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Bath Tavern, 3 Belgrave Road, Mitcham, Surrey

At Hayward road, Mitcham in 1874

Mitcham pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Surrey .

Residents at this address

1881/Thomas Hope/Publican/59/Norholm, Lincoln/Census
1881/Georgia Hope/Wife/45/St Ives, Huntingdon/Census
1881/Fanny E Hope/Daughter/25/Doniton, Lincoln/Census
1881/Louis E Hope/Son/12/West Marsh, Lincoln/Census
1881/Willie S Hope/Son/5/Norwood, Surrey/Census

1891/Daniel Burton/../../../Kelly’s Directory
1891/Arethur Henry Clay/../../../Kelly’s Directory

1896/Alexander Edward Green/../../../Kelly’s Directory

In 1901 at Bath Tavern, 1 Belgrave Road, Mitcham
Alexander Green, Licensed victualler aged 61 and born in Warwickshire
Eliza Green, Wife aged 49 and born in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
Frances Green, Daughter aged 23 and born in Warwickshire
Sarah Burrows, Servant aged 18 and born in Mitcham, Surrey

In 1911 at 3 Belgrave Road Mitcham, Mitcham, Surrey
Alexander Edwin Green, Publican aged 71 and born in Birmingham, Warwickshire
Eliza Alice Green, Wife aged 59 and born in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
Frances Minnie Green, Daughter aged 33 and born in Birmingham, Warwickshire
Emily Lymes, Visitor, Widow aged 51 and born in Marylebone, London

1913/Alexander Edwin Green/../../../Kelly’s Directory

1937/Mrs Rosina Mary Searle, Bath Tavern, 3 Belgrave road, Mitcham/../../Kelly’s Directory

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:52:45 BST