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French Horn & Half Moon Hotel, 47 East Hill, Wandsworth SW18

Wandsworth pub history index

At 37 East Hill in 1938

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address.

1805, John Smedley, the French Horn, East hill, Wandsworth/../../Holdens Directory

1843/James Shepherd/../../../Post Office Directory

1855/William White/French Horn & Half Moon, & postmaster, East Hill/../../Post Office Directory

1871/Charlotte White/Licensed Victualler, Widow/60/London, Middlesex/Census
1871/Eustace Jones/Visitor, Clerk/19/Devon/Census
1871/Samuel Skinner/Ostler/71/Lambeth, Surrey/Census
1871/Margaret Bedmell/General Servant/24/Wandsworth, Surrey/Census

1878/Henry Burt/../../../Surrey Post Office Directory

1896/H A Woodwell/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/Patrick M Smith/Publican/30/Chelsea/Census
1901/Georgina M Smith/Wife/30/Suffolk/Census
1901/Frank Leslie Clond/Barman/22/Hammersmith/Census
1901/Ella G Mongue/Barmaid/21/Kensington/Census
1901/Julie Hudson/Barmaid/23/Kensington/Census
1901/Florence Desborough/Barmaid/22/Ipswich/Census
1901/Fanny J Copsey/Cook/52/Margate/Census
1901/Terence M Smith/Son/2/Adealide S A, English/Census

1906/Collinson & Miles/../../../Post Office Directory

1919/Mrs Anna Marie Keys/../../../Post Office Directory

1938/Hy J Collins/../../../Post Office Directory

1944/Stephen Wm Bristow/../../../Post Office Directory

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:09:20 BST