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The London 1842 Robsons Public House & Publican Directory - R.

A listing of the Public Houses, Publicans and Public House address in 1842

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Railway tavern, Rattenbury Nich. Greenwich railroad
Rainbow, Argent Isaac, 15 Fleet street
Rainbow, Dowler Jos. Queen street, Ratcliffe
Rainbow, Frimley John, Liverpool road
Rainbow, Rudd William. 24 Newgate street
Ram inn, Brough Thomas, West Smithfield
Ram & Magpie, Hampstead S. 1 Fleet street, Bethnal green
Rams Head, Clarke S. Borough market
Raven, Sanders D. Battersea
Raven & Sun, Foot E M A, Russell street, Bermondsey
Red Bull, New Jos. St Anns court, Dean street, Soho
Red Cap, Aley John, Camberwell green
Red Cow, Brunt M, Park place, Mile end road
Red Cow, Bryon James, 23 Charter house lane
Red Cow, Chapman John, 72 Long lane, West Smithfield
Red Cow, Coe Mary, Grange, Bermondsey
Red Cow, Read John William. 22 Long lane, Smithfield
Red Cow, Smith William. 4 King street, Snow hill
Red Cow, Standley James. Old Castle street, Shoreditch
Red Cow, Stanley James. 40 Castle street, Bethnal green
Red Cow, Wise James. Princes street, Lambeth
Red Cross, Field Hannah, 200 High street, Borough
Red Cross, Gable Isaac, 12 Hare street, Bethnal green
Red Cross, Law John, Newgate market
Red Cross, Stodgell William, 10 Upper East Smithfield
Red Cross, White Hy. 33 Barbican
Red Deer, Bocking Thomas. Cambridge road, Mile end road
Red Gate, Hine John, 34 & 35 Kingsgate street, Holborn
Red Hart, Ashwell Thomas. 20 Shoe lane, Fleet street
Red Hart, Clipperton Thomas. 111 Fetter lane, Holborn
Red Horse, Hogg Charles jun, 10 Old Bond street
Red House, Barker Thomas. Gravel lane, Southwark
Red House, Wright Charles. Battersea fields
Red Lion, Assinder Rd. 5 Cross lane, Long acre
Red Lion, Atkinson Samuel, Horselydown lane
Red Lion, Baker Eliz. Red Lion court, Fleet street
Red Lion, Ballance Thomas. 197 Ratcliffe highway
Red Lion, Beaumont James, Liltle Guilford street, Brunswick square
Red Lion, Bell William. 2 Hanway street, Oxford street
Red Lion, Bentall John, 20 Red Lion street, Spitalfields
Red Lion, Bare John, 17 Bevis marks
Red Lion, Barwick Ann, 5 Fleet lane, Old Bailey
Red Lion, Brown James. 4 & 5 Houghton street, Clare market
Red Lion, Buckmaster John, 52 Shoe lane, Fleet street
Red Lion, Butler Rd. 48 Red Lion street, Clerkenwell
Red Lion, Calley John, Hart street, Covent garden
Red Lion, Church T. W. 339 Strand
Red Lion, Corney Jane, 48 Parliament street
Red Lion, Cutmore Vincent, 16 Butcherhall lane
Red Lion, Delaney J. 20 Great Windmill street, Haymarket
Red Lion, Drewry James. 44 Cowcross street, West Smithfield
Red Lion, Dunning John, 23 Rosoman street, Clerkenwell
Red Lion, Eaton Martha, 145 Fenchnrch street
Red Lion, Foreman George, 10 Chapel street, St Georges east
Red Lion, Gamble T. E. 14 Princes street, Drury lane
Red Lion, Gentry Francis William. 33 Liverpool street, Bishopsgate street
Red Lion, Golding William. 59 Grays inn lane
Red Lion, Goodchild R. 27 Upper King street, Bloomsbury square
Red Lion, Hardy Jos. Upper Queens buildings, Brompton
Red Lion, Harlock Edw. Laystall street, Grays inn lane
Red Lion, Hayward Sam. Spicer street, Spitalfields
Red Lion, Hicks Jas. New street, Borough road
Red Lion, Hill B. G. 31 Poppins court, Fleet street
Red Lion, Hobson Jos. 72 High Holborn
Red Lion, Howard J. 1 Breezers hill, Ratcliffe highway
Red Lion, Huggonson Edw. Charles street, Long acre
Red Lion, Hunt Hy. 14 Great Wild street, Lincolns inn
Red Lion, Jones Rd. 85 Union street, Borough
Red Lion, Kenney James. Whitehorse alley, Cowcross street
Red Lion, Kesby John, 30 High street, Whitechapel
Red Lion, Kemp Jas. 3 Green street, Theobalds road
Red Lion, King G, 31 Chamber street, Goodmans fields
Red Lion, Lankester Sam. Lower Forest, Lambeth
Red Lion, Laws John, Cross street, Finsbury
Red Lion, Lebentz John, Black lion yard, Whitechapel
Red Lion, Marwick William. Crown court, Pall Mall
Red Lion, Miles William H. 7 Duke street, Manchester square
Red Lion, Moore J. Thompson, 14 King street, Golden square
Red Lion, Mullins J. & William. Edgware road, Paddngton
Red Lion, Must William, 5 Redcross street, Cripplegate
Red Lion, Nenth Jos. Batty street, Commercial road
Red Lion, Newstead Ben. 27 Clarges street, Piccadilly

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 10:07:29 GMT