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Greyhound, Nursery Road, Mitcham, Surrey

Mitcham pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Surrey

Residents at this address

Croydon Guardian and Surrey County Gazette 10 April 1880 : J B Wadmoor of the Greyhound Beerhouse Mitcham, resulted in the infliction of a fine of 40s and costs.

South London Press 26 March 1887 : Properties sold - The Freehold Beerhouse, known as the Greyhound, Willow walk.

1911/James Boxall/Beer Retailer/44/Mitcham, Surrey/Census
1911/Blanche Alice Boxall/Wife/40/Mitcham, Surrey/Census
1911/James William Boxall/Son, Office Boy/15/Mitcham, Surrey/Census
1911/Frederick Leonard Boxall/Son/14/Mitcham, Surrey/Census
1911/Blanche Elizabeth Boxall/Daughter/11/Mitcham, Surrey/Census

1913/James Boxall/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly’s Directory

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:52:47 BST