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The London 1842 Robsons Public House & Publican Directory - R3.

A listing of the Public Houses, Publicans and Public House address in 1842

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Roebuck, Collins Abel, Great Dover street
Roebuck, EltoffJ.G. 16 Cannon street road, St Göorges east
Roebuck, Geekie Pet. Edwards place, Hackney road
Roebuck, Hutchings A. J, 11 Tooley street
Roebuck, Israel Hy. 48 Duke street, Aldgate
Roebuck, Jones Robert, 72 Union street, Borough
Roebuck, Pople George, 108 Tottenham court road
Roebuck, Tilley John, 1 Edwards place, Hackney road
Rose, Buggs W. H. Snows fields
Rose, Burden C. J. Saville place, Lambeth
Rose, Richard George, 16 Great Wild street, Lincolns inn
Rose, Eden John, Russell street, Bermondsey
Rose, Esberger Thomas, Sayille place, Lambeth
Rose, Freer Hy. Cursitor street
Rose, Glover William, 51 Bridge road, Lambeth
Rose, Grinder Robert, Frog lane, Lower road, Islington
Rose, Jaques John 0, 12 Monkwell street, Cripplegate
Rose, Papps Lewis, 2 Farringdon street
Rose, Rogers William, 57 Old bailey
Rose, Sanders Thomas, 88 Wimpole street, Cavendish sq
Rose, Stephens William, West Smithfield
Rose, Woodward Joseph, 58 Hatton garden
Rose and ball, Kingstonll, 12 Bennetts hill, Doctors commons
Rose and bell, Sparkes William, 26 Bankside, Southwark
Rose and crown, Bates John, Dorset street, Salisbury square
Rose and crown, Bennett J. Colville court, Charlotte street
Rose and crown, Boyce William, Clipstone street, Fitzroy square
Rose and crown, Bratt Jos. 21 Dartmouth street
Rose and crown, Burrows James. 56 Lower Thames street
Rose and crown, Cable William, 23 Charles street, Commercial road
Rose and crown, Clark Ann, 19 Commercial road, Lambeth
Rose and crown, Clark George Jno, Queen street, Tower hill
Rose and crown, Cole J. Back church lane, Whitechapel
Rose and crown, Cooper J. 44 Broad street, Bloomsbury
Rose and crown, Crowley Alf. Little Bartholomew close
Rose and crown, Dosschir Gerdt Hy. 64 Parsons street, Ratcliff
Rose and crown, Druce William, Crown street, Soho
Rose and crown, Dunton G. Cambridge road, Mile end
Rose and crown, Eardley Andrew, Ship tavern passage, Leadenhall market
Rose and crown, Enock Mary, 62 Tottenham court road
Rose and crown, Faulkes S. Little Newport street, Soho
Rose and crown, Finey Thomas, Wentworth street, Whitech
Rose and crown, Franklin E. New wharf, Whitefriars
Rose and crown, Fraser J. 19 High road, Knightsbrdge
Rose and crown, Gaunt John, 66 Old broad street
Rose and crown, Gould Thos. Essex street, Whitechapel
Rose and crown, Graves A. 3 Park lane, Piccadilly
Rose and crown, Harms R. 118 High street, Wapping
Rose and crown, Hinder George, E. Dean street, Soho
Rose and crown, James George. 78 Aldgate High street
Rose and crown, Johnson Jas. 6 Booth street, Spitalfields
Rose and crown, Jones J. 32 Allen street, Goswell street
Rose and crown, Jones Samuel, 168 Goswell street
Rose and crown, Killby William, Little Britain, Aldersgate street
Rose and crown, Kemp James, I Little Pulteney street, Golden square
Rose and crown, Merritt Thomas. New wharf, Whitefriars
Rose and crown. Monk J. C, Shad Thames
Rose and crown, Oman G. Redmans row, Mile end road
Rose and crown, Perkins B. 57 Drury lane
Rose and crown, Rayney J. W. Cambridge heath
Rose and crown, Riley William, Star court, Shadwell
Rose and crown, Rundle William, 20 Colvill court, Fitzroy square
Rose and crown, Rushall J. Brunswick street, Blackfrs road
Rose and crown, Shand George, Long lane, Bermondsey
Rose and crown, Smallcombe Jno. London house yard, St Pauls
Rose and crown, Stevens Mary, 172 Union street, Borough
Rose and crown, Stevens Geo. 26 Little Britain
Rose and crown, Tait Jas, Hart street, Grosvenor square
Rose and crown, Terrett Jas. Salisbury lane, Bermondsey
Rose and crown, Tisdell Thos. Love lane, Eastcheap
Rose and crown, Turner W. C. 24 Fort street, Spitalfields
Rose and crown, Watts William. Lower Crown street, Westminster
Rose and crown, Webster B. 112 East street, Kennington road
Rose and crown, Wilkins T F, Crucifix lane, Bermondsey
Rose and crown, Williams William, 287 Oxford street
Rose and French horn, Slater J. 58 Wood street, Cheapside
Rose and Punch bowl, Oman George, Redmans row, Mile end
Rose and ram, Barnes William C, 83 Redcross street, Bororough
Rose and rummer, Bury Sarah, Paradise street, Rotherhithe
Rose and three tuns, Richardson R. Little Earl street, Seven dials
Rosemary branch, Smith J. 6 Southampton street, Peckham

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 10:07:34 GMT