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The Old Sergeant, 104 Garratt Lane, Wandsworth SW18

Wandsworth pub history index

Earlier address is at 104 South Street until at least 1906

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Old Sergeant, 104 Garratt Lane, Wandsworth

Old Sergeant, 104 Garratt Lane, Wandsworth

Kindly provided by Don Joseph

Residents at this address.

July 1854/William Day/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

July 1854/James Puttock/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1855/James Portlock/Old Sergeant, Garrett lane/../../Post Office Directory

1861/William Blackney/Victualler/40/Scotland/Census
1861/Maria Blackney/Wife/40/Grays, Oxfordshire/Census
1861/James Bennett/Boarder, Ag Labourer/32/Wandsworth, Surrey/Census
1861/James Ingram/Lodger, Retired Victualler/63/Ramsey, Hampshire/Census

January 1866/Valentine Yarnell/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

January 1866/James Blott Howlett/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1878/Joseph Kayes/../../../Surrey Post Office Directory

1881/Joseph Kayes/Licensed Victualler/47/Brentford, Middlesex/Census
1881/Kate Kayes/Wife/24/Wandsworth, Surrey/Census
1881/Frank Kayes/Son, Barman/16/Battersea, Surrey/Census
1881/Beatrice Kayes/Daughter/8/Battersea, Surrey/Census
1881/Helen Cooper/Barmaid/24/Devizes, Wiltshire/Census
1881/Jesse or Jane Nash/General Servant/24/Beauliey, Hampshire/Census

1896/S H Roberts/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/Stephen H Roberts/Licensed Victuallers Manager/32/Wandsworth, London/Census
1901/Hannah Roberts/Wife/34/Didsbury, Lancs/Census
1901/Stephen J Roberts/Son/6/Battersea, London/Census
1901/Isabella Roberts/Step Mother, Licensed Victualler, Widow/49/Scotland/Census
1901/Emma Toff/Sister in Law, Lady Help/30/Didsbury, Lancs/Census

1906/Mrs Helen Paine/../../../Post Office Directory

1906/Horace Albert Paine/../../../Electoral Register

1911/Helen Paine/Licensed Victualler, Widow/53/Kilburn, London/Census
1911/Horace Albert Paine/Son, Manager/27/Islington, London/Census
1911/Ada Emily Gibbs/Niece/17/Camberwell, London/Census
1911/Sydnet Arthur George Calvert/Barman/28/Worthing, Sussex/Census
1911/John Joseph Sanders/Barman/20/Wandsworth, London/Census
1911/Harriett Greenwood/Domestic Servant, Widow/58/Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire/Census

Horace Albert Paine is a Wine & Spirit merchant at 521 Garratt lane from at least 1917.

1914/Mrs Helen Paine/../../../Post Office London Suburbs Directory **

1915/Horace Albert Paine, Licensed Victualler, aged 31 of 104 Garratt lane, marries Mable Sheering Leftwich, aged 25. Her father is Joseph Leftwich, Licensed Victualler, of address 134 High street, Wandsworth

1919/Mrs Helen Paine/../../../Post Office Directory

1921/Mrs Helen Paine/../../../Post Office Directory

1922/H Paine/../../../BT Telephone Directory

Harry Joseph was previously at the Nags Head, Wandsworth Road *

1932/Harry Joseph/../../../Personal detail *

1938/Harry Joseph/../../../Post Office Directory

Harry Joseph finally moved onto the Kings Head, High Street, Merton *

* Provided by Don Joseph

** Provided By Stephen Harris


And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:09:23 BST