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Windmill, Commonside West, Mitcham, Surrey

Mitcham pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Surrey.

Residents at this address

1881/Charles Briggs/Beer Retailer/30/Mitcham, Surrey/Census
1881/Harriet Briggs/Wife/25/Tottenham, Middlesex/Census
1881/Charles Briggs/Son/4/Mitcham, Surrey/Census
1881/Emily Moor/Visitor/5/Plymouth, Devon/Census
1881/Ettie Moor/Visitor/3/Plymouth, Devon/Census

1911/Henry Clisby/Beer House Keeper/59/Henley on Thames/Census
1911/Mary Annie Clisby/Wife, Assistant/52/St Johns Wood, London/Census
1911/Lilian Kate Clisby/Daughter, Dressmaker/14/Lanark, Scotland/Census

1937/Mrs Blanche Alice Boxall, Windmill, 40 Common side west, Mitcham/../../Kelly’s Directory

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:52:50 BST