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Brewers Arms, Symons Wharf, Morgans Lane, Southwark St Olave, London

Southwark St Olave pub history index

At Gunshot wharf in 1871 license transfer and in 1874, and at 11 Morgans lane by 1884

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Southwark St Olave, Surrey,  London.

Residents at this address.

1805/William Potter, Brewers Arms, Symons wharf, Borough/../../Holdens Directory

1811/William Potter, Brewers Arms, Gun & Shot wharf, Southwark/../../Holdens Directory

1822/John Nares/Brewers Arms, Gun Shot Wharf/../../Victuallers Recognizance

1823/John Nares/Brewers Arms, Morgans Lane/../../Victuallers Recognizance

1825/John Nares/Brewers Arms, Gun Shot Wharf/../../Victuallers Recognizance

1826/John Nares/Brewers Arms, Gun Shot Wharf/../../Victuallers Recognizance

1833-34/John Nares, Brewers Arms, Morgan’s lane, Tooley street/../../Pigots Directory

1839/John Nares/../../../Pigots Directory

1841/John Nares/../../../Post Office Directory *

1842/John Nares/../../../Robson's Directory *

1851/Mary Ann Nares/Licensed Victualler, Widow/42/Southwark, Surrey/Census
1851/Sophia Nares/Step Daughter/28/Saxmundham, Suffolk/Census
1851/Mary Ann Nares/Daughter/18/Southwark, Surrey/Census
1851/Sarah Nares/Daughter/16/Southwark, Surrey/Census
1851/Caroline Rouse/Sister/34/Great Glenham, Suffolk/Census
1851/Margaret Griffiths/Domestic Servant/22/Southwark, Surrey/Census
1851/John Hamett/Potman/17/London, Middlesex/Census
1851/Charles Noston/Lodger/37/Norfolk/Census

September 1853/Mary Ann Nares/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

September 1853/Clarke Thompson/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1856/John Shearman/../../../Post Office Directory

1869/Edwin Druller/../../../Post Office Directory *

January 1871/Edwin Buller, administrator of Edwin Buller/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1874/T Coombs/../../../Licensed Victualler & Hoteliers Directory

1881/Henry Wigley/Publican/56/Nottingham/Census
1881/Amy Wigley/Wife/44/Middlesex/Census
1881/John Wigley/Son, Publican/21/Middlesex/Census
1881/Esther Wigley/Daughter/18/Essex/Census
1881/Alice Wigley/Daughter/14/Essex/Census
1881/Amy Wigley/Daughter/8/Essex/Census
1881/David Bruce/Visitor, Gunsmith/21/Netherlands/Census

1882/Henry Wigley/../../../Post Office Directory

1884/Henry Wigley/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Edwin Busbridge/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Edwin Busbridge/Licensed Victualler/42/Walworth, London/Census
1891/Eleanor J Busbridge/Wife/42/Louth, Lincoln/Census
1891/Edith J Sandy/Visitor, Tailoress/21/Islington, London/Census

1895/Henry Seymour/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Henry Seymour/../../../Post Office Directory

* Provided By Ewan

** Provided By Stephen Harris


And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:58:58 BST