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Britannia , 1 Frederick Street, St John, Westminster

Westminster St John index

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address.

1830/Mrs Lincoln, Britannia, Frederick street, Vauxhall road, Westminster makes a one guinea Susbscription to the Licensed Victuallers Association

1833-34/William Clark Farr, Britannia, 1 Frederick street, Vauxhall bridge/../../Pigots Directory

1848/John Culpeck/../../../Post Office Directory

1st August 1848 / License transfer from John Culpeck to John Scholling /../../../ The Era *

1851/Frederick Schooling/../../../Kellys Directory

22nd Nov 1853 / License transfer from John Gillins to Ebenezer Self /../../../ The Era *

1856/Eben Self/../../../Post Office Directory

2nd Mar 1859 / License transfer from Ebenezer Self to Thomas Dawes Harris /../../../ The Era *

5th Mar 1861 / License transfer from Thomas Daws Harris to James Pryer /../../../ The Era *

1861/James Pryer/Publican/25/Harrow, Middlesex/Census
1861/Maria Pryer/Wife/24/Westminster/Census
1861/William Pryer/Brother/14/Harrow, Middlesex/Census

9th May 1865 / License transfer from James Pryer to Charles Fox /../../../ The Era *

3rd Nov 1868 / License transfer from Charles Fox to John Lonsdale /../../../ The Era *

25th Oct 1870 / License transfer from John Lonsdale to John Jones /../../../ The Era *

27th June 1871 / License transfer from John Jones to Frederick Duncan Dew /../../../ The Era *
The same transfer is listed again on 29th August 1871.

1869/John Lonsdale/../../../Post Office Directory

1881/William Clowsley/Licensed Victualler/49/Lambeth/Census
1881/Sarah Clowsley/Wife/51/Westminster, Middlesex/Census
1881/Elizabeth Clowsley/Daughter, Assistant/19/Lambeth/Census
1881/Emily Clowsley/Daughter, Milliner/17/Lambeth/Census
1881/Rebecca Clowsley/Daughter/15/Lambeth/Census
1881/Rachel Clowsley/Daughter/11/Lambeth/Census

1882/William Clowsley/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/John Spurway/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Charles Adolphus Chapman/../../../Post Office Directory

* Provided By John Hills

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:10:14 BST