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Star & Garter, 11 St Ann's Hill, Wandsworth SW18

Wandsworth pub history index

Numbering changes to 200 St Anns Hill SW18 between 1938 and 1944

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address.

1871/George Cook/Beer & Wine Retailer/32/Wandsworth, Surrey/Census
1871/Charlotte Cook/Wife/30/Streatham, Surrey/Census
1871/Alfred Johnston/Lodger, Clerk/18/Leamington, Warwickshire/Census
1871/Samuel T Huggins/Lodger, MRCS/21/Warrington, Warwickshire/Census

1878/George Cook/../../../Surrey Post Office Directory

1881/George Cook/Licensed Victualler/42/Wandsworth, Surrey/Census
1881/Charlotte Cook/Wife/40/Walworth, Surrey/Census
1881/Harriet Read/Wifes Sister/42/Bryanston Square, Middlesex/Census
1881/Nelly Read/Niece/9/Chelsea, Middlesex/Census

1896/Alexander McDonald/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/Jessie G Burrows/Manageress Public House/33/Wandsworth, London/Census
1901/James Reynolds/Cellerman/19/Wandsworth, London/Census
1901/Mria Hall/Barmaid/33/Cambridge/Census
1901/Clara Iman/Barmaid/26/London/Census
1901/Emily Simmonds/General Servant/23/Southampton/Census
1901/Florie Hawkins/Cook/24/London/Census

1906/William Thomas Wood/../../../Post Office Directory

1911/William Thomas Wood/../../../Post Office Directory

1919/Henry Frederick Buchele/../../../Post Office Directory

1938/Jn C Rugg/../../../Post Office Directory

1944/Thomas W Lee/../../../Post Office Directory


And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:09:27 BST