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Butchers Arms, 256 York Road, Islington N7

Islington index

At Market area, entrance to Metropolitan Cattle Market, in 1869. Now converted to residential use. *** The address is at 256 York Way by 1944, following street renaming. *

Butchers Arms, 256 York Way, N7 - 20th April 2010

Butchers Arms, 256 York Way, N7 - 20th April 2010

Kindly provided by Tris

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address.

April 1855/S Swinbank/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

April 1855/William Dudley, of the Oxford Arms, Warwick lane/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

1856/William Dudley/../../../Post Office Directory *

1861/Mary Ann Dudley/Licensed Victualler Wife/40/Tottenham, Middlesex/Census
1861/William Dudley/Son/14/Waltham Cross, Middlesex/Census
1861/Edward Frankling Pickering/Baker/44/Margate, Kent/Census
1861/William Knowles/Ostler/21/Birmingham, Warwickshire/Census
1861/Elizabeth Smith/Cook/56/Bristol, Somerset/Census
1861/Emma Hawkins/Housemaid/30/Maidstone, kent/Census
1861/Benjamin Clowes/Butcher/46/Handley, Staffordshire/Census
1861/George Gay/Drover/46/Alby, Norfolk/Census
+ More Drovers

1862/William Dudley/../../../Post Office Directory *

March 1866/T E Davis/License renewal/../Clerkenwell News

1869/E T Davis/../../../Post Office Directory

July 1870/Thomas Edward Davis, deceased/Outgoing Licensee/../../Islington Gazette

July 1870/Charlotte Harriet Davis, widow/Incoming Licensee/../../Islington Gazette

1874/G. Wilkins/../../../Licensed Victuallers and Hotel Keepers Directory *

Islington Gazette 21 May 1877
Finsbury Licensing Sessions
Butchers Arms, Metroplitan Cattle market, G Willis to W Sharp

1881/William H Uglow/Licensed Victualler/39/Devonport, Devon/Census
1881/Annie Uglow/Wife/30/Exeter, Devon/Census
1881/John Mallatt/Brother In Law, Assistant Victualler/26/Exeter, Devon/Census
1881/Sidney Pollard/Visitor, Bookseller/25/Ipswich, Suffolk/Census
1881/Edward Betting/Barman/23/Newton St Cyres, Devon/Census
1881/Henry Sarrad/Potman/26/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Thomas Hewnitt/Potman/23/Hampstead, Middlesex/Census
1881/Mary A Saint/Domestic Servant/25/Bath, Somerset/Census
1881/Francis Sladen/Visitor, Dealer & Salesman/35/Tingewick, Buckingham/Census

1882/William H. Uglow/../../../Post Office Directory *

1884/Wm H Uglow/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Charles Thomas Buckhurst/../../../Post Office Directory

1895/Mrs Laura M Buckhurst/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/August Paul Max Wartmann/../../../Post Office Directory

1910/Mrs Bessie Wartmann/../../../Post Office Directory

1915/Mrs Bessie Wartmann/../../../Post Office Directory

1921/Henry Herbert Hooton/../../../Post Office Directory *

1927/George John William Nott/../../../Post Office Directory *

I've been researching the Dickson family, who they ran a number of pubs in London from the early 1900's. (James) Arthur Dickson was the father and he had two sons Arthur George Dickson and Ernest Edwin Dickson, all involved in the brewery trade.  **

1932 - 1934/Arthur George Dickson/../../../Electoral registers **

1934/Arthur George Dickson/../../../Kellys Directory

1938/William Arthur Carey/../../../Post Office Directory

1940/James Frederick Dixon/../../../Post Office Directory *

1944/Mrs Lily Rudkins/../../../Post Office Directory

* Provided by Ewan

** Provided by Mary Armour

*** Provided By Tris

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