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Whitechapel pub history index
Aka George in 1839, and George & Dragon from 1841 to 1869; at its old address of 275 Whitechapel Road. The original 'George & Dragon' seems to have been demolished by 1882, with a replacement 'Old George' built by 1891 at least. It had ceased to be a pub by 1912 and was then for many years a photographic studio - the green Art Deco tiling was added after it had closed as a pub. Today the premises houses a sandwich bar. **
Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.
Old George, 14 Whitechapel Road - in December 2006
Kindly provided by Stephen Harris
Residents at this address.
1808/William Wallis, stable and inn keeper, the George, Whitechapel road/../../Holdens Directory
1811/Ambrose Tayler, the George, 275 Whitechapel road/../../Holdens Directory
1827/Jos Harbour, George & Dragon, 275 Whitechapel road/../../Pigots Directory
1839/William Layton/../../../Pigots Directory
1841/William Layton/../../../Post Office Directory
1842/W Layton/../../../Robson’s Directory **
1844/J Foster/../../../Thompson’s Directory **
1846/David Hurry/../../../Post Office Directory **
1851/Frederick Stubbs/../../../Post Office Directory
1851/Frederick Stubbs/Licensed Victualler/40/St Lukes, Middlesex/Census
1851/Mary Stubbs/Wife/34/Spitalfields, Middlesex/Census
1851/George Stubbs/Son/12/Spitalfields, Middlesex/Census
1851/Mary Stubbs/Daughter/6/Bishopsgate, London/Census
1851/Emma Stubbs/Daughter/4/Whitechapel, Middlesex/Census
1851/Mary Lloyd/Niece, Barmaid/14/Spitalfields, Middlesex/Census
1851/Mary Johnson/House Servant/22/Handworth, Surrey/Census
1851/John Edway/Potman/20/Mile End Old Town, Middlesex/Census
1852/Fredk. Stubbs/../../../Watkin’s Directory **
1856/Frederick Stubbs/../../../Post Office Directory
19th November 1860/Frederick Stubbs/Outgoing Licensee/../../East London
Observer +
19th November 1860/Edwin Barlett/Incoming Licensee/../../East London
Observer +
1862/Edwin Bartlett/../../../Post Office Directory **
May 1862/Edwin Bartlett/Licensed Victuallers Association/../../Era
May 1863/Edwin Bartlett/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era
May 1863/Joseph Gear/Incoming Licensee/../../Era
May 1866/Fanny Gear, executrix of Joseph Gear, late occupier/Outgoing
May 1866/Isaac Crabb and Joseph Crabb/Incoming Licensee/../../Era
1869/Isaac & Joseph Crabb/../../../Post Office Directory
1870/Herman Francis Bromfield/../../../P.O. Directory **
October 1872/Isaac and George Crabb/Outgoing Licensee/../../East London
October 1872/Frances King/Incoming Licensee/../../East London Observer
1878/Mrs Frances King/../../../P.O. Directory **
1881/Thomas Hattemore/../../../London Gazette
Bankruptcy ***
1884/Albert Wood/../../../Post Office Directory
1885/Albert Wood/../../../P.O. Directory **
1891/A L Cormack/Daughter, Licensed Victuallers Manageress/18/Addle Hill,
1891/Ethel Cormack/Daughter/12/Upton, Essex/Census
1891/Emily A Lee/Barmaid/17/Upton, Essex/Census
1891/Sophia Simmonds/Servant, Widow/59/Upton, Essex/Census
1897/Hermann Francis Brohfield/../../../Proceedings of the Old Bailey **
1899/Hermon Francis Bromfield/../../../Post Office Directory
1908/Abraham Cohen/../../../Post Office Directory **
1910/Hy Levy Steingold/../../../Post Office Directory **
+ Provided by Friends of Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park
** Provided By Stephen Harris
*** Provided By Paul