London 1746 Rocques map

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Cock, 4 Tothill Street, Westminster SW1

Westminster St Margaret index

aka Aquarium Tavern, It started as the Cock & Tabard and may have been founded as early as the reign of King Edward III. In 1848, for example, it is listed at 72 Tothill Street, and in 1856 as the Cock & Tabard, 72 Tothill Street; at 4 Tothill Street by 1891. It closed before 1900. **

In the Morgans 1682 Map of London in Tothill street are isted the Cock Inn and 210 Swan Inne.

In the Morgans 1682 Map of London in Tothill street are isted the Cock Inn and 210 Swan Inne.

In the John Rocques 1746 Map of London in Tothill street are marked the Cock Yard and the Swan and Two Necks Stables.

In the John Rocques 1746 Map of London in Tothill street are marked the Cock Yard and the Swan and Two Necks Stables.

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Cock, 4 Tothill Street, SW1 - published in 1875

Cock, 4 Tothill Street, SW1 - published in 1875

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address.

1397/Alice Atte Hethe/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group ***

1490s/James Atkynson/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group ***

1535/Richard Crowder/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group ***

In 1682 Morgans map of London, listed as 'Cocke Inne'.

1696 – 1700/Thomas Knowles/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group ***

1701/Robert Brown/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group ***

1702 – 1723/Gilbert Newell/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group ***

In 1708 : A New View of London by Edward Hatton lists Cock Inn, at the West end of Tuthill street, Westminster, and on the North side of the Street.

John Strype Survey of London in 1720 lists '37 Cock Inn, and yard'.

1724 – 1731/Robert Lucas/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group ***

1731 – 1735/John Blunt/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group ***

1734/Thomas Groves/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group ***

1735 – 1736/John Woodnott/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group ***

1737 – 1747/Edward Woodnott/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group ***

In the John Rocques 1746 Map of London in Tothill street are marked the Cock Yard and the Swan and Two Necks Stables.

1750 – 1799/Marshall Fleet/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group ***

1793 – 1795/Thomas Malkin/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group ***

1799 – 1801/Margaret Malkin/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group ***

1805/Margaret Malkin, the Cock, Tothill street, Westminster/../../Holdens Directory

1812 – 1827/William Frosdick/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group ***

1825/Mr Frosdick/../../../Licensed Victuallers Association

April 1827/Frosdick/../../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1827/William Frosdick, Cock, 72 Tothill street, Westminster/../../Pigots Directory

1833-34/George Hutchings, Cock, 72 Tothill street, Westminster/../../Pigots Directory

1835 – 1838/George Hutchings/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group ***

1839/George Hutchings/ .. /.. / .. / Pigot’s Directory ***

1841/Mrs Mary Hutchings/.. /.. /.. / Post Office Directory ***

1841/Mary Hutchings/ - /60/ outside county/Census ***
1841/Sarah Bunce/Servant/17/ within Middlesex/Census
1841/Sarah Smart/Servant/22/outside county/Census

1846 – 1868/Charles Flexton/../../../Westminster City Archives Research Group ***

1848/Charles Flexton/.. /.. /.. / Post Office Directory

1851/Charles Flexton/../../../Kellys Directory

1851/Charles Flaxton/Head,Victualler/51/Kimbolton, Hunts/Census ***
1851/Dorothy Flaxton/Wife/50/Peterborough/Census
1851/Thomas Thorn/Son, Barman/17/London, Middlesex/Census

1856/Charles Flexton/.. /.. /.. / Post Office Directory

1861/Charles Flexton /Head, Victualler/60/Kimbolton, Hunts/Census ***
1861/Dorothy Flexton/Wife/60/Rutland,Kelton/Census
1861/Thomas Thorn/son-in-law/27/Westminster,Middlesex/Census
1861/Sarah Clarredge/visitor/59/Dorchester,Dorset/Census
1861/William Hatcher/potman/27/London, Middlesex/Census

1865/Charles Flexton/.. /.. /.. / Death of wife, recorded in The Era ***

New Pub, now at 4 Tothill Street ***

1869/William Sharp/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory **

1871/William Sharp/Publican Railway Tap, Cock/37/London, Middlesex/Census
1871/Helen Sharp/Wife/35/London, Middlesex/Census
1871/Eliza Sharp/Daughter/14/London, Middlesex/Census
1871/Arthur Sharp/Son/9/London, Middlesex/Census
1871/Emma Sharp/Daughter/6/London, Middlesex/Census
1871/Walter Sharp/Son/4/London, Middlesex/Census
1871/William Sharp/Son/2/Westminster, Middlesex/Census
1871/Amelia Sharp/Daughter/3 months/Westminster, Middlesex/Census
1871/Alice Webb/Servant/21/Westminster, Middlesex/Census
1871/Martha Goulee/Barmaid/22/Westminster, Middlesex/Census
1871/Eliza Whitehead/Servant/17/Westminster, Middlesex/Census
1871/James Wise/Potman/24/Westminster, Middlesex/Census
1871/Henry Fryer/Barman/32/Norfolk/Census

1881/Elizabeth Mugridge/Publican/56/Westminster, Middlesex/Census
1881/Pattie K Langley/Barmaid/14/Westminster, Middlesex/Census
1881/Mary E T Richardson/Barmaid/19/Westminster, Middlesex/Census
1881/Annie Thomas/Cook/25/Haverford, Wales/Census
1881/Robert Mason/Barman/29/Westminster, Middlesex/Census
1881/Walter Gain/Potman/29/Lanark, Scotland/Census

1880/Mrs Elizabeth Muggridge/../../../Post Office Directory **

1882/Mrs Elizabeth Mugridge/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Elizabeth Mugeridge/ Head, Victualler/66/Stepney,London/Census ***
1891/George Mugeridge/Son/34/Camden Town, London/Census
1891/Mary Agnes Burt/Cousin, Victualler /38/Bristol/Census
1891/Minnie Georgina Corry/Barmaid/19/Pimlico, London/Census
1891/Julia Sayer/Cook/39/Norfolk/Census
1891/Edward Studd/Barman/30/Rotherhithe/Census

1893/Mrs Burt/Proprietor/…/…/court case reported in “The Era” ***

** Provided By Stephen Harris

*** Provided By John Hills

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:10:35 BST