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A listing of the Public Houses, Publicans and Public House address in 1846
Imperial Crown, ERt
Watkins, Bromley, Middlesex
Independent, T
Pritchard, 24 Brewer street, Somers Town
India Arms, O Dulles, 62 Gainsford street, Horsleydown
India Arms, J Penny, 48 Trinity street, Rotherhithe
India House, Robert
Theadore, Rotherhithe
Intrepid Fox, Henry Elphick, 75 Wardour street, Soho
Ironmongers Arms, S
Knight, 7 Lizard street
Ivy House, George W Rogers, Ivy place, Hoxton
Jack of Newbury, Jacob Nash, 25 Chiswell street
Jacobs Well, G Bond, 25 New in, Broadway,
Jacobs Well,
T Green, 14 Upper Ground street, Blackfriars
Jacobs Well, James Howard, 23 Well street, Mile End
Jacobs Well, M Nicholson, 65 Milton street, Cripplegate
Jacobs Well, James
Shaw, Jacobs Well passage, Barbican
Jacobs Well, T Wood, 13 Charles street, Manchester square
Jane Shore, Thomas Challis, 103 Shoreditch
Jews Harp, T R Langton, Edward street, Regents Park
Jobs Castle, J Lovell, White Lion street,
Norton Folgate
John Bull, John Abbott, 30 Tyer street, Lambeth
John Bull, J Crane, 3 Brewer street north, Goswell road
John Bull, William Crawley, Roman road, Old Ford
John Bull, Elisha Bannister, 11 Blue Anchor road
John Bull, J R Wilson, Bath street, East India road
John Kemble, John
Champion, 60 Long Acre
John of Gaunt, Mrs T Tucker, 5 Duke street, Lincolns Inn fields
John O'Groat, William Benton, 24 Gray street, Blackfriars road
John of Jerusalem, Mrs M
Porter, 1 Rosoman street
Johnsons Arms, E Millwood, 1
Johnson street, Notting Hill
Joiners Arms, Charles J
Durham, Camberwell Green
Joiners Arms,
Mrs jane Lane, Westminster road
Jolly Anglers, T Norris, Old Chapel row,
Kentish town
Jolly Anglers, John Wright, 42 Bath street, City road
Jolly Butchers, Mrs C Barker, High street, Stoke Newington
Jolly Caulkers, G
Lulham, Lower road, Rotherhithe
Jolly Coopers, T J T
Ashley, 1 Shorts Buildings
Jolly Farmers, L Quinton, 58 Cumberland Market
Jolly Gardeners, S Bird, Princes road, Lambeth
Jolly Gardeners, J Smith, St Georges row, Pimlico
Jolly Miller,
Mrs Harriet Ann Richardson, 41 Webber row, Blackfriars road
Jolly Miller, John
Winter, 51 Millbank street
Jolly Sailor, William Brown, Back road, St Georges East
Jolly Sailor, George
Logdon, 182 Ratcliff highway
Jolly Sailor, W Ward, 7
Cobourg place, Rotherhithe
Jolly Sailor, William Yeoman, 27 New Gravel lane
Jolly Waterman, R Sampson, 23 Rotherhithe street
Jolly Weavers, W Hart, 21 Johns row, St Lukes
Junction Arms, James Patton, 4 Praed street, Paddington