881/Louisa E Pealling/Daughter/1 month/Hackney/Census
1881/Ada Everett/Servant Domestic/24/St Lukes/Census

1884/Thomas W Pealling/../../../Post Office Directory

1886/William A Cornish/../../../Business Directory of London **

1890s - Alfred Ramplee was my Great Grandfather. The Woodman was owned by Alfred Ford Ramplee in the 1890's. The Brewers were Truman Hanberry and Buxton'. ***

+ Provided by Friends of Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park

** Provided By Stephen Harris

*** Provided By Anne Owen


And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:43:32 BST