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Borough High street, Southwark 1842 directory

Southwark St Saviour pub history index

The Borough High street starts in Southwark St Saviour and then winds into Southwark St George

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Southwark St Saviour, Surrey, London. The Southwark St Saviour, Surrey , London listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Borough High street, Southwark 1842 directory

Borough High street, Southwark 1842

St Thomas Hospital
42 Eagleton and Glover, tailors
44 Jones and Armstrong, hop merchants
45 Rich Hurst, ironmonger
46 Jenkins Jones, eating house keeper
47 John Wells, butcher
48 Clutton and Co, solicitors
49 W H Taylor, quill merchant
50 Newson and Son, tea dealers
52 A C and T Steel, linen drapers
53 J and E Monnier, hosiers
54 Aaron Carter, Kings Head Inn
Thomas Fridd, hop merchant
W Mellersh, hop and seed merchant
Jno Pinder, hop and seed factor
55 Obadiah Blackham, bootmaker
56 Jno Rogers, engraver
57 Fred Simpson, hardwareman
58 Tyers and Co, pickle warehouse
59 David Watson, snuff manufacturer
60 Jno Sharp, trunk maker
61 & 62 J Lunham & Co, cheesemongers
R Gosbey, White Hart
61 H Gander, White Hart booking office
Jas Webb, Staffordshire warehouse
63 Henry Hewitt, hosier
64 Joseph Bourton, harness maker
65 James Eades, chemist
66 John Kleyser, importer of clocks
67 J Jackson, hop and seed merchant
Fred Cowell, wine merchant
68 Anthony Law, silversmith
69 J Atkinson, hop factor
70 F Scholefield, George Inn
Charles Dawson, boot and shoe manufacturer
Isaac Beeman, hop and seed factor
71 R Hill and Son, booksellers and wholesale stationers
72 Russell and Co, tea dealers
73 Robert Tiffin, tobacconist
74 John Denyer, tailor and draper
John Fulljames, Talbot Inn
Harding & Bull, wholesale tobacconists
John Paice, carman
John Goble, hop factor
Hugh Morgan, hop merchant
Benjamin Stanbury, booking office
Thomas Moore, carrier and booking office
Rich Evans, furrier
77 Fred Pike, tallow chandler
William Pratt, ham dealer
78 Sarah Cox, hatter
79 William Lee, confectioner
80 Slee & Co, pr of cervisia anglicana
81 I J and G Ellis, hop and seed merchants
82 C Humble, hop merchant
82 Russell and Mackenzie, solicitors
83 William Willmott, chemist
84 M Hughes, Queens Head Inn
Excise Office
W Morgan, hop merchant
George Weston, hop merchant
W Cordingley, hop and seed merchant
H Tabrum, hop and seed merchant
George Wickens, carrier & booking office
85 Blacket and Tomkins, tailors
86 H Clarke, seedsman
A G Jones, Three Tuns Tavern
W Smith, hop and seed merchant
J Chittenden, hop and malt factor
88 James Wood, cheesemonger
89 W Hickman, goldsmith
90 W and T Oldaker, hop merchants
91 Charles Harris, tea dealer
93 George Pike, wine and spirit merchant
93 The Grapes
94 R C Woolloton, hop merchant
94 Jno Stutter, hop merchant
T G Chittenden, hop factor
95 Pole and maynard, silk mercers
97 Jno Brelsford, Spur Inn
James Drewett, booking office
George Bevis, coach proprietor
97 J wilson, hop factor
97 C Huggett, coach proprietor
98 C Ambrose, booking office
99 W McGillivray, hosier
100 George davis, Saddler
Nash Selmes & Curtis, hop factors
Mary Harris, Nags Head Inn
J Harris, booking office
101 William Jarvis, upholsterer
102 Woollacott, boot and shoe maker
103 H Haddick, stationer
104 Henry Cox, wholesale druggist
105 Warter and Sons, cheesemongers
106 Brooks & Wightwick, linen drapers
107 George Field, oilman
111 George turner, baker
112 E Gladwell, furnishing ironmonger
113 Harrington and Lucas, tea dealers
117 Isaac Putley, cutler
115 & 116 J and W Roberts, tobacco manufacturers
117 William Hughes, jeweller
118 Rich Bale, King on Horseback
Gainsford & Goode, silk mercers
120 John Hubbard, hop merchant
121 Jno James Batsford, comb maker
122 Robert Thomas, boot maker
123 F Knight, snuff manufacturer
London & Richmond STM PK Off, Frederick Knight, sec
124 Mary Wolard, fruiterer
125 George Colegate, silversmith & jeweller
126 James Mantle, Blue Maid
127 Robert Masterman, surgeon
128 S Abrahams, tea dealer
129 George Bush Hair, watch maker
130 J Lisenden, pork butcher
132 James Sparks, Half Moon Inn
Muggeridge & Co, hop factors
133 Samuel Tring, hosier
134 John Parrott, wholesale confectioner
135 Thomas Dummelow, oliman
137 John Pell, manufacturer of tobacco
136 Thomas S Cowell, tea dealer
139 L Clarke, baker
140 Thomas Olney, haberdasher
141 C Pink, White Horse & Half Moon
142 William Gilpin, woollen draper
Borough High street, Southwark 1842
Laytons buildings
Sterry & Latchmore, drysalters
Thomas Verren, tailor
R Freeman, bricklayer
J and R Hesketh, hop factors
Young and Son, backmakers
145 J Adderley, boot and shoe warehouse
146 Dan Taylor, wine merchant
147 Palmer & Co, woollen warehousemen
148 & 148 Hicks & Sons, Ironmongers
150 Marshalsea Prison
151 Luke Winton, Crown
152 John Purdue, cheesemonger
153 John Cumner, linen draper
154 W H Varden, stationer
155 G E B & W Walmsley, pawnbrokers
156 Sterry and Sons, oilmen
158 H and A Pigeon, distillers
159 George Odling, surgeon
160Greasley & Co, woollen drapers
161 Henry Yearwood, Dun Horse
163 Rich Mitchell, livery stables
164 H and Charles Gold, grocers
165 Martyr and Moses, ironmongers
168 Thomas Marchant, pawnbroker
168 1/2 G W Dean, clothier
169 Ann Dean, straw hat maker
170 & 171 W Bennett & Son, wholesale drapers
172 Thomas Mallett, baker
173 William H Jones, currier
174 Thornton and Sons, undetakers
175 George C Cross, linen draper
177 Samuel N Horner, Grapes
178 Reeve & Featon, silk mercers & drapers
179 Higgs & George, wholesale ironmongers
180 George Izod, tea dealer
181 George Packwood, boot warehouse
183 W Pratt, ham and beef shop
184 George Putley, butcher
B Webb, cheesemonger
Carter Wenn, coffee house
188 James Baylis, corn chandler
189 Les Dames Chevalier, milliner
190 Dan Birt, linen draper
G Vidler, Catherine Wheel Inn
J Polden jun, booking office
194 Jno Mannering, hosier & hatter
197 John Sarl, salesman
198 P Hyams, paper hanger
199 Patrick & Son, coffin furniture maker
200 Hannah Fielder, Red Cross
201 E Lowes, hop factor and merchant
James Hussell, importer of rushes
201 R Shaw, linen draper
202 Judah Jacobs, tailor & clothier
203 Thomas Perry, confectioner
204 George Bailey, trimming seller
205 James Smith, tea dealer
206 W Withers, Bull
207 William Henry Brown, eating house
208 Eneas Mackenzie, bookseller
209 James Freeman, cheesemonger
210 John Sarle, tailor and draper
211 Charles Gazelee, surgeon
212 James Hall, farrier
S Ling, linen draper
216 Lings & Son, cheesemongers
218 Edw Ewin, carpet warehouse
221 Cooper 7 Co, wolesale ironmongers
222 Palmer and Co, bruch makers
223 William Parker, pork butcher
224 Jos Oliver, grocer
225 Jane Shaw, biscuit baker
226 John Sowerby, hair dresser
227 C Russell, hop and seed factor
228 I Pike, hop merchant
231 Hicks, Baylis & Hicks, wholesale grocers

