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London Pigots 1827 Licensed Victuallers - F

A listing of the Pigots 1827 Licensed Victuallers, wine & spirit merchants etc in London, alphabetically listed by surname of licensee.

George IV is on the throne (1820 to 1830)


Edward Fairbreiss, Ship, Camden street, Islington green
Jno Fairbrother, Fleece, 25 Northampton street
William Faircloth & Co, wine and brabdy merchants, 109 Upper East Smithfield
Harriet Fairfax, White Horse tap, 31 Friday street
Richard Fairlam, Bird in Hand, 326 [396] Oxford street
Jno Faithful, Olive Branch, 6 Thomas street, Oxford street
James Falconer, King of Denmark, 23 High street, Wapping
Edw Fancy, Star & Garter, 13 Green street, Leicester square
James Fancy, Blue Anchor, Catherine street, Stepney
Thomas Fancy, Kent Arms Tavern & Hotel, 1 Brownlow street, Holborn
Edw Farey, Marquis of Cornwallis, 28 Warren street, Fitzroy square
Harriet Farmer, Earl of Effingham. 235 Whitechapel road
Benj Farnell, Horns, 160 Upper Thames street
Thomas Farnell, Kings Arms, Abbey place, Bethnal green road
William Farquharson, Kings Head, Webb street, Bermondsey
Jos Farr, Bunch of Grapes, 9 Bennet street, Rathbone place
James Farren, Cobourg eating house, 2 Waterloo road
James Farren, Bedford Coffee House, 42 Southampton row
William Farrer, White Horse Inn, 29 Friday street, City
John Farrington, Black Dog, 45 Church street, Shoreditch
John Farrington, Gordon Arms, 262 High Holborn
John Farrow, Crown & Sceptre, Britannia street, City road
John Farrow, Marquis of Cornwallis, 20 Curtain road
Stephen Faulkes, wine & brandy vaults, 25 Little Newport street, Leicester square
John Faulkner, Coach & Horses, 324 Strand
James Fausett, Queens Head, 93 High street, Marylebone
William Fawcett, Pewter Platter, Cock hill, Ratcliffe
Jos Fearn, Blue Last, 113 Curtain road, Shoreditch
John Fearon, King & Queen, Chapel street, St Georges East
John Fearon, Bee Hive, King street, Commercial road
George Fell, Coopers Arms, Green bank, Wapping
John D Fell, Green Dragon, Half Moon alley, Bishopsgate
Francis Fendall, New Exchequer Coffee house & Hotel, New Palace yard, and 14 Bridge street, Westminster
George Fenall, Fountain, Anwell street, Clerkenwell
William Fennell, Wellington, 92 Drury lane
Francis Fenton, Fentons Hotel, 63 St James's street
John Ferguson, Gun, Cold harbour, Blackwall
William Ferguson, Barley Mow, Fore street, Limehouse
James Fermor, Earl Cathcart, York market, Regents park
Alex Fernie, Ship & Pilot, 27 High street, Wapping
William Ferre, Grisbys Laming, 12 Threadneedle street
Stephen Ferrier, Mercers Arms, 17 Mercer street, Long acre
John Ferris, King & Prince of Wales, 1 Brick street, Park lane
George Field, Sun, Heddon street, Regent street, Piccadilly
J W Field, Barley Mow, 50 Long lane, West Smithfield
John Field, Duke of Cambridge, Felix street, Hackney road
John Field, Three Compasses, 68 Bankside, Borough
Thomas Field, Lord Nelson, Holloway road
William Field, Two Chairmen, 38 Dartmouth street, Westminster
William Fielder, pencutters Arms, James street, Lambeth
Eliz Filgate, Duke William, 101 Old Gravel lane
Anne Filmalter, Camden Arms, Patriot row, Bethnal green
Samuel Finch, Flying Horse, 53 Grub street, Cripplegate
Thomas Finch, Rodney Head, William street, Great Suffolk street, Borough
Edw Findlay, Green Dragon, 38 King street, Golden square
Jos Firth, George, 13 Middle row, Holborn
Charles Fisher, Jubilee, Gee street, Somers town
Henry Fisher, Admiral Duncan, 203 Tooley street
Jane Fisher, Elephant & Castle, Newington
Owen Fitzpatrick, Bunch of Grapes, 6 White Rose court, Bishopsgate street
Rd Flack, Duke of Gloucester, 118 Park street, Grosvenor square
Henry Flagg, Black Horse, George yard, Whitechapel
Henry Flanders, Queens Head, George street, Bethnal green
John Fleetwood, Red Lion, 10 Gilbert street, Oxford street
James Fleming, Kings Arms, 104 Upper East Smithfield
John Fletcher, Queens Head, 405 Strand
John Fletcher, Kings Head, Upper street, Islington
Thomas Fletcher, Carpenters Arms, 7 Adam street West, Bryanstone square
