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Residents at this address
1869/Jasper Blake/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory
Morning Advertiser 31 March 1871 - licence applications :
Apollo, East street, to Jasper Blake, Licence refused.
South London Press 27 March 1875 - The following were refused new victuallers licenses:
Jasper Blake, the Apollo, 197 East street, Walworth
1881/Jasper Blake/Beer Retailer/45/Linillesham, Berkshire/Census
1881/Eliza Blake/Wife/43/St Pancras, Middlesex/Census
1881/Jasper Blake/Son/11/Walworth, Surrey/Census
1881/Eliza Blake/Daughter/9/Walworth, Surrey/Census
1881/Elizabeth Kemp/Sister In Law, Dressmaker/45/St Pancras, Middlesex/Census
1882/Jasper Blake/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory