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This pub was first licensed in 1714 and was re-built in its present form in 1878. The Bear and Staff, Castle street, Leicester square in 1847. It was originally called the Bear & Ragged Staff, e.g. in 1841 & 1856 **
St Martins pub history index
A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in St Martins in Fields, London.
Bear & Staff, 11 Bear Street, WC2 - in July 2007
Kindly provided by Stephen Harris
Residents at this address.
1734-42/Joseph Horn/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group **
1743-45/John Walgrove/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group **
1745-47/Ann Horn/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group **
1747-58/Samuel Jackson/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group **
1759-81/John Wilson/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group **
1811/Edward Turbill, Bear & Ragged Staff Chophouse, Bear street, Leicester square/../../Holdens Directory
1829/W Carter, Bear & Staff, 11 Bear street, Leicester square/../../Robsons Directory
1832/William Carter, Bear & Staff, 11 Bear street, Leicester square/../../Robsons Directory
1833-34/William Carter,
Bear & Staff, 22 Castle street, Leicester square/../../Pigots Directory
1839/James Watkins/../../../Pigots Directory
1841/James Watkins/../../../Post Office Directory
1842/Thomas Wilcox, Bear & Staff, 11 Bear street, Leicester square/../../Robsons Directory
1843/Thomas Wilcox/../../../Kellys Directory
January 1847/Thomas Wilcox/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era
January 1847/Charles Thorpe/Incoming Licensee/../../Era
The Era 25 July 1847 - Transfers :
Bear and Staff, Castle street, Charles Thorp to Edward Hitchcox
1848/Edward Hitchcox/../../../Post Office Directory
1851/James Jones/Son, Licensed Victualler/27/Hackney/Census
1851/Jemima Jones/Daughter/20/Middlesex/Census
1851/Lewis Abrahams/Visitor, Jeweller/30/City of London/Census
1851/Thomas Mills/Barman/19/Hackney/Census
1851/John Hughes/Potman/18/Poplar, Middlesex/Census
1851/Ann Edwards/Visitor, Governess/21/Gravesend, Kent/Census
1855-56/John R Christmas/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group
1856/J R Christmas/../../../Post Office Directory
1857/William Cotton/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group **
1861/Robert Davison/Licensed Victualler/27/London, Middlesex/Census
1861/Sarah Davison/Wife/27/London, Middlesex/Census
1861/Elizabeth Williams/Servant/40/London, Middlesex/Census
1861/Joseph Charlton/Servant/19/Salisbury, Wiltshire/Census
1862/George Kammerer/../../../Post Office Directory
1862-67/Henry Good/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group **
October 1867/Henry Good/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper
October 1867/Samuel Spill/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper
1869/William Jones/../../../Post Office Directory
1874/W Wallis/../../../LV Directory
1874-79/William Wallis/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group **
1879-96/Catherine Wallis/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group
1881/Catherine Wallis/Licensed Victualler, Widow/38/Wellingborough,
1881/William Horece/Brother, (Publican) Manager/50/Barton,
1882/Mrs Catherine Wallis/../../../Post Office Directory
1884/Mrs Catherine Wallis/../../../Post Office Directory
1891/Mrs Catherine Wallis/../../../Post Office Directory
1891/Catherine Wallis/Licensed Victualler, Widow/48/Wellington,
1891/Harriet Sykes/Housekeeper, Widow/64/Higham Ferrers,
1891/Henry Armsworth/Barman/17/St Martin in the Fields/Census
1894/Mrs Catherine Wallis, Bear & Staff, 11 Bear street WC/../../Post Office Directory
1896/William Lewin/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group **
1897-1912/Harry Sykes/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group **
1899/Harry Sykes/../../../Post Office Directory
1901/Harry Sykes/Licensed Victualler/35/Northamptonshire/Census
1901/Clara Parkman/Housekeeper/49/Northamptonshire/Census
1901/Ellen K Wyman/Barmaid/28/Hertfordshire/Census
1910/Harry Sykes/../../../Post Office Directory
1915/Benjamin Levy/../../../Post Office Directory
1921/Benjamin Levy/../../../Post Office Directory
In 1921 census at 11, Bear Street, St Anne Within the Liberty of Westminster
Leonard Fidler, Manager Licensed Victualler, The Pioncer Cadering Co Ltd Hart St Bloomsbury W C, aged 33 years 6 months, born in Islington, London
Beatrice Fidler, Wife, Manageress, Licensed Victualler, The Pioncer Catering Co Ld, aged 33 years 4 months, born in Hackney, London
Daphne Fidler, Daughter, aged 4 years 9 months, born in Parsons Green, London
Lily Davies, Barmaid, The Pioneer Catering Co Ld, aged 26 years 8 months, born in St Lukes, London
Agnes Hill, Barmaid, The Pioneer Catering Co Ld, aged 43 years 3 months, born in Egham, Surrey
Susan Taylor, Cook, The Pioneer Catering Co Ld, aged 46 years, born in Bishopsgate, London
Emily Shimman, Housemaid, The Pioneer Catering Co Ld, aged 36 years 9 months, born in Stoke Newington, London
1934/Pioneer Catering Co Ltd/../../../Kelly's
1938/Pioneer Catering Co Ltd/../../../Post Office Directory
1938/Gladys Edith Blay/11 Bear street///Electoral Register
1938/Charles John Macdonald/11 Bear street///Electoral Register
1938/Rose Agnes Macdonald/11 Bear street///Electoral Register
1938/Elizabth Shannon/11 Bear street///Electoral Register
1944/Pioneer Catering Co Ltd/../../../Post Office Directory
** Provided By Stephen Harris