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Mitcham pub history index
Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Surrey
Residents at this address
1809/Jos Saunders, Bull Inn, Mitcham, Surrey/../../Holdens Directory
1822/Benjamin West/Bull/../../Petty Sessions
1825/Benjamin West/Bull/../../Petty Sessions
1839/John Boreham/Bull, Lower Mitcham/../../Pigots Directory
1855/Edwin Tribe/Bull, Church street, Lower Mitcham/../../Post Office
1861/Edwin Tribe/Licensed Victualler/50/Storrington, Sussex/Census
1861/Sarah Tribe/Wife/49/Chalvey, Buckinghamshire/Census
1861/Charles E Tribe/Son, Joiner (App)/20/Bloomsbury, Middlesex/Census
1861/Eliza S Tribe/Daughter, Barmaid/23/Bloomsbury, Middlesex/Census
1861/Emily Tribe/Daughter, Barmaid/17/Chalvey, Buckinghamshire/Census
1861/George Hilton/Potman/25/Bury, Lincolnshire/Census
+ Lodgers
1871/Edwin Tribe/Licensed Victualler/59/Storrington Sussex/Census ***
1871/Sarah Tribe/Wife/59/Upton Buckinghamshire/Census
1871/Chas E Tribe/Son Assistant Lic Victualler/30/St Pancras London/Census
1871/Sarah Acock/Servant Maid of All Work/22/London/Census
1871/John Thompson/Servant Potman/24/Thorney Cambridgeshire/Census
1874/Edwin Tribe/../../../Licensed Victualler & Hoteliers Directory
1878/Edwin Tribe/../../../Kelly’s Directory
1891/Charles Edwin Tribe/../../../Kelly’s Directory
1896/Talbot Masters/../../../Kelly’s Directory
My Grandmother and my Dad lived in Edmund Arms, Garton street at the end of the war. I have letters and financial statements addressed to my Grandmother there from 1946 - 1951 ish. Her name was Ethel Blanche Higgs.
She was also involved with the Bull pub in Mitcham (family pub from 1890-1950) and also the Bricklayers Arms in Putney too.
1911/Andrew John Higgs/Licensed Victualler, Widow/52/Lambeth, London/Census
1911/John David Higgs/Son, Barman/27/Clapham, London/Census
1911/Louisa Alice Pantony/Servant/23/Broadstairs, Kent/Census
1913/Andrew John Higgs/../../../Kelly’s Directory
In 1921 at 32 Church Road, Mitcham, Surrey,
John Higgs, Publican aged 63 years 3 months and born in Lambeth, Surrey
David Higgs, Son, Manager aged 36 years 8 months and born in Clapham, Surrey
1933/J Higgs/../../../Mitcham News & Mercury
1937/John David Higgs, Bull Inn, 32 Church road, Mitcham/../../Kelly’s Directory
* Provided by David Higgs
*** Provided By Bev Howlett