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White Hart, 350 London Road, Lower Mitcham, Surrey

Mitcham pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Surrey

Residents at this address

1822/Christopher Walker/White Hart/../../Petty Sessions

1825/Thomas Sutton/White Hart/../../Petty Sessions

1839/William Sutton/White Hart, Lower Mitcham/../../Pigots Directory

1855/Thomas Gilliam/White Hart inn, Mitcham common/../../Post Office Directory

1861/Thomas Gilliam/Licensed Victualler, Widow/45/Crundal, Hampshire/Census
1861/Thomas Gilliam/Son/6/Mitcham, Surrey/Census
1861/Rosina Gilliam/Daughter/8/Mitcham, Surrey/Census
1861/Elizabeth Earith/Barmaid/39/Frimley, Surrey/Census
1861/Charles Martin/Potman/17/Mitcham, Surrey/Census
1861/Charlotte Panting/House Servant/22/St James, Middlesex/Census
1861/Alfred Osborn/Lodger, Boiler Maker/15/Sivesheagan, Sussex/Census

1878/John Samuel Daniel Moore/../../../Kelly’s Directory

1881/Charles W Bunting/Licensed Victualer/34/Norwich, Norfolk/Census
1881/Christina Bunting/Wife/29/Stourbridge, Worcester/Census
1881/John W Bunting/Son/5/Hendon, Middlesex/Census
1881/Charles A Bunting/Son/3/Tottenham/Census
1881/Herbert H Bunting/Son/1/Forest Gate/Census
1881/Annie Pritchard/Domestic Servant/23/Bermondsey, Surrey/Census
1881/William Booth/Pot Man/23/Peckham, Surrey/Census

1891/William Harris/../../../Kelly’s Directory

1913/John Henry Oates/../../../Kelly’s Directory

1937/Mrs A H Witherden, White Hart, 350 London road, Mitcham/../../Kelly’s Directory

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:52:49 BST