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A listing of the Robsons 1829 Licensed Victuallers in London
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Falcon, Robert Cockburn, 28 Old Fish
Falcon, J Crump, 9 Goldsmith
street, Gough square
Falcon, Thomas East, 84 Upper Thames street
Falcon, M Mitchell, 3 Sutton street, Soho
Falcon, J Nuth, 14 Portpool lane, Leather lane
Falcon, William Smith, 127 Fetter lane
Falcon, J White, 8 Falcon square,
Aldersgate street
Falcon & Cross Keys, J Osborn, 39 Great Russell
street, Bloomsbury
Farnham Castle, J
Simmonds, 19 Little Trinity lane
Feathers, Mary Bickhaffer, 8 St Martins street, Leicester square
Feathers, Hugh Capp, 1 Dockhead
Feathers, William
Clark, 8 Warren street, Fitzroy square
Feathers, Isaac Coles, 59 King street, Seven dials
Feathers, Josh Davis, 42 Hart street, Covent garden
Feathers, William Druce,
Commercial road, Lambeth
Feathers, J Ellis, 48 Grosvenor place
Feathers, J Garner, Dean street, Westminster
Feathers, J Leach, Lambeth walk
Feathers, J Plowman, High Timber street, Upper Thames street
Feathers, C Powell, 50 Duke
street, St James's
Feathers, Thomas Reynolds, 346 Oxford street
Feathers, Thomas Self
sen, Stoney street, Borough market
Feathers, H Spring, 53 Featherstone street, City road
Feathers, Thomas Tanner, 12 Great Wild street, Lincolns inn fields
Feathers, J C Todd, Temple street, Whitefriars
Fellmongers Arms, A Thompson,
Willow walk, Bermondsey
Fighting Cocks,
J Revell, 5 Dartmouth street, Westminster
Finsbury Coffee House, J Merry, Wilson street, Finsbury
Fir tree, Abm Keasley, Church lane, Whitechapel
Fish, John Andrews, 13 Fisher
street, Redlion square
Fish & Bell, R D Grellier, 9 Charles
street, Soho square
Fishing Smack, E Atkins, Coldharbour, Blackwall
Fishmongers Arms,
E Freeman, Prospect Place, Southwark
Fishmongers Arms, M Lyon,
Duke place, Houndsditch
Fishmongers Arms,
G W Turner, Clare market
Fitzroy Arms, S Barber, 21 Clipstone
street, Fitzroy square
Five Bells, E Allen, Threecolt
street, Limehouse
Five Bells, T R Jones, 105 Chancery lane
Five Bells, Samuel Pipe, Bermondsey
Five Pipes, E Pugh, Pickle Herring,
Tooley street
Fleece, W Blackwell, 27 Little Windmill
street, Golden square
Fleece, Alexander Cooper, 16 Threadneedle
Fleece, J Moon, 70 Tothill street, Westminster
Fleece, H Randall, 16 Marsham
street, Westminster
Fleece, J Virgent, Duke street, Upper Stamford street
Fleur de Lis, R Barnett, 18 Fleur de Lis street, Norton
Fleur de Lis, E Nicks, 70 Houndsditch
Flower Pot, J Sinclair, 145 Church street, Bethnal green
Flower Pot, W Smith, 115 Bishopsgate
street within
Flying Horse, W Adcock, 28 Wilson
street, Finsbury
Flying Horse, Jos Carter, 22 Blackman Street, Borough
Flying Horse, L Haydon, 2 Oxford street
Flying Horse, J G Le
Cluse, 12 Charterhouse lane
Flying Horse, J Plowman,
1 Crown street, Walworth road
Flying Horse, J Towers, Lambeth
street, Whitechapel
Folly Gallery, Philip Overton, Rotherhithe
Fortune of War, G
Boddington, 4 Giltspur street
Fortune of War, Thomas King, East
street, Manchester square
Fortune of War,
D Quinlan, 22 Upper Thames street
Founders Arms,
J Brize, 1 Foundershall court, Lothbury
Founders Arms,
Sam Smith, Holland Street, Blackfriars bridge
Fountain, W Chandler,
Artichoke row, Mile end road
Fountain, B
Chesterman, 4 Clare street, Clare market
Fountain, H Fearon,
Virginia row, Bethnal green
Fountain, J Gill,
Great Shire lane, Fleet street
Fountain, W Hochkin, 41 Redcross street, Cripplegate
Fountain, R Jarvis, 9 King street, Seven dials
Fountain, William Lacey, 132 Rosemary lane
Fountain, P Lovegrove, 88
High street, Shoreditch
Fountain, J G Page, 17 Minories
Fountain, William Parker, Lambeth walk
Fountain, James Skinner, New street, Dockhead
Fountain, N Tarr, 1 Fountain place, City road
Fountain, Joseph Wait,
Wych street, Strand
Fountain, D Wilson, Fountain court, Cheapside
Fountain Head, W Allan, 41 Amwell street,
Fountain & Star, Francis Proudman,
Castle court, Lawrence lane
Fountain & Still, J Loader, 4 Golden lane, Barbican
Fox, J Archdeacon, 13 Sherrard street, Golden square
Fox, Robert Clark, 162 Oxford street
Fox, D Croft, 49 Brewer street, Golden square
Fox, W Day, Princes street, Lambeth
Fox, T Garbutt, 3 Foxs lane, Shadwell
Fox, W Gilham, Castle street, Borough
Fox, W Perkins, 3 Duke street, Bloomsbury
Fox, R Sirrell, 97 Paul street, Finsbury
Fox, Charles Coley, 1 Paradise row, Old Islington green
Fox & Anchor, J Barton, 18 Charterhouse lane
Fox & Bull,
Fras Hewett, High road, Knightsbridge
Fox & Cock, William
Winder, 12 Grays Inn lane
Fox & French Horn,
G Atkin, 29 Clerkenwell green
Fox & Goose, T
Bowditch, Bermondsey street
Fox & Goose, J Pollett, Brickhill lane, Upper Thames street
Fox & Grapes, J
Brooks, 18 Primrose street
Fox & Hounds, T Bennett,
37 Hare street, Bethnal green
Fox & Hounds, C Callow, Paradise row, Chelsea
Fox & Hounds, J Clark, 264 Tottenham Court road
Fox & Hounds, James Davis, Stratford
Fox & Hounds,
W Wilson, Guildford street, Borough
Fox & Knot, J Smith, Fox & Knot court,
King street, Snow hill
Fox under the Hill,
C Gulston, Ivy bridge lane, Strand
French Horn, John
Cane, 26 Crutchedfriars
French Horn, S Doggett, 43 Beech street, Barbican
French Horn, Alex Patrick, Lambeth walk
Free Masons Arms, W North, Salmons lane, Limehouse
Free Masons Arms, Phillibrown
& Son, 81 Long acre
Friend at Hand, S Smith, 32 Colonnade,
Russell square
Friar, E Ford, 8
Friar street, Blackfriars road
Frying Pan, George Hone, Brick lane, Spitalfields
Fulham Bridge, W Pratt, 10 Knightsbridge