London 1746 Rocques map

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Queens Head, 10 Mill Green road, Beddington corner, Mitcham, Surrey

Mitcham pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Surrey.

Residents at this address

1839/Edward Attridge/Queens Head, Beddington corner/../../Pigots Directory

1911/David Dedmen/Licensed Victualler/61/Alton, Hampshire/Census
1911/Elizabeth Kate Dedmen/Wife/56/Dalston, London/Census
1911/Daisy Longland/Barmaid/17/Kingston, Surrey/Census

1913/David Dedmen/Old Queens Head/../../Kelly’s Directory

1918/George Frederick Price/Old Queens Head/../../Kelly’s Directory

1937/William Henry Stapleton, Old Queens Head, 10 Mill Green road, Beddington Corner, Mitcham/../../Kelly’s Directory

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:52:48 BST