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Tooley Street, Southwark 1842 street directory

Southwark St Olave pub history index

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Southwark St Olave, Surrey,  London. The Southwark St Olave, Surrey, London listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

The Tooley street, Southwark 1842 directory is a listing of parts of Southwark St Olave and also of Southwark St John linking the many public houses along the street.

Tooley street, Southwark 1842

Fennings wharf
R L and J Fennings, wharfingrers
2 Jos Goodchild, merchant
5 B Edgingtoin, rick cloth manufacturer
6 & 7 Edw Jones, oil and lead merchant
Tappings wharf
J H and G Scovell, wharfingers

11 A J Hutchings, Roebuck
Chamberlains wharf
Jos Barber, wharfinger
George Brown jun, alum agent
Jno Duggan and Co, clay merchant
R Passmore, cider merchant
Henry Ellis, cider merchant
John Mitchell, cider merchant
12 John Winn, White Lion
14 Jno Newman, architect
16 Thomas Poulter, eating house
Jos Allen, pastrycook
17 & 18 T Van & Son, chip chandlers, rope rick cl and marque manufacturers
R Easto, tea dealer
20 Dring & Fage, hydrometer makers
Cottons depot and wharf
E Prettejohn, cider merchant
R Gregory and Co, potato salesman
J Goodier, accountant
Atkinson and Johnson, potato salesmen
J Churchward, cider merchant
C Skinner, cider merchant
G Atkinson, potato salesman
J Booth, potato salesman
M Sheen, potato salesman
T Little, potato salesman
W Parkin Moxon, potato salesman
21 Thomas Evans, potato salesman
James Booth, potato salesman
21 A and C S Mills, Cheese factors
22 Thomas Lobb, Grapes
30 Rd Campion, provision agent
30 William Wright, coal merchant
31 J and E V Corderoy, provision agents
J H and G Scovell, wharfingers
Rd Gregory and Co, potato salesmen
R Warner, potato salesman
R Parker, potato salesman
25 Abraham Barnett, cheese factor

Hays wharf
J Dresser, ham and cheese agent
_ Redman, granary keeper
Hare and Eastty, Custon House agents
John Humphrey, wharfinger
J Postance, Chequers
C Pulling, potato salesman
James Kerr, potato salesman
J and R Harris, potato salesman
W Lyal, potato salesman
R Codner, cider merchant
J Marshall, cheese agent
Alex Pride, potato salesman
41 James Shaw, wholesale & manufacturing stationers
42 J Mills and Co, window glass warehouse
43 Thomas Batt, Coach and Horses
44 J Meek & Son, wholesale stationers
45 J Rose, jeweller and salesman
46 G Langley, furniture ironmonger
47 R Tucker & Sons, sail cloth manufacturers
48 T Walker, chemist and druggist
49 L Phillips, Thames Coffee House
50 Thomas Yearron, hairdresser
51 W and J Dunnage, plumbers
52 George Poulton, cheesemonger
53 Joseph Adshead, draper
Charles Poor, Duke of Clarence

Beals wharf
Griffin and Hillhouse, wharfingers
Beauerman and Co, rag merchants
Jno Day, potato salesman

Carpenter Smiths wharf
R Wilson and Co, wharf & ins brokers
T Morgan and Co, sail makers
W Devenish & Co, Dorset ale merchants
P Turtley, cider merchant
W C Henley, cider merchant
57 & 58 J & W Robins, stationer, print
60 J Tolhurst, oil and colourman
61 John Sampson, baker
63 James Ridley, coffee rooms
64 T Martin, pawnbroker
65 J Leadam and Son, surgeon
66 R and T Peacock, boot makers
67 James Whitfield, grocer
68 J Denniss and Son, linendrapers
69 G Allen, architect and surveyor
71 S Judkin and Co, corn merchants
73 Jno James Weise, hat manufacturer
74 Eli Gardener, furrier
75 Peter Tagg, slop seller
76 John Hill, gun maker
77 & 78 J Knight and Co, general merchants
79 Jno Ward, Royal Oak

Griffins wharf
Thomas Farncomb, wharfinger
T Farncomb, alum merchant
George Murray, ale merchant
Baker and Johnson, alum warehouse
Robert Mayne, cider merchant
Thomas Pillow, lighterman

