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The address is 14 & 15 Bartholomew Terrace in 1856 and earlier, prior to street renaming (also given as 14 York Street in the 1851 census, and as President Street East in 1841 and 1866). * This pub was rebuilt after the WWII and renamed Central Street Bar in 2005. ** Demolished circa 2012 and replaced with flats. ***
St Luke pub history index
British Lion / Central Street Bar, 155 Central Street - in December 2006
Kindly provided by Stephen Harris
You can see the church spire in the background still
Residents at this address.
1825/Mr. Compton, British Lion, Bartholomew terrace, City road/../../Licensed Victuallers Association
1833-34/Henry Lancaster/../../../Pigots Directory
1834/Mr Henry Lancaster/../../../Licensed Victuallers Association
1836/Henry Lancaster/victualler/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *
1839/William Collison/../../../Pigot's Directory *
1841/William Collison/../../../Post Office Directory *
1842/William Collison/../../../Robson's Directory *
1848/William Collison/../../../Post Office Directory *
1851/William Collison/../../../Post Office Directory *
1851/William Collison/Licensed Victualler/52/Cromer, Norfolk/Census *
1851/Sarah Collison/Wife/51/Stalham, Norfolk/Census
1851/William C. Collison/Son/28/Stalham, Norfolk/Census
1851/Elizabeth Collison/Daughter-in-Law/29/Clerkenwell, Middlesex/Census
1851/William R. Collison/Grandson/3/St Andrew Holborn, Middlesex/Census
1851/Ann E. Collison/Granddaughter/4 months/St Luke, Middlesex/Census
1851/John W. Collison/Son/26/Stalham, Norfolk/Census
1851/John Horadery/Nephew, Carpenter/26/Stalham, Norfolk/Census
1851/Ann Pooley/House Servant/21/St Luke, Middlesex/Census
1851/Eliza Eccleshall/Nurse Maid/15/Shoreditch, Middlesex/Census
1851/Edward Plummer/Potman/20/Chiswick, Middlesex/Census
1856/William Collison/../../../Post Office Directory *
March 1866/William Collison/License renewal/../Clerkenwell News
1869/J W Collison/../../../Post Office Directory
1871/Robert E Prevost/Licensed Victualler/32/Bathnal Green, Middlesex/Census
1871/Emily Prevost/Wife/26/Hendon, Middlesex/Census
1871/Sydney J Prevost/Son/1/St Luke, Middlesex/Census
1871/Harriet Toy/Sister/28/Hendon, Middlesex/Census
1871/Harriet Brooks/Servant/21/Taunton, Somerset/Census
1871/George Ellis/Potman/17/Brixton, Surrey/Census
1881/Robert E Prevost/Licensed Victualler/43/Bethnal Green,
1881/Emily Prevost/Wife/35/Hendon, Middlesex/Census
1881/Sydney E Prevost/Son/11/St Luke, Middlesex/Census
1881/Harriet Toy/Sister In Law, Barwoman/37/Hendon, Middlesex/Census
1881/Mary Hewitt/General Servant/45/Marylebone/Census
1881/Thomas Frazer/Barman/32/Southwark/Census
1882/Robert E Prevost/../../../Post Office Directory
1884/Wm. C Bayston/../../../Business Directory of London **
1886/E Hall/../../../Business Directory of London **
1891/Foster Shewbridge/../../../Post Office Directory **
1895/Mrs Jessie Wilson/../../../Post Office Directory
1899/Herbert Franklin Welshman/../../../Post Office Directory
Islington Gazette. 30 September 1908 - Licence transfers
British Lion, 155 Central street, St Lukes, from the late Thomas Scaley Welshman to George Frederick Wingfield
1910/George Frederick Wingfield/../../../Post Office Directory
1915/Mrs Hannah Wingfield/../../../Post Office Directory
Henry Thomas Bristow (1867 to 1945), is at the Pilgrim, 247 Kennington lane, in 1905; at the Spa Tavern, 126 Spa road in 1906, he is at the Crown & Seven Stars, 47 Royal Mint Street , Whitechapel by the 1911 census, and until about 1914. He is at the British Lion, 153 - 155 Central Street, Islington between about 1918 and 1922. The 1927 electoral register places him at the Lord Wellington, 132 Weston Street, Bermondsey; and from 1930 to 1939 he is living at the 120 Licensed Victuallers Benevolent Institution, Asylum Road. Peckham S.E.15. *+
1921/Henry Thomas Bristow/../../../Post Office Directory
The 1921 census at 153, Central Street, Finsbury
Henry T Bristow, Licensed Victualler, aged 52 years, born in Suffolk, Employer
Ellen Bristow, Wife, aged 54 years 5 months, born in Wandsworth, London
Sidney Bristow, Son, Barman, Henry T Burtons, Licensed Victualler, aged 22 years 1 month, born in Dulwich, London
James Bristow, Son, Clerk, Phillips Newman Wine & Spirit Merchants, aged 19 years 7 months, born in Dulwich, London
Ellen Bristow, Daughter, aged 15 years, born in Stepney, London
Gladys Bristow, Daughter, Barmaid. 165 Churhill Street, aged 28 years, born in Dulwich, London
Lilly Bristow, Daughter, aged 13 years 6 months, born inStepney, London
E Rutherford, Servant, aged 58 years 5 months, born inIslington, London
Ernest Bristow, Son, Barman, 155 Cornhill St, aged 17 years 1 month, born inKennington, London
1934/Belthasar Derx/../../../Kellys Directory
Holloway Press. 14 April 1934 Transfers;
British Lion, 155 Central street, Balthazer Derx to Samuel Cramer
1938/Samuel Cramer/../../../Post Office Directory
1944/Samuel Cramer/../../../Post Office Directory
1983/BRITISH LION: 155 Central Street EC1. Whitbread/../../Pub Listing
1991/BRITISH LION: 155 Central Street EC1. Whitbreads./../../Pub Listing
* Provided By Ewan
*+ Provided By John Carnaby
** Provided By Stephen Harris
*** Provided By Tris