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Green Man, 2a Prospect Row, Balls Pond, Islington N1

Islington index

At 32 Haliday Walk, Balls Pond by 1921; The contemporary address is 53 Mildmay Street, N1. Known as Jays at the time of closure and now in residential use. ***

Green Man, 32 Haliday Walk, N1 - in November 2011

Green Man, 32 Haliday Walk, N1 - in November 2011

Kindly provided by Tris

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address.

1805, Thomas Birch, Green Man, Balls Pond, near Islington/../../Holdens Directory

1809/William Taylor/victualler/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1831/George Speedy/victualler/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1848/George Speedy/../../../Post Office Directory *

1851/George Speedy/../../../Post Office Directory *

1856/Mrs Henrietta Speedy/../../../Post Office Directory *

March 1866/James Speedy/License renewal/../Clerkenwell News

April 1866/Speedy/../../Islington Gazette

April 1866/Henry Peter Speedy/Incoming Licensee/../../Islington Gazette

1869/Henry Speedy/../../../Post Office Directory

1881/James Playford/Licensed Victualler/42/Hackney, Middlesex/Census
1881/Margaret Playford/Wife/50/Coslaw, Wiltshire/Census
1881/James A Playford/Son/14/Lee, Kent/Census
1881/Emily F S Playford/Daughter/11/Lee, Kent/Census

1882/Coulson Laceby/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Arthur Goode/../../../Post Office Directory

1895/Philip Turner Godfrey/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Albert Jn Hewitt/../../../Post Office Directory

1910/John Hay/../../../Post Office Directory

Thomas John William Terry was the licensee at the "Green Man", Halliday Walk (later Mildmay Street) in 1915-1917. He also had the "Carlton Tavern", which he took over in 1918. He was the licensee at "Foresters Arms" Loughton in 1918 (where his first wife Elsie died). Then he was the licensee at the "Gower Arms" Store Street in 1923, and the licensee in 1925 - 1926 at the Denbigh Arms, Denbigh Place, with his second wife Florence Ellen. When Thomas John William Terry died in 1930 (aged 41), the probate shows him at the "Beaumont Arms" Uxbridge Road. I am not sure whether his second wife Florence Ellen continued there.  He was my Grandmother Carnaby's Brother. **

1915/Thomas John William Terry/../../../Post Office Directory

Elsie Florence Terry on the Ind, Coope & Company tenancy agreement, dated 12th June 1918 for the Green Man, Haliday Walk, Balls Pond

Elsie Florence Terry on the Ind, Coope & Company tenancy agreement, dated 12th June 1918 for the Green Man, Haliday Walk, Balls Pond

Kindly provided by John Carnaby

In 1918, Elsie Florence Terry (wife of Thomas John William Terry) is shown on the Coope & Company tenancy agreement, dated 12th June 1918 for the Green Man, 32 Haliday Walk, N1. **
Also on 12th June 1918 Elsie Florence Terry is shown on the Ind, Coope & Company tenancy agreement for the Foresters Arms, Loughton.
In the very same year of these two agreements, Elsie Florence Terry became ill and later died at the young age of 29 years, at the Foresters Arms in October 1918.

In 1911, Florence Ada Mitchell is a beer retailer at 74 Prusom Street Old Gravel Lane London East, the Ship and Bell.

1921/Mrs Florence Ada Mitchell/../../../Post Office Directory

In 1921 at 32, Haliday Walk, Islington, London & Middlesex,
Florence Ada Mitchell, Licensed Victualler, Widow, aged 40 years 9 months and born in Stepney, London
Jessie Florence Mitchell, Daughter, Barmaid, F A Mitchell Licenced Victualler, aged 22 years 1 month and born in West Ham, Essex
Edith Violet Mitchell, Daughter, Barmaid, F A Mitchell Licenced Victualler, aged 16 years 11 months and born in Stepney, London

1934/Mrs Florence Ada Manders/../../../Kellys Directory

Holloway Press. 14 April 1934 Transfers;
Green Man, 32 Haliday Walk, Florence Ada Manders to Horace Albert Giles

1938/Herbert Tankard/../../../Post Office Directory

** Provided By John Carnaby

*** Provided By Tris

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:45:49 BST