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Alma Tavern, 500 York Road, Wandsworth SW18

Wandsworth pub history index

At 499 York Road in 1896 directory

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Alma Tavern, 499 Old York Road, Wandsworth - in July 2010

Alma Tavern, 499 Old York Road, Wandsworth - in July 2010

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address.

1869/George William Rose/../../../Post Office Directory

1874/C Webb/../../../Licensed Victualler & Hoteliers Directory

1878/Mrs Emma Smith/../../../Surrey Post Office Directory

1881/Emma Smith/Public House Keeper, Widow/39/Westminster/Census
1881/Amy K E Smith/Daughter, Pupil Teacher/19/St Georges Hanover Square/Census
1881/Ernest L Smith/Son/6/St Georges Hanover Square/Census
1881/Fredk Ogar/Cousin, Manager (Publican)/22/Fulham/Census
1881/Sarah A Mead/Barmaid/20/Chatham, Kent/Census
1881/William Lewis/Barman/16/Battersea, Surrey/Census
1881/William Riches/Visitor, Carpenter/27/Edmonton/Census

1896/Hy Peter Parrott/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/Frederick Johnson/Publicans Manager/27/Norwich, Norfolk/Census
1901/Louie Johnson/Wife/22/Clerkenwell, London/Census
1901/John Johnson/Son/1/Wandsworth, Surrey/Census
1901/John Chapman/Barman/23/Davidslow, Cornwall/Census
1901/Frank Horner/Barman/23/Lambeth, London/Census
1901/Georgina Cheesman/Barmaid/27/Brighton, Sussex/Census
1901/Maud Parr/Barmaid/22/Holborn, London/Census
1901/Sophia Bingham/Cook, Widow/50/Bridgwater, Somerset/Census
1901/Eliza Bingham/Housemaid/24/Bridgwater, Somerset/Census

1906/Henry Peter Parrott/../../../Post Office Directory

1919/Mrs Louisa Parrott/../../../Post Office Directory

1921/Louisa Parrott/../../../Hughes Directory

1921/Henry Wakefield / Licensed Victualler/../../London Gazette, 23 December 1921 **

1938/Geo Albert Williams/../../../Post Office Directory

** Provided By Stephen Harris


And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:09:17 BST