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Kings Arms, London Road, Upper Mitcham, Surrey

Mitcham pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Surrey.

Residents at this address

1809/William Prestidge, Kings Arms, Mitcham, Surrey/../../Holdens Directory

1822/William Blake/Kings Arms/../../Petty Sessions

1825/Benjamin Wortley/Kings Arms/../../Petty Sessions

1839/Eliz Wortley/Kings Arms, Upper Mitcham/../../Pigots Directory

1855/Mrs Elizabeth Wortley/Kings Arms, High street, Upper Mitcham/../../Post Office Directory

1861/Henry Graham/Licensed Victualler/32/Beddington, Surrey/Census
1861/Mary Graham/Wife/30/Putney, Surrey/Census
1861/Benjamin Graham/Son/3/Mitcham, Surrey/Census
1861/Wortley Graham/Son/3 months/Mitcham, Surrey/Census
1861/Mary Hookins/Servant/31/Mitcham, Surrey/Census

1878/Henry Thomas Gould/../../../Kelly’s Directory

1891/Charles Gould/../../../Kelly’s Directory

1911/Henry Moore/Licensed Victualler/41/Eaststock, Devon/Census
1911/Emma Florence Moore/Wife/38/Bethnal Green, London/Census
1911/Winifred Daisy Moore/Daughter/14/Camberwell/Census
1911/Henry Frances Moore/Son/12/Camberwell/Census
1911/Sidney Thomas Moore/Son/10/Camberwell/Census
1911/Albert Richard Moore/Son/7/Kentish Town/Census
1911/Lilian Emily Moore/Daughter/4/Bethnal Green/Census
1911/William Edward Moore/Son/2/Mitcham, Surrey/Census
1911/Daisy Beatrice Pridenne/Sister/19/Mile End/Census
1911/Daisy Edith Bamford/Servant/18/Mitcham, Surrey/Census
1911/John Honeyball/Potman/46/GHreat Tey, Essex/Census

1913/Henry Moore & Mrs Emma Frances Moore/../../../Kelly’s Directory

1933/W A Jones/../../../Mitcham News & Mercury

1937/William A Jones, Kings Arms Hotel, 260 London road, Mitcham/../../../Kelly’s Directory

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:52:47 BST