Gun and Shot wharf
E Silva and son, wharfingers

Symonds wharf
J H and J Scovell, wharfingers

Lower Stanton Sufferance wharf
S N Wheeler, wharfinger
J Hiatt, clay merchant

Phoenic wharf
S Judkins and Co, granary keepers

Pickle Herring upper wharf
Jno Betts, wharfinger

Hicks Pickle Herring lower wharf
Nash and Hicks, wharfingers

Mark Browns wharf
Mark Brown, wharfinger
80 William Dent, grocer and tea dealer
81 Elizabeth Fezard, tobacconist
81 henry Smith, hair dresser
83 John and W B Lott, hatters
85 Josiah Jones, tailor
86 W Stephenson, tea dealer
87 James Gibson, tobacconist
88 William Francklow, eating house
90 John Miller, baker
91 C Hayward, coffee rooms
92 Elizabeth Jones, ship chandler
93 H Woodbine, mill and screw maker
94 John Grose, slop seller
95 G Griffiths, Kings Head
96 W F Sadler, millwright
97 G Dingle, hair dresser
98 Jesse Savage, baker
99 William Gell, tea dealer
100 William Peachey, butcher
101 B Tibbles, slop seller
102 James Havill, grocer
103 Thomas Knight, Admiral Hood
104 Catharine Knight, eating house
104 W Smith, furniture broker
105 J M Hambrook, tobacconist
106 Rich Layton, shoemaker
106 John Lewis, cheesemonger
107 M H Leakey, hair dresser
109 D Lewis, coffee rooms
110 W Alfred, Old Anti-gallican
111 William Gray, baker
112 & 113 H Taylor, grocer
115 William Palmer, coffee rooms
116 John Hutton, hair dresser
117 William Hudson, wine and spirit merchant
119 B Calway, linen draper
122 Thomas Nicholls, appraiser
128 _ Smeeton, poulterer
129 Eliza Harrod, tobacconist
130 S Hicks, stationer
131 J C Horsfield, ironmonger
132 J Beddell, cheesemonger
13 Vickers & Co, wine and spirit merchants
135 T Burgess, oilman
136 M Cawthron, tallow chandler
137 Henry Myers, broker
138 W J Alford, slop seller
W J Alford, Colonel Wardle
132 Thomas Hunt, baker
140 Jos Rosier, pawnbroker
141 A Fradgley, confectioner
142 Jane Bayes, straw hat manufacturer
143 H W Jennings, blacksmith
177 George Goldthorp, chemist
G A Thries, baker
145 William Blofield, tinman
146 William Applegate, tailor
147 Jos and Charles Fitch, potato salesmen
148 William Hooper, pawnbroker
149 Ed Jackson, oilman
150 Rich Fairey, chronometer maker
151 W Alexander, Southwark Arms
152 Vincent Grose, tailor
153 Josh Smith, cheesemonger
154 W Connell, hat manufacturer
155 B Jones, mason
156 John Simmons, surgeon
157 G W Cole, oil and colourman
157 Benjamin Cope, stock broker
158 Samuel Nicholas, watchmaker
161 G J Field, broker
162 Thomas Skinner, shoemaker
163 J F Garnett, hat manufacturer
164 & 165 Charles Noice & Co, tailors
166 Alex Cameron, baker
167 J Marley, Anchor & Castle
168 H Cohen, tailor
169 T Powell, undertaker
170 Richardson and Son, rope makers
171 John Fisher, hardwareman
172 J Johnson, brush maker
173 Matt Howgill, ship chandler
174 W Mullett, wholesale stationer
175 Rich Dally, eating house
177 William Crew, hair dresser
177 T C Kingsford, baker
178 W Anderson, chemist
Henry Gooch, Kings Head
179 _ Isemonger, butcher
180 William Hawkins, biscuit baker
181 w and J Sharp, slaters
182 A Davis, glass & china dealer
183 James Denton, shipwright
186 Ann M Baker, cutler
187 J Garton, butcher
188 Charles Elverston, draper
189 J Batstone, carpenter & ship joiner
191 J Southey and Son, auctioneers
192 William Evans, tinman
193 John Lamboll, baker
194 Thomas Millard, shoemaker
196 D Webb, toy manufacturer
196 J H Chapman, boot and shoemaker
196 Thomas Shout, straw bonnet maker
197 Elizabeth Chandler, tobacconist
198 Fred Heinemann, coffee rooms
199 John Clarke, surgeon
203 John Gibson, wine merchant
204 J C Ayres, hatter
205 Croydon Railway Office
205 J J Taylor, tobacconist
207 J Carter, chronometer maker
208 T Pocock jun, boot maker
209 J Allen, accoun book maker & ruler
201 H P Wellborne, saddler
211 Hanner Boller, coffee rooms
W Wright, watch maker
212 J Brighton, plumber
240 Robert Ripley, salt agent
248 Thomas Taylor, cheese & provision agent
J Shaw, Mitre Inn
248 G Key, lead and shot manufacturer
8 Cox, Brothers and Co, lead manufacturers

Toppings wharf
Joseph Bloyd, lead merchant
W R Carden, cheese & provision agent
205 S G Bennett, sail cloth manufacturer
254 Eley and Hewitt, cheese agents
J and C Ruck, wholesale cheesemongers
T Edgington, tarpaulin manufacturer

* Provided By David Norris

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:59:04 BST