Henry Flight, Bulls Head, 101 Tottenham court road
William Float, Kings Head, St Swithins lane, City
William Fluister, Horns, 35 Bermondsey square
William Folsder, Crown, Spa road, Bermondsey
Anthy Folkard, Royal Oak, Great Earl street, Seven Dials
William Folkard, Castle, 26 King street, Cheapside
Sh Foocks, Cornwall coffee rooms, Cornwall road, Lambeth
James Burt Foot, Raven & Sun, Russel street, Bermondsey
Edward Ford, Castle, 3 Portugal street, Lincolns Inn
Jos Ford, Tilt Boat, Darkhouse lane, Billingsgate
Jos Ford, Walnut Tree, 12 St Albans street
James Forder, Star & Garter, Old Palace yard, Westminster
John Fordham, Camdens Head, 19 Church lane, Limehouse
George Fordyce, King & Queen, Rotherhithe street
Foreign Wine Company, 349 Strand
Foreign wine Rooms, 155 Fleet street
Charles Ford, Cambridge Coffee House, 48 Newman street
Rd Forman, George & Dragon, Bury street, St James's
Robert Forster, Spread Eagle, Thames bank, Pimlico
Jos Fossett, Kings Head, Wells mews, Well street
Jos Foster, White Hart, George court, Coleman street
William Foster, halfway House, Webber street, Blackfriars road
Eliz Fothergill, Ship & Whale, 19 Wapping wall
James Foulkes, Crown, 22 West Smithfield
Rd Foulkes, White Horse, 100 High Holborn
Thomas Foulkes, Castlwe, 17 Great Chapel street, Westminster
Chester Foulsham, Bricklayers Arms, East street, lambeth
William Fountain, Marquis of Granby, Percy street, Tottenham court road
Betty Fowler, Two Brewers, Little Tufton street, Westminster
George Fox, Carpenters Arms, Stafford place, South Pimlico
John Fox, hare, 109 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Henry Frampton, Wilmington Arms, Yardley street, Spafields
William Frampton, Chequers, Abingdon street, Westminster
James France, Portland Arms, 54 Great Marylebone street
Robert Francies, The Globe Tea and Coffee Rooms, 48 Beech street, Barbican
Emanuel Francis, Ship, 104 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Thomas Francis, White Swan, 8 Ray street, Clerkenwell
Thomas Francis, Old Fountain, Baldwin street, City road
George Franklin, Adam & Eve, Church street, Shoreditch
Jos Franklin, Triumphant Chariot, Pembroke mews, Grosvenor place
Samuel Franklin, tea & coffee rooms, 25 Ivy lanem StPauls
Thomas Franklin, Three Compasses, 1 King street, Golden square
Whitnight Franklyn, Yorkshire Grey, 85 Bermondsey street
Charles Fraser, Lord Nelson, 145 Whitechapel road
James Fraser, One Tun, Perkins rents, Westminster
Edw Freeman, Fishmongers Arms, 3 Prospect place, St Georges road
Elizabeth Freeman, Yorkshire Grey, 49 High street, Whitechapel
Job Freeman, White Hart, Castle street, St Giles
Thomas Freeman, Rodneys Head, 293 Rotherhithe street
Jos Freemantle, Hole in the Wall, Baldwins gardens
Henry Freere, Sun, 50 Lambs Conduit street
French Brandy Distillery Company, 7 Smithfield bars
Susan French, Three Jolly Gardeners, Lambeth butts
Sush French, Cart & Horse, Turnmill street, Clerkenwell
John Frettwell, Thatched House Tavern, Islington
Michael Thomas Frid, Queens Head, 12 Whitecross street, Cripplegate
Samuel Friend, Three Wheat Sheaves, Islington green
William Friend, Robinson Crusoe, Eary street, Lisson griove
William Frosdiek, Cock, 72 Tothill street, Westminster
George Frost, Kings Head, 36 Little Queen street, Lincolns Inn
Issachar Frost, Lord Collingwood, Collingwood street
James Frost, Moors Arms, Bromley New Town
George Fry, Horse & Groom, 87 John street, Clerkenwell
Jno Fry, Ben Jonson, 26 Pelham street, Spitalfields
Samuel Fry, Peacock, Bethnal green
Charles Fuller, Newington Arms, King street, Walworth
James Fuller, Black Boy & Horse Shoe, 1 Nicholas lane
William Fulwell, Kings Head, Booths court, Oxford street
William Funge, Seven Stars, Sun yard, East Smithfield
James Furbank, Craven Arms, 41 Marshall street, Golden square
John William Furbee, Old Ivy House, 84 Goswell street
James Furzman, Kings Arms, 11 Smarts buildings, Holborn
Sarah Futter, Bell, 78 St John street, West Smithfield

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 10:06:36 GMT