Maidstone buildings
Doggett & Harryman, hop factors
232 John Jones, fishmonger
233 & 234 Brocksopp & Co, tea dealers
235 T Pierpont, Black Horse & Crown
236 B D Jackson, stationer
237 J Horns, hosier
238 W Smith & Co, scalemakers
239 E Towill, boot and shoe maker
Henry Simmonds, hop factor
240 Thomas Shaw, linen draper

Calverts buildings
Hicks Magnus & Jno, drysalters
Richards, Evans & Co, hop merchants
Thomas Carter, hop factor
John Rhodes, hop Merchant
William Messer, hop factor
D Bushell, hop factor
John Harrison, hop factor
241 Barlow and Gill, hop factors
242 W Dodson, brush maker
243 William Lush, retailer of beer
244 Rich Woolven, butcher
245 Charles Throssell, coffee roms
246 R T Mills & Co, hop & seed factors
Town Hall
247 T D Evans, hop and seed merchant
247 Robert Pattenden, hop factor
253 Jane Deverell, milliner
253 B Lawley, watch manufacturer
254 Constable & Finden, druggists
254 William Johnson, chemist
255 T G Bright, tailor
256 Michael cappel, tobacconist
259 Iden Goble, hop factor
259 James Bowdon, trunk maker
260 D Dobson, poulterer
261 Thomas Worton, Red Lion
262 Russell & Co, hop and seed factors
263 Joel Hearder, boot & shoe mag
264 John Brewer, brush manufacturer
264 J Harding and Son, gun manufacturers
265 Samuel Breckels, upholsterer
266 Thomas Mills, tailor
266 W Algood, button maker
266 George Cremer, boot maker
267 Joseph Beard, biscuit baker
267 Francis Coleman, hatter
268 John Day, solicitor
268 Robert Jones, tead dealer & grocer


And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 11:59:09 BST