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Woodman, 35 Slade, Plumstead Common

at Slade, Plumstead in 1874

Plumstead pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK,  historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Plumstead, Kent .

Residents at this address

Kentish Independent. 13 August 1859 - Transfe of Licences :
The Woodman public house, Plumstead Common from Mr Richard Carter Thunder to Mr Thomas Hopperton

1862/Thomas Day/../../../Post Office Directory

Kentish Independent. 25 August 1866 Annual Licensing Day
Woodman, Common, Alexander Moore

November 1870/Alexander Moore/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

November 1870/John Trimmer/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

The Woolwich Gazette of 18 January 1873 reports the license transfer at the Woodman from Charles Clisby to Richard Fielding, in Plumstead

Kentish Mercury 14 March 1874 - Transfer of licenses:
Woodman, from Emma Louisa Fielding, executrix of Richard Fielding, to herself

1874/Mrs Emma Louisa Fielding/../../../Post Office Directory

1881/Edgar Fletcher/Brick Labourer & Beer Shop Keeper/41/Sittingbourne, Kent/Census
1881/Charlotte Fletcher/Wife/34/Rainham, Kent/Census
1881/Edgar Fletcher/Son/13/Sittingbourne, Kent/Census
1881/Rebecca Fletcher/Daughter/9/Norwood, Surrey/Census
1881/Thomas Fletcher/Son/7/Norwood, Surrey/Census
1881/William Fletcher/Son/4/Norwood, Surrey/Census
1881/George Fletcher/Son/1/Plumstead, Kent/Census
1881/Emma Anderson/Domestic Servant/15/Illingham, Kent/Census

1882/Mrs Charlotte Fletcher/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Charlotte Fletcher/Licensed Victualler, Widow/43/Rainham, Kent/Census
1891/Edgar Fletcher/Son/23/Gillingham, Kent/Census
1891/Charlotte Fletcher/Daughter/18/Norwood, Surrey/Census
1891/William J Fletcher/Son/15/South Norwood, Surrey/Census
1891/George Fletcher/Son/11/Plumstead, Kent/Census

1891/Mrs Charlotte Fletcher/../../../Post Office Directory

Woolwich Gazette. 15 November 1910 - License transfers
Woodman, Woolwich from Reginald Fisher to Benjamin Webb

1908/Thos Coombes/../../../Post Office Directory

1919/Thos Coombes/../../../Post Office Directory

1938/Mrs Marjorie Hill/../../../Post Office Directory

In 1938, James Sidney Wade was at the Notting Barn Tavern, 40 Silchester road, Notting Hill W10

In 1939 living at the Woodman, 35 The Slade, Plumstead is James S Wade, Licensed Victualler, born 06 Apr 1906 and
Lily Wade, Housewife, born 31 Mar 1908
Ada Long, Housewife, born 16th Oct 1905
Ronald Charles Arthur Robinson, Manservant, born 27th March 1922

1944/Jas Sidney Wade/../../../Post Office Directory

And Last updated on: Friday, 24-Jan-2025 15:30:51 GMT