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St Pancras index
at 101 Harrison Street by 1901 census, earlier at 84 Harrison street.
Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.
Residents at this address.
1842/H W Cowper, Bridport Arms, 84 Harrison Street, Grays Inn road/../../Robsons Directory
1846/Daniel Eareth/../../../Post Office Directory
1848/Edwin Belk/../../../Post Office Directory
March 1849/John Barrett/ Outgoing Licensee /../../The Era
March 1849/Henry Field/ Incoming Licensee /../../The Era
1851/William Reeve/../../../Kellys Directory
1856/William Reeve/../../../Post Office Directory
1867/Mr Edwin Lamb/Steward/../../Licensed Victuallers Association
1869/Edwin Lamb/../../../Post Office Directory
1871/James Figgins/Spirit Merchant/49/Middlesex/Census
1871/Ann Figgins/Wife/43/Middlesex/Census
1871/Elizabeth Bradford/General Servant/25/st Andrews Holborn/Census
1873/James Figgins/../../../Post Office Directory
1881/Joseph J Philips/Publican/58/Exmouth, Devon/Census
1881/Sarah Phillips/Wife/60/Sussex/Census
1882/Joseph Jas Philips/../../../Post Office Directory
1884/Joseph J Philips/../../../Post Office Directory
1891/Charles Munyard jun/../../../Post Office Directory
1899/Jn Johnson/../../../Post Office Directory
1901/Thomas H Taylor/Licensed Victualler/38/Clerkenwell/Census
1901/Margaret Taylor/Wife/35/Holsworthy, N Devon/Census
1901/Emma Taylor/Daughter/5/Clerkenwell/Census
1901/Blanche Taylor/Daughter/3/Clerkenwell/Census
1901/Thomas H Taylor/Son/8 months/St Pancras/Census
1910/Percy Gyillimatd-Libby/../../../Post Office Directory
1915/Alex Appi/../../../Post Office Directory
In 1921 census at 101, St Pancras, Harrison Street
Alexander Appi, Licensed Victualler, aged 52 years 4 months, and born in Clerkenwell, London, the Employer
Alice Appi, Wife, Licensed Victualler Assistant, A Appe Licensed House, aged 44 years, and born in Dewsbury, Yorkshire
Emily Inverno, Cook & Barmaid, A Appi Licensed House, aged 49 years 7 months, and born in Norfolk
Charles Thomas, Potman A Appi Licensed House, aged 60 years 2 months, and born in Hoxton, London
1927/Mrs Harriet Ann Moss/../../../Post Office Directory
1934/William Harrison/../../../Kellys Directory
1938/L J Cowlard/../../../Post Office Directory
1940/L J Cowlard/../../../Post Office Directory