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Victoria Tavern, 203 Holloway Road, Islington N7

Islington index

The address is 1 Queens Place, Holloway Road in 1856 and earlier, prior to street renumbering (and named simply as the Victoria). *
Recently renamed Phibbers (2008) *** The address is at Liverpool road in 1866. Renamed in 2015 as 12 Bar Club, Beer Kat in 2016 and as of 2017, Liquor Works. *+

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Victoria Tavern, 203 Holloway Road, Islington N7 - in March 2008

Victoria Tavern, 203 Holloway Road, Islington N7 - in March 2008

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address.

1841/John Law/../../../Post Office Directory *

1848/John Law/../../../Post Office Directory *

1851/John Law/../../../Post Office Directory *

1856/John Law/../../../Post Office Directory *

March 1866/Frederick Coxen/License renewal/../Clerkenwell News

1869/Frederick Coxen/../../../Post Office Directory

1878/Frederick Coxen/../../../Post Office Directory ***

1881/Frederick Coxen/Licenced Victualler, Widow/54/Twickenham, Middlesex/Census
1881/Mary Coxen/Daughter/24/Surbiton, Surrey/Census
1881/Ellen Coxen/Daughter/18/Surbiton, Surrey/Census
1881/Elizabeth Coxen/Daughter/15/Islington, Middlesex/Census
1881/Rose Coxen/Daughter/13/Islington, Middlesex/Census
1881/Clara Coxen/Daughter/8/Islington, Middlesex/Census
1881/Annie Coxen/Daughter/7/Islington, Middlesex/Census
1881/Ellen Way/Niece/17/Wells, Somerset/Census
1881/Elizabeth Potter/Cook/25/Feering, Essex/Census
1881/Emily Burchell/Housemaid/25/Feering, Essex/Census
1881/George Sawyer/Barman/22/Middleton, Suffolk/Census
1881/Frederick Mowcomber/Barman/22/Langton, Kent/Census
1881/Robert Cole/Barman/18/Wormley, Hertford/Census
1881/William Taylor/Potman/22/Camberwell, Surrey/Census

1882/Frederick Coxen/../../../Post Office Directory *

1884/Frederick Coxen/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Frederick Coxen/../../../Post Office Directory

1895/Frederick Coxen/../../../Post Office Directory *

1899/Mrs Laura Martha Buckhurst/../../../Post Office Directory

1906/John Baptiste D'Ardenne/../../../Post Office Directory *

1910/John Baptiste D'Ardenne/../../../Post Office Directory

1915/Charles Hohnen/../../../Post Office Directory *

1918/William Watling Smith/../../../Post Office Directory

1921/Alfred William Potter/../../../Post Office Directory

I've been researching the Dickson family, who they ran a number of pubs in London from the early 1900's. (James) Arthur Dickson was the father and he had two sons Arthur George Dickson and Ernest Edwin Dickson, all involved in the brewery trade.  **

1921 - 1930/Arthur George Dickson/../../../Electoral registers **

1924/Arthur George Dickson, see Harwood & Dickson/../../../Post Office Directory

1924/Harwood & Dickson/../../../Post Office Directory

1928/Arthur Clarke Ltd/../../../Post Office Directory *

1929/Arthur Clarke Ltd/../../../Post Office Directory *

1932/Arthur Clarke Ltd/../../../Post Office Directory *

1934/Arthur Clarke Ltd/../../../Post Office Directory *

1938/Arthur Clarke Ltd/../../../Post Office Directory

1940/Arthur Clarke Ltd/../../../Post Office Directory *

* Provided By Ewan

** Provided by Mary Armour

*** Provided By Stephen Harris

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:46:53 BST