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Feathers, 18-20 Broadway, London SW1H 0BH

Westminster St Margaret index

The address in 1856 and earlier is at 6 Great Chapel Street. In existence since at least 1745, the pub is marked on the 1869 OS map in its present position (east side, between Dacre Street and Tothill Street). The street was called Broadway in 1795 (Horwood’s map) and reverted to Broadway some time between 1908 and 1935, but some of the houses at the northern end used Broadway as part of their address throughout the 19th Century, and the License transfer references from The Era simply say “Broadway”. The numbering scheme in 1851 was especially chaotic, with 1 to 17 going south on the west side, 1 to 12 going north on the east side up to Dacre Street, then descending again from 9 back to 1 between Dacre Street and Tothill Street. *

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Feathers, 20 Broadway, SW1 - in March 2007

Feathers, 20 Broadway, SW1 - in March 2007

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address.

1805/_ Batson, the Feathers, Broadway, Westminster/../../Holdens Directory

14th Oct 1814/Robert King/../../../Court case reported in The Morning Post *

1827/George Gurney, Feathers, 6 Great Chapel street, Westminster/../../Pigot's Directory

1836/George Marriott, Feathers, 6 Great Chapel street, Westminster/../../Pigot’s Directory

1839/George Marriott/../../../Pigot’s Directory *

1841/George Marriott/Victualler/35/outside Middlesex/Census *
1841/Mary Gaydon/../40/ outside Middlesex/Census
1841/Mary Cotham/../25/ outside Middlesex/Census
1841/Mary Lee/../24/ outside Middlesex/Census
1841/Richard Cutmore/../28/Middlesex/Census
1841/George Cotton/../67/Middlesex/Census
1841/Elias Glover/../19/ outside Middlesex/Census

1851/George Marriott/../../../Kellys Directory

1851/George Marriott/Licensed Victualler, Widow/45/Yorkshire/Census
1851/Ann Rollin/Housekeeper/32/Kent/Census
1851/James Cherry/Barman/22/../Census
1851/Philip West/Barman/19/../Census
1851/Robert Jones/Barman/17/Wales/Census
1851/Mary _/House Servant/20/London, Middlesex/Census

1856/George Marriott/../../../Post Office Directory

1861/George Marriott/Victualler/50/Yorkshire/Census *
1861/Anne D Marriott/Wife/30/Yorkshire/Census
1861/Ann Rollen/Friend and Housekeeper/40/Kent/Census
1861/Henry Burt/Cellarman/25/Devonshire/Census
1861/Robert Castle/Barman/28/Kent/Census
1861/John Davis/Groom/23/Shropshire/Census
1861/William Cooper/Barman/17/Middlesex
1861/Louisa Payne/Housemaid/19/Middlesex/Census
1861/Eliza Tutnell/Cook/22/Middlesex/Census

9th Aug 1864/License transfer from George Marriott to Ann Rollin/../../../The Era *

9th May 1865/License transfer from Ann Rollin to Charles Cornelius Maynard /../../../The Era *

7th May 1867/License transfer from Charles Cornelius Maynard to Samuel Headon /../../../The Era *

1867/Mr Samuel Headon/../../../LV Directory

1869/Samuel Headon/../../../Post Office Directory

1871/John Hembrey/Manager Public House/25/Bermondsey, Surrey/Census *
1871/Jenry Riding/Barman/21/Newport, Isle of Wight/Census
1871/William Oulton/Barman/20/Woolwich, Kent/Census
1871/Charles Wilson/Barman/19/Whitchurch, Hampshire/Census
1871/Ellen Dalton/Servant, Widow/45/Ealing, Middlesex/Census

1881/James K Smyth/Publican/25/Ipswich, Suffolk/Census
1881/Mary Smyth/Wife/24/Deal, Kent/Census
1881/William Holmes/Barman/24/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/John Readden/Barman/25/Ireland/Census
1881/Ann Whiting/General Servant/25/Eye, Suffolk/Census

1882/James Keeble Smyth/../../../Post Office Directory

1884/James K Smyth/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Chas Gurney/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Charles Gurney/Licensed Victualler/32/Bow London/Census *
1891/Amelia Gurney/Wife/30/Poplar London/Census
1891/Charles Whildon Gurney/Son/8/Hastings England/Census
1891Harold Harry Gurney/Son/6/London WC/Census
1891/Amelia Gouch/Nurse/23/Hastings/Census
1891/Elizabeth White/Barmaid/17/Deptford Kent/Census
1891/Sarah Innocent/Barmaid/20/Bethnal Green London/Census
1891/Henry Rolfe/Potman/40/Cambridge/Census

1895/Chas Edward Cobley/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/William Maitland Edwards/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/Anton Fleischheuer/Licensed Victualler/51/Germany (Nat. Brit. Sub.)/Census *
1901/Charles Fleischheuer/Son/20/Long Acre London/Census
1901/James Darmstaller/Visitor and Licensed Victualler/57/Germany (Nat. Brit. Sub.)/Census
1901/George Court/Cook/35/Dundee/Census
1901/Nellie Walkley/Barmaid/25/Cheltenham/Census
1901/Harry Davis/Waiter/15/Wales/Census
1901/Yosef Schmidt/Waiter/18/Austria – n.k./Census
1901/Kate D Cotterell/Barmaid/25/Canada/Census
1901/James Hintermeister/Barman/21/Soho London/Census

1911/Lilian Lloyd/Manageress/32/London/Census *
1911/Amy Barry/Barmaid/25/Clerkenwell/Census
1911/Mary Jane Boniface/Barmaid/24/Sussex/Census
1911/Clara Liffen/Barmaid/22/Yarmouth/Census
1911/Laura Clara Coral Imlach/Barmaid/Essex/Census
1911/Isabella Beacon/Housemaid/45/Aberdeen/Census
Called “The Feathers Hotel” in this census.

1921/E B Chattey, Feathers Hotel, 20 Broadway SW1/../../Hughes Directory 

1934/William Chattey & Mrs Alice Elsie Davis, Feathers, 20 Broadway SW1/../../Post Office Directory 

1938/William Chattey & Mrs Alice Elsie Davis, Feathers, 20 Broadway SW1/../../Post Office Directory 

1942/William Chattey & Mrs Alice Elsie Davis, Feathers, 20 Broadway SW1/../../Post Office Directory 

1944/William Chattey & Mrs Alice Elsie Davis, Feathers, 20 Broadway SW1/../../Post Office Directory 

1971/../Feathers, 20 Broadway SW1/../../Pub Directory 

* Provided By John Hills

** Provided By Stephen Harris

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:10:38 BST