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Barley Mow, 31 Popham Road, Islington N1

Islington index

The address is 12 Frog Lane in 1869 and earlier, prior to street renaming. It is also given as 12 South Place in the 1856 Directory *.

George Morland 1763-1804 sketch by T Rowlandson

George Morland 1763-1804 sketch by T Rowlandson

Country Life - 07 June 1990 : An Islington Painter - The character of Islington was changing from Country to suburb, when a 37 year old when a painter, George Morland appearede. Morlands paintings and drawing are estimated to number 4,000 sporting, farmyard or village scenes.
The Barley Mow Tea House and Gardens were on the west side of Frog Lane, now Popham Road, Islington. They are first mentioned in 1786. About 1799, the Barley Mow was kept as a public-house by a man named Tate, and George Morland lived there for several months, indulging in drinking and low company, but finding time to paint some good pictures which he generally sold for small sums. He often borrowed for sketching purposes old harness and saddles from a farm-house opposite, and was wont to send after any rustic-looking character " to obtain a sitting. The Barley Mow has been used as a public-house to the present time, and is now No. 31, Popham Road, but it has been modernised, or rebuilt, and the garden has disappeared. - LONDON PLEASURE GARDENS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, 1896

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Barley Mow, 31 Popham Road, Islington

Barley Mow, 31 Popham Road, Islington

Kindly provided by Charlie Goodwin

Barley Mow, Popham road N1 from The Saint TV series episode, When Spring Is Sprung 1967.

Barley Mow, Popham road N1 from The Saint TV series episode, When Spring Is Sprung 1967.

Kindly provided by Vincent O'Loughlin

Residents at this address.

1808/Mary Hale/victualler/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1808/Joseph Tate, Barley Mow, Frog lane, Islington/../../Holdens Directory

1819/John Britten/victualler/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1824/William Hutchinson/victualler/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1833-34/William Hutchinson, Barley Mow, 12 Long Lane, Islington/../../Pigots Directory

1834/William Hutchinson/../../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1842/William Hutchinson, Barley Mow, 12 south Row, Lower Road, Islingto/../../Robsons Directory *

1856/Patrick John Connelly/../../../Post Office Directory *

1861/Patrick John Connelly/Licensed Victualler/43/Ireland/Census *
1861/Martha Connelly/Wife/43/Minories, Middlesex/Census
1861/Phillis Hutchinson/Daughter-in-Law/13/Islington, Middlesex/Census
1861/Jane Hutchinson/Daughter-in-Law/11/Islington, Middlesex/Census
1861/Alice M. Connelly/Daughter/6/Islington, Middlesex/Census
1861/John James Connelly/Son/3/Islington, Middlesex/Census
1861/Mary A. Connelly/Daughter/11 months/Great Marlow, Buckinghamshire/Census
1861/Eliza Gunnell/Servant/50/Great Marlow, Buckinghamshire/Census

1862/Patrick John Connelly/../../../Post Office Directory

March 1866/Henry Johns/License renewal/../Clerkenwell News

1869/Henry Johns/../../../Post Office Directory

1871/Henry Johns/Licensed Victualler/42/St Luke, Middlesex/Census *
1871/Eliza Johns/Wife/29/Romford, Essex/Census
1871/Mary Ann Johns/Daughter/18/St Georges, Middlesex/Census
1871/Henry William Johns/Son/13/Friern Barnet, Middlesex/Census
1871/Charles E. Johns/Son/11/Friern Barnet, Middlesex/Census
1871/Agnes T. Johns/Daughter/9/Friern Barnet, Middlesex/Census
1871/Minnie A. Johns/Daughter/7/Friern Barnet, Middlesex/Census
1871/Jessie L. Johns/Daughter/1/Islington, Middlesex/Census
1871/John Brown/Barman/26/South Mimms, Hertfordshire/Census
1871/Sarah Fletcher/Domestic Servant/22/Richmond, Surrey/Census

1881/Daniel Harvey/Licensed Victualler/49/Suffolk/Census
1881/Susan Harvey/Wife/50/Suffolk/Census
1881/Jessey Wheaton/Barmaid/24/Regents Park, Middlesex/Census
1881/G W Croft/Manager/34/Newington, Middlesex/Census
1881/Bertha Harvey/House Maid/19/Greenwich, Kent/Census

1882/Daniel Harvey/../../../Post Office Directory *

1891/William Finch/../../../Post Office Directory

1895/Frederick William Beales/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Edward Hugh Thomas/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/Edwin Anderson/Licensed Victualler/36/Stepney, London/Census
1901/Sarah Anderson/Wife/37/Hoxton, London/Census
1901/Maud Anderson/Daughter/8/Poplar, London/Census
1901/Rose Curtland/Niece/9/Hoxton, London/Census
1901/Leigh Newey/Barman/32/Leicester, Leicestershire/Census
1901/James Tabernacle/Visitor, Leather Worker/52/St Lukes, London/Census
1901/Elizabeth Tabernacle/Visitor, Housekeeper/49/Rigdnell, Essex/Census
1901/Ellen Norton/Visitor/11/Hackney, London/Census

1910/Reginald James Crouch/../../../Post Office Directory

In 1911 at 31 Popham Road Islington N
Reginald J Crouch, Licensed victualler, aged 42 and born in Isle of Dogs Poplar Middlesex
Mary Crouch, Wife, Assisting in business, aged 43 and born in Lambeth Middlesex
Rosa Nye, General servant, Widow, aged 34 and born in Finsbury Park Middlesex
Frank White, Barman, aged 19 and born in Marylebone

1915/Reginald James Crouch/../../../Post Office Directory

By 1921, Reginald James Crouch is at the Park Road Hotel, North Finchley, Finchley

1921/Mrs Jessie M Farey/../../../Hughes Directory

1934/Harry Frederick Farey/../../../Kellys Directory

1938/Harry Frederick Farey/../../../Post Office Directory

1944/Harry Frederick Farey/../../../Post Office Directory

* Provided by Ewan


And Last updated on: Wednesday, 29-Jan-2025 17:57:38 GMT